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Black Women Have NO Conflict Resolution Skills! #SHORTS

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Firstly, why is this tatted up freeloader crying like a triple cream certified emasculated simp? Secondly, as you can clearly see, when it comes down to conflict resolution, the overwhelming majority of black women are clearly incapable of successfully engaging in the process.

If what she’s saying is true about the dude cheating and being a liar, why not just peacefully leave? Why does she have to go through the incredibly disrespectful practice of cutting off some of the guy’s dreads?

This is one of many problems when you choose to deal with black women, it’s very hard to break up with them, they’d much rather hawk around and make an example out of you because of your transgressions as opposed to simply cutting their losses and walking away.

Black women as a collective live for being spiteful, vindictive, evil and nasty towards black men, it’s just a pity that most black men suffer from severe Stockholm Syndrome to the point where they refuse to see it.

They also live to humiliate, mock, ridicule, berate and disparage their male counterparts with any and every opportunity that presents itself. This is your average black female gents, reason 998,567,998 as to why you should give them an extremely wide berth.

It can never be a simple cut and dry process when it comes to separating from black women, you cannot reason with the unreasonable. Gentlemen, as always, feel free to chime in with your thoughts. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Continues

All The Best To Those Negroes Who Still Wish To Deal With Black Women

Most High Bless

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17 thoughts on “Black Women Have NO Conflict Resolution Skills! #SHORTS

  1. Verbs 2015.

    Black women love humiliating black women in front the whole world and that’s the reason why I refuse to date them. Then you get some fucking stupid pro black simps telling as SYSBM black men there are some good quality unicorn black women out there and that we are just looking in the wrong places and I say bullshit. If good black women existed in 2024 then they wouldn’t lead in being the most overweight women on the planet, the ugliest women on the planet, the fakest looking women on the planet and the biggest single mothers group on the planet. Black women love being single mothers which destroys their sexual market value towards childfree men like me because no childfree man with his head screwed on would want to take on that baggage and drama. What makes me laugh is that you still have black women who are single mothers thinking that their sexual market value is still high from when they didn’t have any kids. Black women are the most delusional women on the planet.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I refuse to allow any of my peace to be disturbed or taken away by a group of females who’ve already made it abundantly clear that they hate my guts and want to see me dead. Those knucklehead blue pilled, pro black simps just like their black female overlords are living in a dimension of profound delusion.

      The extremely few good black women that did exist a very, very long time ago went the way of the dinosaurs. The overwhelming majority of black women don’t even look like black women anymore, they now resemble deformed mutant freaks, Frankenstein monsters and completely unrecognisable creatures. Black women simply aren’t black women anymore and they haven’t been for a long time.

    2. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      “Then you get some fucking stupid pro black simps telling as SYSBM black men there are some good quality unicorn black women out there and that we are just looking in the wrong places…..”

      Yeah and can they tell us where the right places are? Universities? Churches? Mosques? Libraries? Cos I’m not about to use my valuable time trawling through haystacks to find a needle. Even if you did manage to bag a “good” one, what about all the others she hangs with?

      No matter what section of society they’re in, they have a hive mind like birds and are loyal to other Keishas, so any sensible black man simply wouldn’t bother.

  2. Verbs 2015.

    I meant to say black women love humiliating black men in front of the whole world. Sorry for the mistake.

    1. Negress sheboons can only humiliate blackistan negroes with severe Stockholm Syndrome.

      Despite shortcomings from white women in most western societies, I don’t see them humiliating black men in front of the whole world on social media.

      Black females ain’t women.

      Black females are just females.

      The words “black” and “women” will never be used in the same sentence of my vocabulary again after this.

      1. Wittexton Witwijf,

        I’ve yet to come across white women as a collective humiliating black men as a whole. Sure you are probably going to get the odd case here and there, but nothing on the scale of the modern day black female and her atrocious and religious track record.

  3. SYSBM: They say it’s goanna rain tomorrow. Enjoying the red wine.
    White sugar honey (Running her feet up his leg) : Yeah, I’m enjoying it.

    If the man is cheating or lying, then why she just leave the dude and move on to be with someone who is not like this simp that we just saw? She found out that he was fucking around as she went through her phone but she can just leave the guy and move on. but the thing is when it comes to black women, they will embarrass a man and put it on social media and we have seen it so many times.

    The woman is mad and filled with hurt and envy as he was with another woman or more then one but the thing is this that she should off left him. And let me tell you something. You see simps like him? Them dudes are made for women as they have been raised by women. So does the criminals as well. I was watching a video on YouTube.

    Right, I had my ways when I was in my 20s but if I find out that the woman I am with has another man, I’m moving on. I’m running. I’m not wasting my time with someone who doesn’t wanna be with me. But when it comes to the ratchet black women, they will embarrass a man without thinking and they don’t care whatsoever.

    Hey, keep your white sugar safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  4. But why is this dude crying like a b*tch? The correct response would have been to smack that hoe upside her head. I don’t give a f**k what he did. BM as a collective have been cucked to high heaven. No wonder these b*tches disrespect us at will. The legendary Ike Turner knew how to handle his b*tches and is looking down in shame at today’s emasculated black twinks. SMH.

    1. Yo Moma Black,

      Yep, unfortunately most black women know that they can get away with carrying out the most disrespectful behaviour against black men because most of said men have had the overwhelming majority of their masculinity removed. Black men as a collective are in a very sad state.

  5. One could say why not call out the guy for cheating, or that there’s other races of women who have done worse i.e. stabbed their partner for refusing sex (there’s a reason for that, but that’s another topic) or in rare cases, cut their husband’s penis off. My answer would be it doesn’t matter, because bdubs always act out in extremes no matter how trivial the situation is – I learned that from a very young age. Everything has to be turned into a nuclear bomb. They just seem unable to handle anything with class and grace and never leave a situation better than how they found it. Yes, every race of women has their demons, but black women are a particularly horrible, spiteful and nasty bunch, way worse than others.

    Honestly, it’s a struggle for me to even refer to them as women. Even though they always manage to be a thorn in the side of black men no matter what – just ask brothers living and visiting overseas – the best thing anyone can do is stay away from them as much as possible. If you have to be around them for anything, keep it brief then keep it moving. It works for me.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      I still remember coming across a video many years ago of a black female who ran over her boyfriend because he wanted to leave her. Unfortunately for the guy has to get both of his legs amputated. Black women will always go to the extreme when it comes to unfortunate situations, we’ve seen this time and time again.

      This is why I’ll continue to make the case that most black females are possessed by evil spirits who have full control of them. In my opinion this is the only way their collective derailment and heavy demise can be explained logically and rationally.

  6. I’ve seen this video on Instagram; there is a longer version where it shows her actually taking a clipper and cutting his hair.

    I don’t know if this dude is a heavy sleeper or not, but the fact that he didn’t move at all when she was shaving his hair makes this even more crazy; if she knew that about him, she made sure to take full advantage of it. This guy crying and moaning afterwards made him look like a big baby; if that were me, I might catch a case. Did you catch that part she said about him booking an appointment with another woman to do his dreads? Is that what she calls “cheating”? Dude should’ve iced her in her grille like Mike Tyson did to his opponents in his prime!

    I remember another stragg who got mad at her man for something (I can’t remember why), and decided it’d be a great idea to video herself shampooing his dreads for him, but she put Nair in the bottle; his dreads came apart from his head in less than 2 minutes (probably less than 1 minute). She made a follow up video where she shared a photo he sent to her with his head completely bald, and he quit talking to her completely after that; he wouldn’t respond to any of her messages, not even from her friend. I hope the guy in the above video learns to do the same, but most Black male simps suffer from Stockholm Syndrome; this is why SYSBM is for the few thinking brothers. Be sure that you are one of them. #SYSBM

    1. BCT,

      The minimum response she would’ve gotten from me would’ve been a hammer straight to the middle of the skull. Black women need to learn that there are boundaries that are not to be crossed and serious consequences if they choose to violate them.

      Unfortunately because most black men have had the majority of their masculinity removed from them, black women know that they can engage in extreme behaviours against them and get away with it.

      In 2024 it’s incredibly sad to see the ultra high levels of disrespect that most black men will tolerate from black women. What’s even worse are the blue pilled, pro black simps who expect free thinking brothers to follow them down the same non self respecting path, smh.

    1. Cortez A Pates,

      Agreed, a real man without hesitation would’ve cleaned her clock and sent her backside clean into the shadow realm.

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