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Black Women – “I Didn’t Do Nuffin” Communitah Edition! #SHORTS

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It’s all yours gents, it doest matter what spectrum we look into, black women as a collective are premium grade trouble makers who simply can’t behave themselves nor follow basic instructions regardless of the environment they’re in.

And these are the uncouth rat scallions who have the audacity to rail accusations at black men each and every day. Just look at the trouble they’re getting themselves into via THEIR OWN HANDS.

SYSBM™ till the wheels fall off and even then we’re still willing to roll on rims and watch the sparks fly. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Black Women As A Collective, The Same Yesterday, Today And Forever

Most High Bless

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18 thoughts on “Black Women – “I Didn’t Do Nuffin” Communitah Edition! #SHORTS

  1. Nah, black women are sweet, gentle, kind, etc. Isn’t that what everyone says?

    All these videos are probably AI, they’re not really like this. For the few who are, it’s some black man who made them that way.

    Black men who criticise and/or walk away from black women are the real problem. It’s US who are the bad guys. When we say they bring nothing but needless drama, strife, chaos, conflict etc we’re just making it all up…..

  2. After watching these videos are just one of many reasons why I’ll never be a police officer.

    I would rather not deal with keisha and pookie.

    Jim crow kept them in line but failed at integration.

    Uncle Sam funds negress sheboons and blackistan negroes.

    I won’t date a white female police officer because of high risk reasons.

    1. And because you’re black, the she-rillaz would just act out even harder, lol. Only tall, white Chad can control them, and even then, it’s not a guarantee!

      1. As we get closer to the US election, the sheboons are in a state of panic. They know Desi sustah Kamala is going to lose to Trump. But what really panics them is this. They know they will be held to account for their behavior when Trump takes office. And a whole lot of those preferences that black females get, will stop.

  3. I will give a full shout out to AC (Accountable Commentary) he invented the term ‘Crashout Keisha’ because it is was not for him, there will be no other Youtubers doing video like this where he critique. Now, people like Tommy Sotomayor on Rumble and other YouTubers copying his style by showing these BW getting arrested over petty stuff which can be avoided.

    To be truthful, I am glad others are copying AC’s style because more people are educating young brothers on BW’s true nature when it comes to the Communitah.

    I want you SYSBM knights pay attention what I am going to say:

    When I see these ‘Crashout Keisha’ videos you will notice the following things:

    #1. BW are not use to basic compliance because they use to full authority in the Black Communitah so they are above the law. Also they always rebel against Black Patriarchy, so when they go to the real world, they think this also apply to them, but they been proven wrong.

    #2. The police are super polite to them. 10 times more polite and kinder than the Black Men. These females are treated with ‘Kid Gloves’. Remember, if this was a black man on these video, he will get an instant-execution on the spot.

    #3. These police did thee very best to be nice to them, but they have no choice but to escalate. Again, Black Men will not get that ‘Kid Gloves’ treatment.

    #4. BW always goes on the phone when the police engage with them. Mostly because they are recording it so the simps can take side of BW, even the BW are 100% in the wrong.

    #5. Some mention how their male-figures (fathers, uncles, cousin) work in some high Government Authority such as Lawyer, National Judge or a Politician. Fail to realise that if these men found out these female relative are in trouble which is the bad image of Black Male High Authority figure

    #6. Just like #1, Most of these situations are all easily avoidable, but they chose to use their feminist authority which put them on the wrap sheet which they could of easily got off if they were not acting ghetto.

    #7. BW drive on a ‘Suspended License’ which is a huge flag anyway so they knew they are 100% in the wrong in the 1st place.

    #8. They claim that they are pregnant. If they were, they should not be in the wrong

    #9. They say they got kids. Just like #8 and #9, these females do not give a rat’s arse about children anyway otherwise they would not put them in danger.

    If you have more to add, you can reply to this comment as all I can think of.

    1. Michael,

      I got few, based on Supermarket videos:

      #10 BW playing stealth or spy, especially BW Employlee when try to pickpocket or stealing cash from the cash register. But they get caught anyway because they are too stupid to realise the CCTV are everywhere so they cannot get away with it.

      #11 Using children and friends as pawn to aid and abetting stealing clothes. We seen females using little kids and children to steal items. Just like #10, they still get caught because CCTV are everywhere.

    2. Michael,

      I got few, based on Supermarket videos:

      #10 BW playing stealth or spy, especially BW Employlee when try to pickpocket or stealing cash from the cash register. But they get caught anyway because they are too stupid to realise the CCTV are everywhere so they cannot get away with it.

      #11 Using children and friends as pawn to aid and abetting stealing clothes. We seen females using little kids and children to steal items. Just like #10, they still get caught because CCTV are everywhere.

      1. #12 Getting not so surprisingly lenient sentences to allow them to remain available to further actively Destroy their communities.
        #13 Miraculously being able to bond out no matter how high the bail is set.

        1. That is true about #12.
          The reason for lighter sentence which is purposely done is to continue destroying the communitah.

          1. Yup they want ’em out there to sh*t out more black fetuses for the Prison Industrial Complex.

  4. A knock across the head with a nightstick would’ve expedited all this nonsense. Too busy getting high off drama to be talked down with logic.

  5. SYSBM: I was going to ratchet central but I change my mind.
    White sugar honey: Better to stay home.

    What a wonder grand tour of the ghetto, Lord have mercy! You know the fourth video of the two women fighting on the street? I’ve seen that video and I’m goanna do an article on that on Wednesday and Friday as well, maybe. There is no surprise of seeing how the ghetto ratchet black women act. How many times we have seen this? So many times of black women who are ratchet act like this.

    And when black men sees this, they are goanna go SYSBM, be a passport bro or stay single. The third option is fine. We all know that these black women we see on these videos, they haven’t been raised without a father or they have been raised in a two-parent home but the father is not the dominate figure in the household.

    Some of these women have children and that makes it a lot worse. As I saw the police officer chasing the women with the kids in a high-speed chase in the rain for goodness sake, I have to shake my head in disbelieve.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  6. Michael,

    I got few, based on Supermarket videos:

    #10 BW playing stealth or spy, especially BW Employlee when try to pickpocket or stealing cash from the cash register. But they get caught anyway because they are too stupid to realise the CCTV are everywhere so they cannot get away with it.

    #11 Using children and friends as pawn to aid and abetting stealing clothes. We seen females using little kids and children to steal items. Just like #10, they still get caught because CCTV are everywhere.

  7. #12 Getting not so surprisingly lenient sentences to allow them to remain available to further actively Destroy their communities.
    #13 Miraculously being able to bond out no matter how high the bail is set.

  8. Shoutout to Accountable Commentary for coining the phrase “Crashout Keisha”, because they always turn a simple traffic stop into something that results in their arrest; before this article, I’d watched one of these videos already (the second video featuring the stud). I will have to watch all of these individually at a later time, but this speaks to Keisha’s inability to respect authority; Admiral Frostbite must be so proud of his Frankenstein creation crashing out at breakneck speeds!

  9. I must also add that this speaks to Keisha’s mental instability and immaturity; Dr. David Carroll has been vindicated once again in his statement about BW being a mental disorder.

    1. Dr. Carroll would be having a field day with post-COVID Keisha if he was still alive. She is even worse now than in 2019-2021. I miss his Rabbit Hole productions. Can’t even listen to the old ones because weirdo Brian Solonge let the website collapse. The Intellectual Juggernaut RIP.

  10. Girl in the thumbnail is full Kali Ma:

    These bitches have hit rock bottom. Remember when they used to scoff at SYSBM? Youse weak, youse a coon, youse an incel, youse cain’t handle a skrong black wombman? Now these same plantation niggas running for the hills trying to claim SYSBM now. And trying to make the meaning elastic so they can continue to mess with BW on the low. Nope, here are the Tenets, buddy.

    All roads lead to SYSBM.

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