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Pro Black Pundit Michael Eric Dyson Caught Slipping! #SHORTS

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Thanks to TeamWhiteGirls and King Sigma for bringing this to my attention.

Michael Eric Dyson is a straight up clown for this hypocrisy. I’ve been stating for years that most of these so called “pro black” pundits really love white women on the low, however because they have already dug such a deep trench in support of black women, at least in public they have to keep up the facade of standing by “da sistas”.

What on earth was this dude thinking? On the surface pandering towards the black female contingent, yet on the sly jumping into the DMs of a white female congresswoman, really bruh?

Dyson got exposed in 4K, I’m just laughing at his responses to being outed. What makes things worse is the dude is married to a black woman. Perhaps his wife has shut off the sex spigot(typical of black women) which is why he was testing the waters with Rep Nancy Mace.

Michael Eric Dyson just like mink slide, FBA founder Tariq Nasheed is a race bating savage who feels the need to inject race into anything and everything.

You have to laugh whenever these pro blacks get caught playing in the snow, as I’ve been stating for years, most pro blacks are undercover white women lovers and have no problems clapping the cheeks of Becky behind closed doors.

Only a foolish black man would pigeonhole himself into exclusively dealing with one race of females, especially a group that has more than proven itself to be defective beyond repair.

In 2024 the overwhelming majority of pro blacks are nothing short of a joke and a laughingstock, they’re NOT to be taken seriously on anything they say or claim. They stay being hypocrites in addition to turning nasty and hostile against those who disagree with them,

Michael Eric Dyson just needs to hold the L in honour and go grovelling back to his wife. If Rep Nancy Mace had taken him up on his offer, Dyson no doubt would’ve clapped those cheeks without hesitation.

The guy is an embarrassment, he wrote a whole book praising black women yet the same demographic hardly if ever give him the time of day(I suspect his wife is the same). Stop launching damage control Dyson, you got exposed for the hypocrite that you are. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Hypocrites Will Always Be Exposed

Most High Bless

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27 thoughts on “Pro Black Pundit Michael Eric Dyson Caught Slipping! #SHORTS

  1. lol it never fails. It’s always the pro whack “black woman is god” types who are the worst. I’ve seen so many of them get exposed over the years it’s not even funny.

    Just like everyone’s favourite Pan Africanist, they can never simply admit they find non black women sexually attractive too, they have to put on some fist in the air, militant dog and pony show as if they’re trying to convince themselves. The saying “thou doth protests too much” comes to mind.

    Plus this idiot made the rookie mistake that guys way younger already know – stop giving these females ammunition by sending them DMs – ESPECIALLY in professional settings. Unless you’re in a very solid relationship or married to the woman, don’t go sending all these flirty texts and kissy emojis. The very second women are pissed off they’ll splash everything all over social media. Look at Foolmar. Dickheads always leaving paper trails exposing how they really don’t know how to deal with women and remain in a masculine frame, despite their public personas.

    I don’t give women anything to expose. My interactions are brief and to the point and I don’t say anything I don’t have to, so there’s nothing to weaponise against me. If I got something raunchy to say, it’ll be done in person.

    This Nancy Mace broad isn’t exactly the quiet type who will keep things on the hush hush, so why this married man felt the need to do something so dumb, especially after calling her a racist on TV, I don’t know. Now this “intellectual” has to hold what was an easily avoidable L at his big age. What a fool!

    1. Well said

      I won’t be shocked if Michael Eric Dyson gets divorced by his negress wife for just exposing his interest to date a white becky.

      White women like Nancy Mace would never date someone that is 2faced and falsely accuses her of racism.

      1. Wittexton Witwijf,

        I think MED’s wife is being a typical black female, hence why his eyes so easily went astray. Black women are professionals at getting rid of men ie staying single, unfortunately through social media they’ve now spread said teaching to other races of women.

    2. SYSBM Forever,

      The ultra deep trench support for the modern day black female is what I’m struggling to understand. Its not like black women especially through social media haven’t been showing the world just how much they hate us black men especially within the last 15 years. Why would any black man with his head screwed on straight still support such a hostile, angry and bitter demographic?

      These pro blackity black savages are all the same, fist pumping the air feigning support for Keisha in public while on the flip side secretly lusting after white women and in many cases getting caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

      Agreed, most western women unfortunately don’t value privacy at all, thus they cannot be trusted. They think it’s normal behaviour to spill the beans on their private lives all over the internet for the world to see. We only need to look at their activities on TikTok to understand this clearly.

  2. Morning, Gents!

    I remember years ago back in the 2000s Michael Eric Dyson wrote an article in Right On magazine (I think) that was an ode to black women, which he later expanded into a book. Even back then I was thinking what a simp he was. Now like most of these hypocritical pro-black niggas, here he is sliding into a white woman’s DMs on the low hahaha.

    SYSBM Forever, as a married boomer, Dyson can be forgiven for falling into the DM trap with this chick. He did not know that these venal hoes save DMs like heirlooms just waiting to catch you slipping and deploy them out of context for maximum reputational damage (this happened to a friend of mine, where she edited out his side of the convo; luckily he posted his side and was vindicated). Like you, I keep any exchanges with females short and to the point, with nothing that could be construed as sexual, if I have to message them at all. I’ve also had to block these weirdo bitches. Give them nothing.

    Living up to my screen name here watching this “black wombman is gawd” fraud get cooked. Like Katt Williams said, all lies will be exposed in 2024. Get the popcorn!

    1. Schadenfreude,

      “as a married boomer, Dyson can be forgiven for falling into the DM trap with this chick.”

      Even if he wasn’t familiar with the DM game (he should be regardless since he’s on social media), he’s at least heard about #metoo and should know how women get down. He’s seen countless examples over the years. As a black man, he’s already aware of how easy it is to target one of us. Even single white men are cautious nowadays of how they move around the average woman in the street, gym, supermarket etc cos they’re not trying to get exposed on that Summerjam screen.

      Tired of black men moving reckless and sloppy. We’re already under enough heat, especially now. That woman has got a hard face and isn’t even attractive and quite mouthy. Even I could tell she’s the type to go blabbing and I’m not in her presence. Now he’s copping pleas on twitter making it worse for himself.

      As for blocking weirdo females, you’re right. In my old Facebook days I had so many of them come at me in private messages yet when I looked on their profiles, nothing but gossiping and bullshit and some of them were even in relationships. Nah, take that b.s. somewhere else. You ain’t catching me slipping out here.

    2. Schadenfreude,

      I really don’t understand guys like this, it’s not like MED cannot look around and observe how black women have dug their feet into the depths of hell and become hostile mutants, freaks of nature, monsters and generally unrecognisable malevolent creatures. Stockholm syndrome is very real with your average Negro male, no matter how nasty, vindictive and evil the black female becomes, he’ll still return to prostrate himself as well as grovel at her feet, smh.

  3. I will shout it to the rooftops, the most integrated hour of the day is midnight. Few men can resist a woman they find attractive over a façade of ‘pro-Black’ rhetoric.

    Most BM of Dyson’s status with even a little history of dealing with American Snow Bunnies could have knocked Congresswoman Nancy Mace. She was a waitress at a South Carolina Waffle House. Like many White Republican women, they have a BM or two in their closets (see Sarah Palin). Problem for MED, he was reverting to ancient Boomer game behind a fog of Pro-Blackness. Literally, salivating at sleeping with what he calls the enemy before millions on MSM? A total clown.

    He and other Demo-Marxists called Rep. Mace a racist, so she would have gladly exchanged favors with a BM she found attractive to shake the stench of racism. But MED gave her a bigger win (1) exposing him as a Becky chaser, (2) showing his hypocrisy, (3) Undermining his credibility with BWs, (4) torpedoing his current marriage, and (5) severely damaging one of Democrats more articulate word salad pros during the home stretch of the election.

    No p*ssy and a lot of pink slips coming for MED.

    @Schadenfreude is correct when speaking about the need to maintain records and receipts on modern women you talk and deal with in the age of Big Brother, #MeToo, and OnlyFans. Women have become extremely comfortable publicizing everything they do online. They lack any sense of privacy and discretion, the perfect pawns for the surveillance State. Let them do the talking, get what you can, and slide off.

    1. King Sigma,

      These pro black will get exposed every time. Since the same black women they pander to aren’t giving them the time of day, it’s no surprise that their eyes would wander in the direction of white women, the same female they declare as the “enemy” of black society, smh.

      In the last 50 years plus white women have done far more for black men than black women by miles. Isn’t it white women who are behind the Innocence Project, an organisation that seeks to set free black men who have wrongly been convicted and imprisoned?

      Additionally, as I’ve been posting about for years, when it comes to protecting innocent children in the womb, it’s white women who make up the overwhelming majority at pro life rallies standing up for the rights of unborn black children especially black boys who black women love killing the most.

      Just look up photos of pro life rallies and try to spot a black female within the crowd. As far as I’m concerned, the black female’s insatiable appetite for killing unborn children is one of the top reasons why black men with their heads screwed on straight MUST avoid dealing with these malevolent black sirens like the plague.

      MED is a premium grade knucklehead, the pro black rhetoric is played out and has been that way for a very long time. No black man with his faculties intact should stand up for this modern day black female especially in light of her openly declaring the undying disdain and hatred she has for black men.

      1. Its a treat to see MED aka the Word Salad King feel the boomerang effect of hypocrisy.
        KO’d by a MAGA Trump chick before the entire world.

        The ‘save Kesha’ rally cry has fallen on deaf ears for a long time.
        There is a small, loud cadre of BM with limited options or self-inflicted scarcity issues.

        Its been true for a long time: the most integrated hour of the day is midnight.

        MED got caught but many just like him are telling you, me, and the rest of the Free BM of the World stay away from those non-Black women. While they risk careers, marriage, and social status for a chance to sniff a snow bunny or two.

        Karma is certainly strong on humor.

    1. TeamWhiteGirls,

      The dude needs to speak for himself, black women failed themselves when they decided that hitching their wagons onto the locomotive of feminism as well as openly accepting fatherless home welfare policies was a better choice for THEM rather than standing ten toes down for the black family and keeping it strong. Additionally, this clown needs to STOP trying to play Kamala Harris off as a black woman because she’s NOT one. We’re not stupid over here.

  4. This happens so often, I’m convinced these “stick with our own” types all harbour a raceplay/humiliation fetish. Pro wacks thirst over a mid-tier Becky while pro-whites end up slipping a ring on their “honorary white” Asian or white passing Latina girlfriend, or even a light-skinned mulatto.

  5. Also, looking at this guy’s face, he clearly has a couple drops of Lord Euro’s blood in him, could’ve just ran with it were it not for that “Black Girl Magic” trickery lol.

    1. QuietNinja,

      I find it so funny how black women with their so called “magic” have driven themselves deep into the sewer pipe. I’ve been stating for years that the image and reputation of the modern day black female has been destroyed beyond redemption. Triple cream certified simps such as MED have yet to read and accept the writing on the wall concerning this. As I always say, oh well, that his problem, NOT MINE.

  6. Verbs 2015.

    Pro Blacks like Michael Eric Dyson are a fucking joke who needs not to be taken seriously. The irony is that he got caught trying to get with a white woman he called racist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      As you always say, I fully agree with you bro. He’s a straight clown and a blue pilled simp for jumping into the DMs of the same female he labelled as racist. What a joke!

  7. “In 2024 the overwhelming majority of pro blacks are nothing short of a joke and a laughingstock, they’re NOT to be taken seriously on anything they say or claim. They stay being hypocrites in addition to turning nasty and hostile against those who disagree with them,”

    Just wait until after the US election. If Trump wins, which I think he will, the pro wacks, the sheboons, and the disingenuous white carpetbaggers who the two former cohorts serve, will all have epileptic seizures.

    The racists Democrats, are waging a racist, feminist, matriarchal campaign whose only themes are white women should hate their spouses, fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, and black women are goddesses while niggas aint shit. That’s right, these fools are almost making it to the white offering nothing but this rubbish.

    Let’s hope there are enough sane white women who haven’t drank the poisonous culture war koolaid, who will help give these Democrat carpetbaggers the righteous beatdown they so justly deserve. If Trump wins, the likes of Michael Eric Dyson will be so toxic, no one will dare give him a media platform

    1. They are also telling white women to feminize their sons. I meant to say these fools are almost making it to the white house offering nothing but this rubbish.

    2. AmericanBlkMan,

      The economic destruction as well as the immigration invasion the Democrats are currently unleashing upon the US is exactly the same thing that the Labour party is doing here in the UK. Lefties are a pestilence and a curse upon any society because they sole aim is to destroy it.

      It will be very interesting to see how this 2024 US Presidential election plays out ie will the Democrats engage in the same dodgy antics and shenanigans they executed in 2020 in order to get Sleepy Joe into office or will they play this election somewhat by the book?

      I fully agree with you on white liberals and pro blacks becoming extremely nasty if Trump gets into office, they will complete lose the plot just like they did in 2016. The doctrines and policies these Democrats are pushing come straight from the pit of hell, it’s a shame and a disappointment that so many white women have fallen for the Okey Dokey.

  8. SYSBM: You see the photo of Micheal Eric Dyson with the white woman who he called racist?
    White sugar honey: I want what she was wearing when she was on CNN?

    Hold up, hold up!

    First this pro black dude said that this woman is racist and now there is a photo of him with her saying “don’t tell anybody, we look good together?” These pro wanks always say that the black woman is God but they are dealing with the white women on the low, Verbs. You know this, I know this, everyone knows this.

    I know that these pro blacks are sleeping with white women secretly. And I heard that that Michael Eric Dyson has written a book called Why I Love Black Women. I have no issues of anyone writing a book. I write as well, so I’m not goanna be against that whatsoever but it’s like, errrr — if a black man loves black women, I’m saying nothing on that but the thing is that he might be simping on that, you get me?

    Michael Eric Dyson want some white pie you know. I can tell by that as he messaged her. Let me tell you something. If I was at that new panel whatever they call it, I’m shooting my shot on her. I’ll give her some chirping you see. Even SYSBM will shoot their shot on her, blud! Trust me.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      MED just needs to scurry back into the dark, damp catacomb he crawled out from and just take the L with dignity and respect. Damage control isn’t going to save this nugget head, he got caught red-handed and now has to answer to the very same black females he has betrayed.

  9. Uh oh! Is that another pro Black lusting after Becky on the low while openly singing the praises of Keisha? How do you get caught lacking this bad? First off, this is what he gets for trying to be sneaky with his thirst for the Milk of Magnesia; he’s a fool for thinking he could shoot his shot right after he just called her out for racism on CNN. I can’t really blame him for trying, though; I’m positive Nancy Mace is much more attractive than MED’s liberal female colleagues (conservative women do tend to look better than liberal women). Lastly, MED brings new meaning to the term “educated lame” based on those screenshots; how lame must you be to send a kissy emoji to her after attacking her character on television? Come on, man! Lastly, those tennis shoes with the suit is nasty work!

    1. BCT,

      The guy simply needs to take his L and bow out gracefully, his damage control propaganda machine has been nothing short of a joke. This was a monumental L for a pro black, however we’ve seen these fist pumping savages take many losses for years, MED won’t be the last.

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