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Always Build Your Money Up For YOURSELF!

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deluEvidence delusional:

These modern day females do NOT live in the real world, all they’re concerned about is you having enough money to pamper and spoil them daily, these ultra selfish women don’t care how you get the money just as long as they can get you to spend it on them, smh.

I’ve seen a few individuals on social media recommending that as a man you should adapt to the “new normal” of the Western dating market ie get your money and your status up in order to attract the women, however this is terrible advice on its face.

Firstly, as I’ve stated many times before, you NEVER adapt to or participate in a dysfunctional dating market. You must always abandon and walk away from dysfunctional women and go to a dating arena where the women behave NORMALLY.

Here is another reason why getting your money up in order to draw in women is an extremely bad manoeuvre. Ask yourself the question, what types of women are attracted to men who have a lot of money? Enough said.

It’s all well and good getting your money up, however just recognise what kind of women will immediately roll in and begin swimming around you, sharks aka trash women with little to no moral compass who are more than willing to do anything in order to get their hands on your cash.

These modern day females really believe they are the stars of the show, the main characters, the focus of attention, feminism as well as social media has heavily brainwashed and indoctrinated them into selfishly believing that whenever they’re in a relationship, it’s all about them and nobody else.

A man’s main objective in life(though due to societal changes, some men are choosing to forego this option) is to have children in order to keep his family tree in continuance. Unfortunately most modern women have also abandoned their natural purpose in the pursuit of material, superficial, hedonistic lusts and pleasures.

Wallowing in their delusions of grandeur these lost females now expect men to fund their hedonistic, decadent, pleasure seeking adventures and activities instead of said men making wise investments with their cash as well as using it to prepare for raising a family.

Most women have absolutely no perception nor foresight of the dire economic times that we’re sailing into, they really don’t have a clue as to how the world is on the brink of an economic collapse and that now is the time to be saving and investing wisely as opposed to spending valuable capital on expensive clothes, jewellery, designer bags as well as other vain trinkets.

Gentlemen, DON’T get caught up in the decadent desires of these secular Western women, build your money up for yourselves and your future families(if your desire is to still have children), leave these unlearned females to march by themselves into an economic pitfall they won’t be able to escape from.

Even these morally bankrupt harlots who are making their money aka “getting the bag” on OnlyFans still don’t have a clue and in most cases are spending as much money as they’re bringing in on frivolous nonsense that won’t amount to anything down the pike.

Money is to be made in order to provide you with more options in the present day and for the future, it’s NOT for spending on Gucci belts, YSL perfume and Burberry trench coats every time a materialistic female has a carnal itch she feels the need to scratch.

Stop catering towards these vain women, they’re not the stars of the show and it’s about time they were shown this once and for all.

Finally, financial stability first and foremost means holding little to no debt, this is the most crucial part of the equation that most women don’t get. Additionally, women should NEVER be involved in your financial affairs, how much money you make per month/year is none of their damn business.

This is why impudent females who only want you to spend money should always be kicked to the kerb, they’re a serious liability, they will NOT bring any value into your life. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues


Most High Bless

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4 thoughts on “Always Build Your Money Up For YOURSELF!

  1. What types of women are attracted to men who have a lot of money?

    Gold diggers

    Depopulation between men and women is ongoing.

    Also continuous separation between red pill and blue pill.

    The blue pilled males have to make $100,000 a year, $200,000 a year, $500,000 a year, $1,000,000 a year and even $10,000,000 a year.

    I could create a white female character in GTA if I wanted to and women would still think it is real life.

  2. SYSBM: Out there is worse as I’m seeing more and more gold diggers
    White sugar honey: And most of them are whores.

    When a man is rich and has tones of money, he’s goanna attacked gold diggers. If he drives a Ferrari or a Lambo, has a huge house and a huge amount of money, then these gold diggers will come after him just for the money.

    When these gold diggers on the video saying that they want a man that makes 7 or 8 figures, we all know that they want the man to spend money of them. Or basically use the man. You are right of what you’re saying that it’s a terrible advice of getting your money right and your status up in order to attract the women.

    There are now more and more gold diggers around as we are seeing women trying to pick pocket any man’s pockets for their lifestyle and there are some men who are simps with money don’t see that whatsoever.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  3. Western woman are not smart when it comes to money, but this is what you get when you raise them to not be realistic in any of their expectations; they don’t deserve ANYTHING they ask for from men today. I’m in the stage currently where I’m building my money up, and trying to deal with one of these braindead NPC broads will only ruin that for me; I hate to see what this American dating market has devolved into, but it is what it is. I’m also itching to travel, so I’m saving up for that as well.

  4. Verbs2015,

    The men who were interviewing these deranged women were Simps with a capital S. At this point in the West’s societal decline, it is madness for sensible men to even conversate with these types of females about their dating preferences. I know I wouldn’t.

    I fundamentally have nothing to talk about with females of this mindset. I only interface with them if it is unavoidable while I’m in the process of conductong some sort of business, ie a government office, a commercial establishment, or some sort of public venue.

    Such females are completely useless to me. And they only have value to simps.

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