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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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Brothers, I apologise for not being so active in the comments on the last few articles, I’ve just been chilling out and relaxing as putting together all of these articles can really take it out of you. The weather in the UK hasn’t been the best either.

Once upon a time(25-30 years ago) the weather in the UK used to be normal until the army alongside the Met Office decided that we needed protection from the sun. Since the late 90s they’ve been spraying the skies here as well as using ground machinery to generate clouds, blankets of grey mush across the sky as well as rain.

Don’t let these climate change zombies/fanatics fool you, WE NEED THE SUN. If you don’t live in a hot climate or the weather in your country is being artificially manipulated, whenever you can travel to a place that has NORMAL weather, DO IT.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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11 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. As the title says: Divestor Picks Cotton Just To Live In A Trailer Park!
    Just when you think they couldn’t get any more desperate and pathetic! Funny how we date out because of “self hate” yet you never see black men having to do self deprecating s%$# to date interracially. Absolutely ridiculous. And in a trailer park. Do you think she would accept a black man living in a trailer?.?.?.

    1. The body wasn’t cold before the hyenas jumped on him for this video. He made it in 1968 and these black hoes are 25 x worse in 2024. Zero self-reflection. Spitting on a legend’s grave like Kobe and Kevin Samuels, this is who they are.

      Remember, these same hateful bitches demand that you as a straight black man vote for Kamala. It’s a hard no from me. James Earl Jones dumped black hoes as far back as the late 60s, scaled the heights of his profession as a Black Man with zero drama, and lived to be 93. SYSBM works, gents.

  2. SYSBM: Hail storm hit today.
    White sugar honey: Glad that I stayed in.

    Rest in peace to James Earl Jones who died at 93 years old. He did the voice of the greatest movie villain of all time, Darth Vader. Vader was so terrifying in the first Star Wars Trilogy. And also, the man who did the vice of Splinter in the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles has died also. Rest in peace to him as well. And WWE wrestler Sid Vicious died also recently.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  3. Did she make the right choice?

    The comment section reveals why white women are going to Africa to marry black men.

    White males and negress sheboons support liberal feminism and the LGBTQP over interracial relationships that none of them are apart of.

    1. They would rather you be gay than be happy with a white woman. This is why they like to raise these mama’s boy f ag gots who never leave home. If he brought home another boy, she’d be thrilled.


    Interesting catfight between this botox face, small hat jewess and trailer park trash. I don’t know what it is with American politics. At one time they at least pretended to be non racist and have some kind of professionalism and decorum. Now they’re just in your face with it.

    I can’t really say I care for any of them, but Trump and that JD Vance dude needs to burn in hell after spreading rumours about the Haitians eating cats. Now, of course Haitians are a powerless group who have suffered one misfortune after another, so obviously they’re the easiest targets out of all groups of black people so it’s literally open season on them right now SMH.

    1. You know, I foresaw this type of thing happening back in 2021 after the January 6 incident, how these Republicans who bootlick Trump will start to turn on each other; I first peeped this after Liz Cheney voted to impeach Trump. In the film “The Dark Knight”, the Joker’s words to Batman during his interrogation perfectly describes them:

      “You see their morals, their code; it’s a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble; they’re only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you; when the chips are down, these uh, these civilized people, they’ll eat each other.”

      Now, to address these two chickenheads; first off, Laura Loomer looks like your typical post-Wall chick who thinks plastic surgery and botox can reverse the aging process, but the Wall remains undefeated. She looks like Jigsaw minus the red circles on her cheekbones or the blood colored irises; I also find it hard to believe she’s only 31 years old (same age as me)! As for her racist remarks, is she mad that Matzo ball soup won’t find a place on the menu? If that is her idea of a joke, boy, did she bomb! As for Marjorie Taylor Greene, she’s a major hypocrite who walks with Karen energy; I’m not sure where MTG has been, but much of the conservative discourse is characterized by the same type of vulgarity and backbiting Laura Loomer showed in her tweets about Kamala.

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