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Bitter Older Women Hand Out Bad Advice To Jinx Younger Women!

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These old hags stay trying to fight back the years, however wise men like myself know better. She can put on as much makeup as she wants, however she clearly forgot that her hands are as wrinkly as an unpressed bedsheet.

These elder bitter sirens love handing down bad advice to the younger females to ensure they’ll make the exact same mistakes and as a result falter in life.

It’s a pity that most younger women don’t recognise this and instead choose to put being a female and part of the sisterhood as more important than seeking the truth as well as examining and scrutinising every piece of advice that is given to them by other women(especially if they’re older).

Men will tell younger women that they’re being given bad advice till they’re blue in the face, however these elder women have enchanted, hoodwinked and bamboozled the youngsters to such a degree to where most of them have completely lost the ability to discern truth from the lies.

We already know what the score and the agenda is concerning older women and their deep disdain, hatred and jealousy of younger females. Most of these older females handing down bad advice are single, the ones who chose to be whores in their prime years instead of looking for a good man they could start a family with.

Thus having come out the other side as failed older women who most men no longer want, they seek to derail the paths of younger women so that they can turn to the men who no longer want them and say:

“See, these younger women are no different than us, you might as well go for a woman your age”.

No witch, getting my passport and going overseas is a far better option that dealing with you disgruntled, wounded, angry, bitter, resentful, ran through, used up and rinsed out old hags. Let’s quickly deconstruct this harridan’s sorcery.

So, you don’t want to sleep with the guy straight away, however what are you doing in the meantime to show the man that you’ll be a valuable asset to his life? Contrary to what this old hag above said, it’s the woman’s job to prove herself worthy to the man, NOT the reverse.

These days if a woman holds off on sex, any man worth his salt will automatically assume that she’s having sex with somebody else and will cut the interaction with her very short.

Decent, well to do men don’t have any time for the plethora of games many women love to play, at the first sign of something dodgy, that guy will be out of the gate and onto the next one quick sharpish.

It’s the man’s job to obtain the woman, however it’s the woman’s duty to retain the man, treat him so well to such an extent to where he doesn’t want to go anywhere else. The woman above however would make it seem as if it’s the man’s job to prove himself, smh.

If men are looking for sex, they have to meet the female’s requirements, however if women are looking for a relationship, they MUST meet the man’s criteria since men control the relationship realm. That’s the part this old hag refuses to acknowledge.

Of course we want to sleep with an attractive woman, however what category the woman is placed in AFTER all depends on how she treats and appeals to the man. Men are simple creatures, it’s not difficult through good deeds and attentiveness for a woman to convince us that she’s relationship material and ought to be taken seriously.

“A man doesn’t bond through sex, a man bonds through doing things for a woman”: PARTLY TRUE AND PARTLY INCORRECT! Once again, a man begins to bond with a woman once SHE BEGINS TO DEMONSTRATE TO HIM THAT SHE CAN ADD VALUE TO HIS LIFE OUTSIDE OF SEX.

Besides giving him regular sex, doing the little things for the man, making sacrifices for him, preempting and being a proactive companion in his life is the fastest way to getting any good man to commit to a woman.

“Sitting back and waiting” without putting in any effort is the fastest way women get put into the friends with benefits aka the situationship zone, that woman will never get any commitment from any man implementing that type of strategy. “Sitting back” is the quickest path towards failure.

The few women in the West who still have retained their critical thinking skills would do well NOT listening to this type of bad advice that these old hags throw down, they know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to sabotaging younger women and unfortunately for the majority part, at least in the West it’s working.

There you go fellas, an Amazon prime example of how older women deliberately disseminate bad advice in order to ensure that younger women are NOT chosen by older men. Fortunately though not very many, there are a few women who see the scheme being played upon the younger generations and speak out against it:

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Young Women Stay Losing Whenever They Listen To Bad Advice From Older Females

Most High Bless

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7 thoughts on “Bitter Older Women Hand Out Bad Advice To Jinx Younger Women!

  1. These older washed up women who give this terrible advice to younger women are almost always single…hmmmm, why is that?

    Most of the time these women were the ones who thought they were too good for the average man when they were young and before they knew it, they looked up and realised time passed them by. They think botox and all these other little surgeries are gonna stop Father Time, then they end up looking like freaks.

    We already know the “don’t give him any sex” game. They really think we’re stupid lol. Not only are we hip to it, we have standards of our own – especially nowadays with men (especially black men) realising their worth and knowing there are far better options overseas. Gone are the days when you thought all you had to was show up while we performed all kinds of magic tricks and showered you with money and gifts to prove our worthiness. When we have options we’ll walk away in a heartbeat.

    Elijah Muhammad said the ideal woman for an older man is half his age plus seven. In many cases that is true. There’s no convincing us that we need to stick to older women, because frankly they’re not any more mentally and emotionally mature than your average 22 year old these days anyway. Who would purchase a too pricey 10 year old car with wear and tear and over 100,000 miles on it for the same price as the latest model with all the modern tech and very few if any mileage?

    This is a good example of why men might as well go with a younger woman:

    At that big age, this woman thought because she looks decent, she could listen to her bird brain friends and break up a family and be for the streets, now she’s regretting it because the grass wasn’t greener on the other side and her life is now a shambles due to throwing away love and stability for absolutely nothing. Now her ex husband is free to find a younger, traditional woman and her son knows what type of female to avoid.

    It’s over in the west and this is an example why. I hate to think what society is gonna look like 20 years from now.

  2. Verbs2015,

    The sensible woman in the above video says ‘the boy’ will stick around when women are playing games, but the man won’t.

    You know where I am going. Replace ‘the boy’ with ‘the simp’. That’s right, a simp is a boy, no matter how old he is.

    You see, simping is a mental condition that so many acquire and never overcome. The simp, especially the black male simp, will even simp for the ugly old hags. Just look at some of the monstrous behemoths you see so many black male simps with. Some of these ugly old hags would be a step up for these simps.

    The bitter spinsters can still get simps. But they always wanted the real man and still do. They cannot get the real man, which is why they are bitter. Real men don’ want young sluts, nor washed up sluts, as partners

    So many black men choose to simp because they think it gives them a competitive advantage. They will never learn that western women don’t respect simps, they only use them.

  3. Older women are in competition against younger women when it comes to dating.

    Only simps would get played by older women.

    These mind games only work on simps.

    It is common knowledge of egg fertility rates being stronger at over 20’s than over 30 years old.

    It is called the wall for a reason.

    This is exactly why I would rather find a white dutch afrikaner goddess over 20 years of age to start a nuclear family in future.

  4. SYSBM: Younger women are getting bad advice from older women.
    White sugar honey: Here’s my advice for they younger women. Don’t play games with the man.

    So older women are giving bad advice for younger women of getting a man. I feel that the woman from the first video, I can tell that she’s been hurt in the past and that is maybe the reason she is giving bad advice to the younger women all because of bitterness.

    If a woman wants the man to stay, then she can’t play games with him. I know about that as I been played in the past. The man will leave the woman in a heartbeat if the woman is playing games because he doesn’t have time to waste, you get me?

    When men sees this, they will start to think about getting his passport and leave out of there flying on the fastest jet and get a woman overseas to make her is one and only. He’s not goanna think about the women in the Western world.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  5. I found myself a beautiful white Latin submissive woman overseas . However I am scared to bring her to states or am I paranoid. The violence against bm and heavy discrimination against interacial relationships is dangerous for bm especially with such level of beauty she has by both bw and wm . In a dilemma here

    1. My advice is don’t bring your white girlfriend back to the states.

      If you do then there is 99% chance of her becoming contaminated with liberal feminism.

      Learn her spanish language.

      If you need to marry her to work and live in her country then get married.

  6. Lovely, another psychologist who also doubles as a relationship advisor; that’s a deadly combo. You know, I saw a video this week about a young psychologist in Miami who lured a 15 year old girl to her hotel room to be sexually assaulted by a male she was with; I will forever give people the side eye when they say they work in that profession (these people understand the machinations of the human mind, and therefore know how to manipulate you, as well). I don’t know about you guys, but I’m noticing more and more that women are making videos on social media akin to what Esther Sarphatie said in the above clip; the conspiracy theorist in me suspects that she is a paid agent like many others. Let’s think deeper than the surface here: as a so called “relationship advisor” with B.S. in psychology, why wouldn’t the powers that be use her to spread janky advice on TikTok? Notice the many jumpcuts in the video; that should say a lot about how genuine her words are. This is all a consequence of the Red pill tree bearing much fruit; everyday brothers are now placing value upon themselves and setting up standards for what they’re looking for, and women are realizing they can’t play their usual games with men anymore. Also, less men are getting married and taking women on dinner dates; instead, they’re opting for coffee or ice cream dates in the beginning stages to ensure she’s truly interested and not using them for a free meal. It’s all a part of a covert effort to dissolve the power of men; never forget that YOU are the prize to be won!

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