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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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I’m going to keep my mouth shut for this week’s Open Mic Wednesday and let you guys have the floor completely. What’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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11 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Gentlemen,

    Filipina Pea and the Filipina lady completely deconstruct the Western Female because she is married to a simp who let her take the Pee out of her simp husband.

    Filipinas was responding to a Western Female who refuse to take care of her cuck of a hubby.
    This is why simps do not understand why Western Females are trash.

    Link =

    1. Seems the average thought pattern of the Blackistanian never drifts from fucking, fighting, and fleeing the police. Total lack of curiosity of the world beyond unchallenging, base short term pleasure and aggressively enforced ignorace black culture is a joke.

  2. Black BBQ owner who thought he was helping his communitah shot dead by lazy eye Pookie. Also notice the 500 lb weavehead Keishas in the background including the one the news chose to put on screen. Grim.

    Stay away from the hood, gents, do not “give back.” Chances are these are the same people who bullied you for as a kid for being smart.


    1. Schadenfreude,

      Same thing happens in Jamaica. But they want successful black men to remain right in the heart of danger and deal with hatred, jealousy and envy from all the good for nothing, parasitic blood sucking leeches.

      Fuck the “black community”. I’m not living amongst any group of people who feel I don’t deserve to have what I worked hard for.

      When you leave never to return, blackistan will say you “forgot where you came from”. Damn right. Those of us with sense enough to look forward and never go back wish we never came from it in the first place to even have any memories of that godawful failed state.

      This is why they hate on Jay-Z even though the man keeps a low profile, doesn’t bother anyone and literally minds his business and just gets on with it. Yeah, he’s with bdub Beyonce, but he’s a family man. Negros act like he’s supposed to pay the bills of the entire Marcy Projects or something.

      To “give back” implies Da Communitah even gave you anything at all. If it means PTSD, then yeah I guess they’d be right….

      1. SYSBM Forever,

        Spot on. In the black socialist matriarchy, the intelligent, heterosexual black man’s income is considered community property, yet fixing a nigga a sandwich is slavery. “Give back” = free sh*t. And as you pointed out, “give back” implies Da Communitah actually poured into you, and we all know how the straight and narrow Black Man is reviled in Pookie and Keisha culture.

        Yup, all roads lead to SYSBM or Passport Bros for the thinking Black Man.

  3. SYSBM: So much work I did today.
    White sugar honey: Oh, me too!

    Verbs, I got this video here so here’s the link:

    Basketball player Tyrese Halburton pulls up to a Paris club with not one, two, three, four but five white sugar honeys and Phillip Scott is explaining about Johnathan Majors and what happened to him. Let me tell you something about they woman who was with him. She was cheating on him. That’s what I heard and she hit him as well and she chase after him.

    Tyrese is just having his fun. He’s just young and he’s having fun with these honeys you understand me? Phillip is got a good channel but it’s like he acts like some pro black dude. But the thing is that is he married to a Latina? Is he in a non-black marriage? Let me tell you this. You see these pro blacks, they are SYSBM undercover because we know that they are clapping white cheeks. I like my white cheeks big and round.

    He doesn’t need to get married now and I don’t think he can’t because of all the women are goanna be around him. Five honeys come out of the ride and the man have the honey them — I can date whoever I want. I don’t care what people think. If I was dating a white woman, I’ll treat her right. Hey, woman is a woman.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming non-black women.


  4. Communist Kier Starmer

    Let this be a warning to those liberal leftists who vote for Kamala Harris.

    Reciprocation is key to a mutual relationship during harder times ahead economically.

    A lot of women would break up with their partners when it gets tough financially.

    A unicorn is someone who will not leave their partners during tough times ahead.

    Watch out for parasite leeches from blue pilled societies, including anyone from blackistan.

    I am paying attention to the future plans of global politics and changes in economics.

    Average guy has attention to premier league soccer/football, NBA, NFL, MLB, UFC, WWE, Boxing.

    Not thinking like an average guy, white dutch women would be able to smell it from miles away.

    1. I used to look up to the UK, some of the best music of the 60s-80s. Now it’s a shambles. That Satanic homosexual pawn Sam Smith is what they push now, very telling. The UK is now a test bed for globalist policies including demographic replacement. Sad to see it. Us Yanks aren’t far behind. Pray for the English speaking world.

  5. Verbs 2015.

    I ain’t ever giving back to the black community because it hates SYSBM black men like me and it’s dead and finished plus all black women even the so called good ones want the evil black men.

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