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It’s Always The Same Pattern! #SHORTS

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The same old pattern rears its ugly head time and time again. Haven’t you guys noticed that whenever black men come together to have a discussion, whenever there are black women in the midst, some sort of fight or physical altercation is guaranteed to kick off?

Even on livestreams where folks are not physically present, I’ve noticed the same, black men going at each other’s throats while these dysfunctional black sirens sit back, watch and take in all the action.

There is absolutely no way that I’m going to lose my life over a weave/wig, fake eyelashes, fake nails, heavy makeup, septum ring wearing, tatted up black female, that’s never going to happen.

On the flip side, notice when the SYSBM™ commander and chief MBD hosts his livestreams, said streams runs smoothly and there is no conflict to where black men desire to come to blows. Why, because black women are EXCLUDED from our discussions

I stated this many times before, black women have the Midas touch of destruction. Whatever they get involved in they bring along the spirits of contention, strife, war and conflict.

It hasn’t been the first time that I’ve seen clips from BK Chat where black men have gotten into it with other black men on the show and even black women in some cases.

Unfortunately in the UK we still have large swaths of black men who feel it’s their sworn duty to come together with black women to communicate in the aims of trying to work things out, smh.

I realised and accepted a long time ago that black women would NEVER take up any accountability for any of their wrongdoings and shortcomings.

I also realised that black women don’t care about black culture and the negative and decadent practices they’ve introduced into the same in their efforts to please their white lord and saviour Captain Snowy.

We’ve seen this time and time again and unfortunately most black men refuse to listen, as soon as black women are brought into the mix, disasters are bound to take place.

Isn’t this what we witnessed firsthand with the gradual disintegration of The Black Manosphere 2.0? Everything was running smooth and sweet with that space until its founding fathers thought it would be a good idea to invite black women to the discussion. Yes, the same black women who beforehand refused to give said men the time of day, I know, ridiculous right?

As i continue to say, outside of witchcraft and sorcery, I have no idea why black men continue to extend olive branches out to black women in the hopes that they’ll change for the better, THEY WON’T.

These podcasts and roundtable discussions some black men keep having with black women will always amount to nothing because the modern day black female believes she’s perfect and doesn’t have to change anything for anybody.

All the best trying to reach out to and reason with characters who holds to that type of mindset. I reach out to free thinking black men because I know there’s much more of a chance that they can be reasoned with.

The blue pilled, pro black simps however can burn in Hell with the black females, they pine after, exalt and worship. They’re just as lost as the black witch herself.

As I always say gents, whenever you see black men attempting to reason with black women, be sure to grab some popcorn and some freshly squeezed juice at the ready because a clown show is about to go down. Black men need to stop trying to reason with the unreasonable.

Brothers, don’t be like these guys here, don’t get emotionally charged and riled up in order to impress members of the Daggleverse, these fake everything wearing black females are NOT special.

Finally, allow me to remind you gentlemen why you broke free and abandoned “Da Communitah” to begin with. NEVER FORGET why you left. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stop Trying To Reason And Come Together With A Group Of Women Who Hate You

Most High Bless

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17 thoughts on “It’s Always The Same Pattern! #SHORTS

  1. SMH….and I’ve yet to see a group of black females fight each other in the defense of black men on any of these shows.

    I thought King Richez at one point was gonna go the more mature route, but whatever pays the bills I guess.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      This is why black folks in the UK for the majority part can’t get ahead, too many continue to hold onto the “ghetto” behaviour as if they don’t have choice in how they present themselves. This is why the saying “not all skin folks are kin folks” rings very true to this day.

      Black women live for the argument, it’s in their blood, that’s all most of them do all day, we already know this. However for black men it’s a great disappointment seeing them venturing down the same road in their efforts trying to impress these weave/wig wearing hoes, smh. #SYSBMFORLIFE

      1. Verbs2015,

        And those are the type of black men you could never trust nor have as friends because they’d be the first to sell you out or attempt to belittle and undermine you in front of females to make themselves look good – meanwhile not even getting any respect or recognition in return.

        There’s a reason sensible black men in this country have been abandoning black women for several decades, but these others fools still want to impress them in the name of “BlAcK lOvE” and then wonder why they’re still suffering in life. I’ve seen firsthand the difference in the level of peace, productivity and happiness with black men who are with non black women (especially foreign born) compared to those who aren’t.

        1. SYSBM Forver,

          I don’t understand why these dudes are fighting so hard for so called “black love” when black women themselves are trying their utmost to distance themselves from being black. How can you form a healthy relationship with a female who hates her own heritage and is trying her hardest to put as much space as possible between herself and anybody who reminds her of who she really is?

          1. Verbs2015,

            It is way beyond this in the US. You see, the Democrats and liberal white zaddys are trying to force “President Kamala Harris” on the US.

            It is so bad that if a black man has any type of public facing job, he had better constantly mouth the official talking points about how great and wonderful black females are, and how gratetful black males should be that these females are bringing them along into modern society, because otherwise they would be left behind. If a black man has any sort of media job in a liberal zaddy market, he will lose his job for not constantly parroting this rubbish.

            This is why I will have so much fun watching sheboon heads explode after Donald Trump trounces Kamala Harris this November. As usual, the sheboons and the white zaddies they ghetto gag for, will blame black men. They will say black men didn’t support her in high enough percentages.

            1. AmericanBlkMan,

              The lengths they’re going to trying to prop up side-piece Harris are off the charts. It’s sad to see the US which was once a great advocate for free speech, now slowly beginning to follow in the footsteps of socialist Western Europe.

              I’ve seen how the US government has weaponised the black female against the black man. The amount of times I’ve seen American black men come out and speak up against their female counterparts only to shortly afterwards issue an apology ie walk back what they said is astounding.

              I hope Trump gets in, he’s been the only US President I’ve seen who actually has attempted to deliver on his promises(some deliveries were unsuccessful due to Democrat interference).

              Trump has also been the only President who hasn’t started any wars either. Back to the black witch, I remember how these black sirens were running around like headless chickens in full panic mode when Trump cut their food stamps and instead started sending them boxes of healthy food.

              The black witch was losing her power under Trump(2016-2020), that’s why they came out and formed Voltron in support for Biden. This is also why they want side-piece Harris to take over the Presidency.

              These black sirens want to continue receiving their state treats and benefits while at the same time maintaining their position as the head of “Da Communitah”. I’ll keep on saying it, the number one enemy of the black man IS the black woman.

    2. King Richez should change his name.

      A wealthy king boycotts all black women.

      A wealthy king would also avoid blackistan.

      This is how knife crimes happen in UK when a negress is in the picture between blackistan males.

      This is how gun crimes happen in USA when a sheboon is involved between blackistan males.

      I will not see a white girlfriend getting her black boyfriend killed over ghetto arguments.

      Blackistan males have been murdered too many times in blackistan societies all over the world.

      1. Wittexton Witwijf,

        Agreed, there are no riches being accumulated whenever you deal with and blue pill simp for these black sirens. I remember writing a blog some years ago where the title was something along the lines of “Quality Men Don’t Deal With Black Women”. It’s an extremely rare thing to see black men beefing amongst themselves whenever there are non black women in the mix unless said women have adopted the mannerisms of Keisha.


  2. Verbs wrote:
    “Unfortunately in the UK we still have large swaths of black men who feel it’s their sworn duty to come together with black women to communicate in the aims of trying to work things out, smh.”

    Unfortunately Verbs that unlike American BM, British BM are still simps here and British simps think they are better than American simps and think they are better than American simps when it comes to collaborating with Black Females.

    What people do not understand that unlike American Black Females, British Black females are smarter when it comes to gaslighting and manipulating men during the panels.

    Verbs wrote:
    “Isn’t this what we witnessed firsthand with the gradual disintegration of The Black Manosphere 2.0? Everything was running smooth and sweet with that space until its founding fathers thought it would be a good idea to invite black women to the discussion. Yes, the same black women who beforehand refused to give said men the time of day, I know, ridiculous right?”

    Manosphere 2.0 invite BW to panels because they throw the towel and give in to this stupid Simone56’s Hit List instead stand with integrity. They thought they can conflict resolve these liberal feminists and call it down the middle. In reality you cannot conflict resolve with liberals because you are just talking to a brick wall and it is a waste of time.

    I salute to Accountable Commentary and Mad Bus Driver because even they support other race of females such as Asians and Latina. You will never see them having females in the panel. Because it is for Black Men only. Look at AC’s live stream, you have mods call the ‘Boot Gang’ and when you see simps or any females in the comments, they kicked them out instantly. Why? because they do not want any females at all. Regardless of what race of women they are and no place for blue-pillers as they have no business being in those space.

    1. MMT,

      Women need to respect men’s spaces, unfortunately the overwhelming majority of black women don’t believe this rule applies to them and through enchantments and manipulation they have bewitched many non black women into thinking in the same manner.

      Black women believe they own black men, this is why they’re always sticking their noses into black men’s business. However, I can’t fault the black siren by herself because regrettably there are too many black men who just cannot function properly without having black women being involved in whatever they’re doing.

      The SYSBM™ way is quality non black women presenting themselves as companions worthy of a commitment, they have no business dictating the day to day runnings of the SYSBM™ lifestyle, their position is behind the scenes being preemptive and proactive companions in the lives of their men.

      As I’ve stated before, black women especially suffer from main character syndrome, they feel it’s all about them. In their minds they have to be the centre of attention AT ALL TIMES even when black men are receiving praise for things that have nothing to do with said women, smh.

  3. SYSBM: We haven’t gone to the Notting Hill Carnival for a very long time.
    White sugar honey: Yeah. It’s not for me anymore.
    SYSBM: Yeah, me too
    White sugar honey: We had some great times there.

    I just come back from Carnival and I have a good time. There was trouble there on Sunday with four people getting stabbed.

    I saw the fights on Back Chat London and I’m not surprised of what I saw. Yeah, it’s always the same old thing really. When it comes to Mad Bus Driver X and his livestreams, they are mostly men and no women are around. And it’s mostly black men.

    When it comes to black women fighting, most of the time they are fighting for a man and we all know why. Because he has the good wood so if the women claim that. When I saw the videos, I was like “Yep, another grand tout of the Blackistain,”

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      I haven’t been to the Notting Hill Carnival since the late 90s. When you have too many NPC/bot black folks in confined spaces, something bad is always guaranteed to kick off.

      1. Yup all they do is feed into the blatant media bias and racism (a la Talk TV/GBNews/Daily Mail) who can’t wait to report on any incident that they can flash all over their pages for their white audience.

        No point in mentioning there’s more crime and arrests at white events either. They can twist the narrative very easily and make themselves look like the heros and beacons of morality, plus they’re seen as individuals no matter what bad they do – hence why they can go to other countries and destroy half a city over football.

        Only difference is, negros seem to love living up to the stereotypes and ruining it for other black men not caring how they’re portrayed.

        1. SYSBM Forever,

          I’ve always said that unfortunately most black folks needs to be constantly persecuted in order to keep them on the straight and narrow, because as soon as they get comfortable, that’s when all of the degenerate, reprobate and reprehensible behaviours start to bubble up and spill over the pot.

      2. Yeah, it wasn’t like this before when I was a kid but now things have now gone mad with these “House negros” who wants to kill their own black people but not to the white beta males.

        But I had a good time yesterday still. The black women wearing weave still but some were whinning to the music and booty shaking.

  4. Looks like our Brit cousins are as down bad as the Black Yankees hahaha. Not surprised to see that simp King Richez in the mix, I’ve seen his blue pill videos before. Dudes that will flex on and fight other dudes to impress these worthless black hoes for a pat on the head and a Scooby Snack are low indeed. Wherever blue pill simp negroes gather it’s confusion, avoid at all costs. Notting Hill Carnival looks like it’s devolved into full on degeneracy. SMH

    1. Schadenfreude,

      Regarding the Notting Hill Carnival, I stopped going in the late 90s because I also noticed how it was quickly devolving into trash and degenerate garbage from way back then. With all of these single mother raised, emotional, effeminate, blue pilled, black male simps lurking around, places like the NHC in this day and age are best to be avoided like the plague.

      Concerning the above video, I’m not surprised that King Richez would want to throw hands because he’s ghetto, however the other guy hasn’t presented himself like a thug before so I was surprised and disappointed to see that type of behaviour come out of him. Dudes need to stop trying to impress these daggles and instead cut them off as much as possible.

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