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Boycott Black Men – Really??? #THROWBACK

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Yep, this is the banner to a channel on YouTube started 8 years ago, a channel which was dedicated to spreading the message to black women that they ought to abandon black men(though most of the videos have been set to private bar 2-3). The first question I have to ask is “is this supposed to be some kind of joke”?

The reason why I ask is because black women long ago abandoned black men when they decided that joining the feminist movement and indulging in the treats and the benefits of the State far outweighed keeping the black family strong and unified.

It seems the black witch who ran this channel didn’t receive the memo, black women as a whole walked away from black men and black society from the days of chattel slavery in the pursuit of alternative interests and to this day they are still missing in action.

For the pro black, black nationalists, I have a question for you. If you still believe that there are some decent black women on the radar who are free, single and available, why don’t you have any yet? Dr Umar “Gerbilface” Johnson has stated that he’s waiting for his queen(I would say that at this stage his wait is clearly in vain), yet he is still single.

I have noticed this with a large portion of the conscious, pro black, black nationalist, red, black and green network of black males, they will promote and testify each and everyday that the modern-day black woman is god, a queen and the best woman on the planet.

Yet most of them do not have one of these so-called ”quality queens” on their arm, does anybody else see a problem here? Why are most pro black males still single if this modern-day black female is so great?

The fact that the majority of pro blacks are single is a testimony against themselves, however one that proves what I have been stating about the overwhelming majority of black women is correct, their value has sunk into the negative, they are not even worth a bar of soap and they are defective beyond repair.

Again, the reason why most pro black men are single is because the pickings of good, decent, feminine black women are slim to none, however they can never admit to this because that would mean having to seek love and companionship elsewhere which in their book is equal to blasphemy and heresy.

Back to this YouTube channel, black women seem to have forgotten that they’ve had a 40 year head start slating, mud-slinging and defacing the image of black men using their white father’s media arm.

The problem black women have with black men is the fact that we are now beginning to clean house using the internet which is many more times bigger than the platforms/outlets they faithfully used for years to make a mockery of our character, image and reputation.

We black men with the availability of the internet now have an opportunity to address the many lies, falsehoods, urban legends, myths and old wives tales black women have been spreading abroad concerning the black male and they don’t like this equaliser at all.

Well tough, black women have had their fun in the sun, their gravy train has derailed and hit the sand drag, the tables are beginning to turn in our favour which is only fair seeing as black men have been the real victims in this ongoing gender war saga.

Always remember that the modern day black female is a feminist and an ultra liberal by trade and profession, as far as she is concerned she is the only individual who is permitted to have the right to free speech, everybody else especially those who do not sing her praises and who critically examine her must be silenced on all levels.

The reason why most black women hate the book Negro Wars and the Slaying Evil website is because I do not attempt to appeal to them, black women as a group have made it abundantly clear through their words and actions that they despise black men.

Though it was a difficult pill to swallow in the beginning, now I have fully accepted how black women genuinely feel about black men. However, many black men are still struggling to come to terms with this brutal reality, I understand that this is not an easy position to accept.

Most black men will never accept the truth concerning black women as a group and the hatred they have towards black men, they will continue to fight against the truth, holding onto the hope in their hearts that one day they will finally be united with their queen, regrettably a rude awakening awaits them instead.

Pledging your allegiance to black women as a whole in 2024 is a complete waste of time and I openly welcome any challengers to prove this statement incorrect. In the words of black male YouTuber MadBusDriver, SYSBM™.

Save yourselves black men, take that Red Pill and break free from the black woman’s curse as black women despite their irritating chants and threats aren’t going anywhere. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Black Women Couldn’t Boycott Opening Their Legs To Thugs Yet Alone Black Men

Most High Bless

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20 thoughts on “Boycott Black Men – Really??? #THROWBACK

  1. Compare that channel’s paltry 227 subscriber base to MBD X’s channel and he’s not even very active like that. The message speaks for itself. Like the saying goes, Lamborghini doesn’t need to do TV adverts.

    Boycott black men lol. How can that be when we’re unavailable to you and don’t want you in the first place. Good black men already left the building. We simply don’t care anymore. I’m sure the same sistuhs who “boycott” us are still playing dick police and stalking social media pages when the men they supposedly don’t want are with non black women lol.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Black women aren’t going anywhere, the boycott black men mission was a failed one because in the spring of 2017, at the same time as the YouTube Adpocalypse, black sirens were flagging and reporting black men’s YouTube channels like crazy. So much for walking away from us.

      The lack of accountability amongst black women is a complete joke at this point. They open their legs to the dregs and the scum of black male society while at the same time openly mocking and ridiculing the best of us.

      Yet somehow the men they don’t want are still to blame for the multitude of woes they’ve brought upon themselves with their own hands, make it make sense, you cannot make this madness up.

  2. Verbs 2015.

    These stupid pro blacks need to realise that black women hate them as black women love their white lord and saviour, their white father. I gone off black women and I stopped dating black women a long time ago at the age of 16 all the way back in October 1998.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      Black women use the pro blacks as their grunt work flunkies to carry out their agenda and their agenda alone. Black men can’t catch a break and get any spotlight by themselves without these black sirens jumping into the frame and trying their hardest to include themselves in the limelight. However when black women have their glory time, they make sure that black men are not permitted the same privilege of crashing their show(not that black men would do that anyway, we’re not like the black witch, unlike these black females we’re content with not being in the spotlight every 5 minutes).

  3. Boycott black women.

    This is something I have done my whole life when it came to dating.

    I wish every black man on earth did the same as me since the beginning of time and creation.

    My true statements would only trigger blackistan males and sheboons.

    It is always better for me to either be a monk or date out with a white dutch afrikaner goddess.

    Pro blackistan males and their reflection of negress counterparts are cursed so they can get lost.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      The thing is, having avoided dealing with black women altogether, comparing your life to those of black men including myself who at some point did entertain the black witch, you can say your decision put you at an advantage in that you didn’t have put up with the endless garbage we mistakenly tolerated.

      1. Yup I agree I never really messed with black women like that. What do you know. I have no kids no record ect. Smh winning.

        1. Cortez,

          Yes sir, any black man who avoids dealing with black women is winning especially those who haven’t dealt with them at all.

    2. Boycott black women?
      LOL. Statistics show that most men with standards do that by default so no need for a movement. LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. SYSBM: Have you heard a channel called Boycott Black Men?
    White sugar honey: Oh God!

    I just saw the video of boycott black men. I wanna say is this. black men who are SYSBM is to continue to do your thing. Your goanna have haters so let them hate. And the passport bros, go and get your passports and fly out of dodge.

    Whoever made this channel is nothing but a ghetto ratchet scraggle daggle who had thug dick in her mouth, got ram through by the worthless men and had multiple kids by them. And what makes me laugh that this lame ass channel has only one video and two videos on the playlist.

    Boycott Black Men channel is super lame, Lord have mercy! And the fool doesn’t even show her or his damn face. And these videos are like 8 years old. And you know these simps? They are goanna follow this channel just to impressive this person. Man, Money Cultural is done. Boycott Black Men, ah fuckrey you ah bring!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as the ratchet scraggle daggle are coming after non-black women.


  5. I remember Boycott Black Men. Those were the days. She probably meant Boycott Pookie because that’s who they primarily deal with, then cry about the results, looking for a clean-up man. No janitors here, too bad.

    Like Wittexton Witwijf says above, I’ve been Boycotting Black Women damn near my whole dating and relationship life, nothing new here.

    Grateful for this outlet and its uncompromising owner. A no-simp island in a sea of beta male “muh bwack queanz” alphabet sonhusband pronoun cucks. It’ll be needed more than ever if Kamammy and her p3d0 VP pick make it.


    1. Schadenfreude,

      Those are the only guys these modern day black females deal with but then have the audacity to tarnish the black men they deliberately skipped over with the same brush as 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce and Field Mouse. You can’t go wrong boycotting the black witch, for starters you’ll add years to your life expectancy.

      Always glad to be of service, I’ve been noticing that the amount of spaces where free thinking black men can liberally speak their minds on the real issues that matter especially pertaining to these dysfunctional black sirens and their pro black simp flunkies are fast dwindling down to nought.

      However, if you’re a blue pilled, pro black female bootlicker, there is no end of places available where brown nosing services can be rendered, smh. Black male simps and their black female overlords will be called out over here regardless.

  6. The following is the channel’s description:




    “We support BWGTOW and other groups that expose the Black man’s fvkery!”

    I never thought I’d be saying this, but maybe women are funny after all (heavy on the sarcasm)! You can tell the idea behind creating this channel was BS because they set most of their videos to private; that lets me know the person who ran the channel wasn’t 10 toes down on their message (or maybe they didn’t want Black men to hear what they were saying). Like Verbs stated, Black women have walked away from us a long time ago, so what the channel’s description said about us not deserving their loyalty is laughable; these hoes were NEVER loyal!

    They want to act like they never committed the ultimate treason against us after we’ve said we’re no longer dealing with them; this failed “Boycott Black Men” movement is basically them saying “you can’t fire me, I quit”. It’s also laughable how unoriginal they are with the “BWGTOW” thing (I remember when they tried that). As for these pro Black simps, they are weak, effeminate clowns who won’t check these straggs on their bad behavior and push back on their lies; I think these guys know better, but their hands are too short to box with their “goddesses/Mother Earth”.

    1. BCT,

      The modern day black female is a premium grade dummy, she’s 12 kegs short of a 6 pack, she deliberately opens her legs to and get impregnated by the dregs and the scum of black male society. However when things inevitably go south, she’s very quick to lump in the decent black men she skipped over with the trash she was extremely keen to get dicked down by, you cannot make up this top level of Tom buffoonery.

      As per usual, accountability is the black female kryptonite, I can’t even remember the last time I heard a black woman acknowledge the calamities that unfolded in her life were due to the jacked up decisions she made in the past. Nope, as far as the angry and bitter black sisterhood of failure are concerned, they can NEVER be held accountable for any wrongdoings even those wrought via their own hands, smh.

      The blue pilled, pro black simp is a spineless piece of trash who is the main cause behind the black witch being able to continue her reign of terror unabated, he’ll burn in Hell just like the black female he pines after, exalts and worships.

    2. Blue Collar Trevor,

      All these bitches do is run around trying to copy the very black men they say they hate and don’t need. How does the parasite boycott its host?

      1. For black women saying they want to boycott us is like cancer saying it wants nothing to do with our bodies like we’re supposed to beg it to reconsider lol

  7. Verbs,

    I remember that channel.

    BWGTOW aka Black Women Going their own way is a White men version of MGTOW.
    That group is a failure from the start because the White MGTOW and Sandman stated that the reason why these Black females become BWGTOW because they want to deal with White Men.

    They were the pre version of ‘Divestors’.

    As for ‘Boycotting Black Men’ I remember Kid Organic stated that we though BW did that during feminism.

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