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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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This is some goofy nonsense coming from the No Fugazee podcast host Cooley. These guys typically start off well but then always rattle off some foolishness down the pike. So having a male barber is now effeminate, really bruh? If anything, having your hair cut or dealt with by a female would be viewed as feminine(following the logical path).

The dude is out here platting his hair like a black female would but we aren’t supposed to look at this type of behaviour as sexually suspect? Guys like this really don’t think before they choose to press record on the camera, smh.

This is what happens when some people have too much time on their hands, they begin devolving into ridiculous, foolish and outlandish thought processing. My barber is male and things are going to stay that way regardless of what these goofy court jesters say.

Meanwhile in other news, this familiar pander bear, blue pilled, black male simp is back again prattling off down low propaganda trying his utmost to get some Scooby snacks and doggie treats from sub par black sirens:

As I’ve stated before, the so called downlow epidemic has always been amongst BLACK WOMEN, however to hide their sordid, under the table activities, they’ve constantly scapegoated black men.

Despite most being raised by single black mothers who openly support the rainbow coalition, black men as a collective are staunch adversaries of homosexuality and any fruity things related, we don’t play in or near those arenas.

Nobody wants to be a female bruh, we simply want to encounter more women who understand the concept of reciprocation instead of constantly running into females who suffer from main character syndrome.

Gentlemen, watch out for guys like this, they’ve become much more of an enemy and a threat to heterosexual free think black men that the black female ever could be. Meanwhile in other news:

What difference does it make whether the hair has been shaved off the heads of Indian woman who are releasing their traumas or it has been created synthetically as demonstrated above? The fact is black females are still stupid enough to attach these weaves/wigs onto their heads because they’re so desperate to look like white women.

Even if you refuse to look at the hair issue from a spiritual standpoint, at minimum you’d have to admit that something strange is going on with so many black women uses all of these external appendages and at the same time observing their mental health continuing to sink even deeper into the sewer pipe.

Black women will NEVER give up their weaves/wigs because these as well as the fake eyelashes, fake nails, septum rings, body piercings, tattoos, BBL’s etc have literally become their idols/gods of worship.


Black women HATE upstanding, intelligent black men with their heads screwed on straight because they cannot manipulate nor control those types of men. They love 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce and Field Mouse type Negroes, therefore let them have them.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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20 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. SYSBM: Do you know how many men are pandering?
    White sugar honey: Yeah, there are loads of them!

    Getting a haircut from a man is feminine? I don’t know where do we get these Negros from but it’s somewhere. I have never got a haircut from a woman for over 30 years and that’s when I was a kid. I got tattooed by a woman and that was 2021 of 2022.

    I know that this man is pandering but there are some downlow men around especially with some black men. And Hollywood too. But the man is still pandering. Maybe he might be talking about himself.

    I didn’t know about the hair. And black women still goanna by the weave just to look like their nemesis known as the white women. And they are marketing it on purpose because they know that black women love the weave.

    And the black women love the prisoner and not the upstanding man. But they will go for him afterwards when they have kids with the wrong man and then they upstanding dude will runaway as he will not date a woman with children.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      These pandering black male simps are a serious problem, because of them black women feel they are justified in continuing in their dysfunctional behaviour. If it wasn’t for the black male simp, black women would’ve crashed and burned out a long time ago.

    1. Thebackhandofreality,

      Typical stragg behaviour, they always believe the rules don’t apply to them. It’s a pity there was another fence separating the tiger from that knucklehead otherwise she would’ve found out very quickly. The extreme mental instability of the modern day black female is on display right there.

    A YouTuber destroys an animated video made by a delusional black woman supposedly representing black women’s dating “hardships”. Set at a speed dating event, the garbage actually couldn’t be any more inaccurate if it tried. As a matter of fact, anybody with a working set of eyes can tell the real black community is the polar opposite of what is depicted.
    Notice all of the black women are depicted as in shape and the black man is shown as the fat slob when it is a well known fact that 4 out of 5 are overweight or obese. ROTFL
    What a joke. These losers are literally living in a fantasy land. I guess the same fantasy land where they have the “best bodies” because they sure aren’t talking about real life. Notice the women depicted have their natural hair and no tattoos like that is even close to being the norm, SMH.
    A video exposing yet ANOTHER swirler that not only funded 100% of her white man’s bills but also has to pay alimony. Black bachelorette Rachel Lindsay, a lawyer, chose to go through with the marriage to her ex that only made $1300/ mo. with no prenup. Of course, as the black guys in the video calls out, a black man making a dime less than her would NEVER get the time of day let alone get her down the aisle.
    Another one bites the dust in the form of the divestor tax.

  3. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! So, Monday’s article has pushed me to finally address something that’s been on my mind for a while; Verbs had shared a video of how the UK is now trying to classify “misogyny” as terrorism, which sounds very similar to what the Department of Homeland Security is doing here in the States. Here is a livestream where a brother named Hotep Jesus interviews BX, the young lady who uncovered this plot by DHS and blasted it on Twitter (I highly suggest you watch the live in its entirety before continuing):

    There is so much to take away from this interview, but allow me to highlight what stood out to me; the first thing that jumped out to me was that incels are actually being groomed by members of ISIS and other bad actors (foreign and domestic) to become mass shooters, NOT by the Manosphere! Another thing is HOW these bad actors are convincing these incels to become shooters, like telling them to become “freedom fighters” so that when the West collapses, they can force women to be with them (who does that sound like to you? Hold that thought, because I will be addressing it later).

    Another startling revelation is how the government has planted actors inside of the Manosphere via their counter messaging programs; General Tito called this years ago. One angle is that these actors are “Manosphere, but softer”, while the other is that they are working to guide the public’s opinion of the Manosphere by associating it with very bad things; these actors also tend to change their ideologies a lot over the years. Yet another startling revelation is that these same bad actors are targeting trans youth to be mass shooters, and the one thing they have in common with incels is mental health issues, which makes it easy for the bad actors to exploit them for a dark purpose.

    After hearing this live, it got me to thinking if the QAnon forums on 8chan were infiltrated by these bad actors; it should come as no surprise to us that conservatives have been infiltrated by bad actors. Did you catch what BX said about distrust in the government being one of their methods of radicalizing people? I can recall the rebellious attitudes of conservatives during the plandemic towards the health officials and their protocols; that was a crazy period!

    Now, I could go on about every single thing addressed, but I’m going to end my rant here; I’ll continue my comments on this subject tomorrow; I’m also going to list who I personally suspect are agents. Stay tuned for that!

    1. As promised, I’m back to share more of my thoughts on DHS and their scarecrow policing of the Manosphere; before I get into it, I wanted to say that I wish I had encountered the Manosphere in its early days before the Feds started to send agents into the space. Now, here are some of the people I suspect are agents:

      BGS IBMOR: Remember my question from earlier regarding incels being groomed with the idea that they can force women to date them when the West collapses? BGS has expressed that same idea when he talks about bringing BW back to the negotiation table; he also plagiarized the concept of the Black pill from Top Dollar Black Pill Gangster, the man who actually came up with it.

      Fresh & Fit: These two were goofies from the jump; their first fiasco was when they encouraged their audience to harass a female fitness influencer after she refused to sleep with Myron (real name Amrou Fudl) in exchange for an appearance on his podcast. Then, there was their beef with Aba & Preach, Nick Fuentes using the N word while surrounded by straggs, and the infamous Klan hood video.

      The “whatever” podcast: I call these guys “Fresh & Fit Lite”; their whole setup is identical to Fresh & Fit. Also, they, too, sit down and have conversations with OnlyFans girls about body count, dating and relationship advice, etc.; it’s all redundant at this point. Now, they once platformed a guy named Jonathan Hogwood who has a channel called “Modern Life Dating”. They had a viral clip where he said that if a woman is suffering abuse at the hands of her husband, she must endure it and not divorce him. He was then exposed for having a rap sheet which included assaulting a woman. Endure, right?

      JustPearlyThings: Pearl rose to fame by being an advocate for men, but she eventually began to show her true colors with her remarks on slavery, Jewish people, and women’s suffrage; typical conservative stuff. She also brought Nick Fuentes on her show, but quickly deleted it after the backlash. It’s a shame how many Black Manosphere figures rode so hard for her.

      Cynthia G: Who can forget the Black Witch of Scalp Summit? She needs no introduction, because we’ve all heard how she spoke; how is she an agent? She once slipped up and said she would call her FBI contact to report somebody who doxxed her.

      Aba & Preach: Everyone’s favorite turncoats from Canada; these two started out making anti-SJW content, but they flipped after their beef with Fresh & Fit. I also noticed how they started to go after prominent Manosphere personalities like Rollo Tomassi, Andrew Tate, Sneako, Jack Murphy, Donovan Sharpe, etc.; I believe they were recruited to act as “narrative control” by someone who hates the Red pill, and is giving them a script to speak from.

      Auston Holleman: This guy has become the face of the Passport Bros movement, and I don’t believe this came about in an organic matter; we all know how his story played out: this guy gained notoriety for bigging up foreign women over Black American women, only to go on Kendra G’s show claiming he’d like to settle down with a Black women (he wanted to see if they could make him change his mind). A passport bro who traveled the world and saw what true femininity looked like, only to return to the communitah looking for love. SMH

      Lilly Gaddis: She’s known for the “N word heard around the world”; she was fired from her job, but then she doubled down and “thanked” the Black community for helping to launch her career in conservative media. This goes to show how conservative media cannot thrive without racism; they like to hide their racist feelings behind protecting their “freedom of speech”, and conservatives fell for it. It was later revealed that she wasn’t really the “tradwife” type to begin with; apparently, she’s a single mom with a mixed baby. She’s also been accused of being Jewish (she has a big nose); also, do you not find it strange that one week after being fired for saying the N word, she shows up at AFPAC IV (Nick Fuentes founded AFPAC), only to turn around and call them all losers another week later?

      She has all the makings of an agent: she is clearly thirsty for attention, and was willing enough to do something this extreme for it, even if it means she can never lead a normal life after this all comes to an end for her. Congratulations, Lilly; you played yourself, and it was YOU who played your role very well!

      P.S. I apologize for the very late reply to follow up on my original comment; I have very little free time in the day, and I’m also very tired by the end of the day.

      1. It`s all just endless ragebait to keep us hooked on the platform at this point, everything is suspect. Especially these Tik-Tok vids, you ever notice how they all seem setup beforehand? Like, some foul shit is going down and there just so happens to be a phone being held perfectly still, like it`s on a tripod? And the person allegedly holding the camera phone just stands there and doesn`t even react? If a gun were to go off no one would just stand there and film, they would duck to safety!

        It`s all poisonous and designed to demoralize and cause anxiety!

  4. All British Women Are The Biggest Racists To Black British Men After UK Riots

    “Get Out The UK Now!” – UK Government Plans To Label Misogyny As Extremism Into UK Law

    I actually despise Britain for many reasons.

    At this point is all about getting skills up, building wealth and have a passport visa to go abroad.

    These 3 objectives have to be completed first before seeking a quality partner overseas.

    I already completed these 3 stages to seek a white dutch afrikaner goddess to build families with.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      I’m surprised that International Passport would still believe there is any form of comradeship between UK black men and black women. Black women walked away from black men during the days of slavery and I’m sure if we looked back even further into history, we’d still run across frequent cases of them stabbing their male counterparts in the back. There is no coalition with other non white folks either, black men are on their own.

      We at the SYSBM Knights Roundtable have known this for the longest and have accepted it. IP shouldn’t be concerned about what Western females think of him and are doing around him, the whole purpose of his channel is to steer black men away from these delusional Western harridans and instead towards traditional, non westernised foreign women.

      This is why I’ve been saying that men in the West need to cold shoulder women here to the maximum, don’t acknowledge them if they can and don’t help them with anything. Leave them to crash and burn out in their own failures and delusions of grandeur. The problem as always is too many men in the West are simps, they still want to hand out traditional services to women who have changed and no longer qualify for them, smh.

    2. I didn’t want to say anything and some here may disagree with me, but my patience has been wearing thin with IP for a while now. I’m sorry, but at this point he’s a crybaby.

      “women don’t check for black men in the UK”
      “black men in the UK can’t attract quality women”
      “we’re all under siege and scared in this country”
      “there’s no hope for us”
      “everybody’s out to get us”

      Ad infinitum. Speak for YOURSELF. I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt because I understand how hard it can be for black men in the west. But come on, you’ve had your platform for years now, you’re well travelled and have access to resources. What’s the issue?

      We know western women for the most part are trash, but you’re literally interviewing black men from the UK, US and Canada who are having success with women and have knowledge of crypto, teach Python etc. You have it made. Wallowing in self pity isn’t a good look and women will sense that a mile away, not to mention dudes who can’t wait to capitalise on that like a lot of those FBA clowns in his comments.

      At some point you just have to be honest with yourself and realise the issue is you. Don’t bring other black men into it either and say what we can and can’t attract, cos I see brothers with fine women all the time. I know it’s hard for us and we have no allies, but you can’t go through life worrying about other people’s approval, slumping your shoulders with your head down and a ‘woe is me’ attitude forever.

      I’m not saying this to beat him down. He’s given a lot of good information on his platform and I wish him success. But he needs to get it together.

      1. SYSBM Forever,

        When IP talked about black women here giving him the cold shoulder, in my mind I was thinking “of course, I’ve been stating this for years, why are you so surprised”? I still don’t understand where his frustrations about women over here are coming from unless he’s preaching about getting your passport and travelling overseas on the one hand but then on the sly still looking for a decent female on domestic soil.

        The guy needs to completely forget about any form of coalition with black women, that shipped sailed a very long time ago. It’s sad to see IP crumble into this current state, it’s not like the guy doesn’t have a passport and isn’t already successful, I don’t get it at all.

        1. Verbs2015,

          And this is the thing….apart from his success and ability to travel, I doubt he’s hideous, he hasn’t alluded to any health issues, he’s not stuck with some bdub he has kids with etc There’s so many black men who would love to be in his position.

          He’s already mentioned that he’s been to Japan and Panama and got love from the women out there – then why not just simply move to one of those countries for a year or two while teaching python courses fulltime and see how it goes? Fcuk UK women, they’re trash. Probably the worst in europe. The only women I deal with are foreign born.

          Successful black men stand out considering all the shenanigans of da communitah, we’re like rare gems and that’s why so many non black women unlike “ours” are quick to snap us up. The real question should be whether the women are good enough for US. If he was SYSBM he would know this. He should know this anyway, because he’s seen the proof and provided the receipts himself, which makes it even more baffling.

          The problem is his energy. I don’t know him personally, but I’d really give him a serious talking to and much needed tough love if I did. He’s got so much potential he could be exploring but he’s going the self pity route. One thing life taught me a long time ago, it doesn’t give a fcuk what you’ve been through and no one’s coming to save you.

          Brothers need to be mindful of this, cos they will just send themselves down into unnecessary spirals worrying about the type of women they shouldn’t even care about in the first place. And stop comparing yourself to other men too. Good black men are diamonds. I’m not worried about who other men are able to attract. I focus on me, end of.

    1. Matt M,

      That is Accountable Commentary’s 2nd channel.
      This one is the Real Deal.
      Real education for Straight, Thinking, Heterosexual Black Men.
      The reason why he goes extreme sometimes because he had friends and homeboys in real life got done dirty and few got killed because of Keishas.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      I don’t understand this either, it’s like IP is telling us he has problems yet he’s not revealing exactly what the problems are, smh. I don’t understand, with his knowledge why he can’t network with black Americans or even travel to the US and network in person? Again, without knowing exactly what’s going on, we’re unable to offer solutions. Again, the dude is espousing getting your passport and travelling abroad to meet better quality women, yet it sounds like at least on the surface that at present he’s not practicing what he’s preaching. IP is crashing and burning out badly.

      1. Verbs2015,

        There’s no way I’d tell another group of people I hate myself and wish I was them. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking when he decided to voice that sentiment and actually upload it for the world to hear.

        I really cringe at the stuff he says at times and I was being nice about it for a long time because I appreciated the idea of the platform and the information it brought – was even signed up to the patreon and everything. However, he’s giving these xenophobic fools ammunition and worst yet, he keeps projecting his insecurities and speaking for all of us over here making us look weak and like a bunch of dickheads and I don’t like it. Don’t have fools thinking they can come at me any old way because of YOUR issues.

        I always knew he lacked confidence, it’s clear as day whenever you listen to him. Fine, the best of us go through it. But quite frankly he gives off weirdo vibes and this is why he’s not getting results. I said earlier he needs to travel to other countries, but to be honest he should work on himself cos even the most patient and traditional women will tire of it.

        ” I don’t understand, with his knowledge why he can’t network with black Americans or even travel to the US and network in person?”

        It makes zero sense because he’s close with Theo. He has a direct contact right there who would show him the ropes and how to network with other black men.

        I hate to be saying all this, but we can’t mollycoddle other black men who just want to bitch and moan all day long. I know that we rag on bdubs and western women all the time, but unfortunately my guy needs to look in the mirror and seriously listen to himself and see where the issue lies. He’s got enough resources and assistance to bring himself out of this state ten times over, so it’d down to him. As a man, at some point you gotta realise no one’s coming to save you.

  5. What the hell are these simps talking about?
    Stating that it is feminine to trim another black man’s hair.

    My advice to the simps who said this, the person need to avoid barbers as you end up getting beating up for saying this because barber is a huge Black Man business and we do not want to hear that.
    As for trimming hair, I start trimming my own hair since I was 17 or 18 and did it ever since.

    Black females loves down low men because it is about sexual control. Plain and simple.
    They support Gay men because they see them as lower tier men so they can be on top.

    As far as the wig curse from India. Tommy made his video 10 years ago and explain it to a T, but that video is gone because we all know about how simps flag is channel down.

    Women love to work in prison because they want to get pregnant by ‘Bubba’, ‘Tiny’, ‘Big Dave’ and ‘Melvin’.
    They even willing to forfeit their pension over these prison Pookies.

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