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Gentlemen, pay especially close attention to what this “dating/relationship coach” says between marks 11:23-12:03. Q Pill most of the time is on point with his commentary, however this video above is nothing short of a desperate plea to men begging them to stop soaking up Red Pill content because he’s personally losing money as a result of it.
I’m reading between the lines and know exactly what is going on here because the Red Pill philosophy is enabling men to read the dating landscape of the West correctly and accurately FOR THEMSELVES from which they can plan out what paths in life they wish to take WITHOUT the assistance of dating/relationship coaches.
The reason why genuine Red Pill bloggers/content creators such as myself continue to harp on regarding the 6 feet, 6 pack, 6 inches, 6 figures delusional standard that the overwhelming majority of Western women are beating the drums on is because despite most men not fitting the criteria above, these disjointed harpies of the West point blank refuse to budge on their delusions of grandeur.
This isn’t a case where women are getting on the internet to say one thing but in the real world are doing something totally different, nope, these Western harridans are steadfast in their requirements and in their own words are “refusing to settle for less”.
Don’t blame genuine Red Pillers for repeating what women are continuously barking from the rooftops, they’re the ones who are relentlessly reiterating the 6 feet, 6 inches, 6 pack, 6 figures mantra. Don’t get upset at men because we’re actually paying attention and making the necessary adjustments to our lives accordingly.
As I’ve stated many times before and will continue to hammer home, as a man you NEVER make adjustments to a dysfunctional dating market, you ABANDON it and instead look for one that is NORMAL(wherever in the world that may be). Adjusting and catering to dysfunctional women will always make you a blue pilled simp, remember this.
Yes, at the video marks I gave, you heard the pander bear correctly, 80% of American women apparently are “emotionally satisfied” in their relationships. Is that what we’re seeing out here with our boots on the ground observations or is the reality of female relationship satisfaction totally different from what Q Pill is saying?
I personally would say that chiefly because of feminism, social media and dating apps, female relationship satisfaction in 2024 is square deep in the sewer pipe. Most of these modern day females have been turned into greedy savages who are constantly chasing wants and desires that can NEVER be satisfied nor fulfilled.
Then Q Pill actually had the nerve to state that 80% of American women don’t cheat, really bruh? This is a lie straight from Satan’s mouth himself. American women especially have abandoned any form of morality in favour of hedonism and living for what they themselves deem to be right.
American women and by extension Western women as a collective no longer have a moral compass in place from which they can establish a robust base which faithfulness/fidelity can rest upon.
The overwhelming majority of these Western women are trash and Q knows it, trust me, he’s experiencing the exact same problems as every other man, however because his BUSINESS is built upon selling men a dream, Q has to pretend that there is still a plentiful supply of viable women in the West to choose from, smh.
I wish these so called dating/relationship coaches would simply be honest and admit that the primary reason they take issue with the Red Pill is because through it, the average man no longer requires their services.
Then this court jesting tap dancer had the nerve to say that 80% of American women(and by extension Western women) work on their relationships. This is total bollocks, most Western women have turned into a bunch of decadent, lazy slobs who refuse to work on anything yet alone any relationships they get into.
Most women in the West now believe that the man is supposed to cater towards them while they sit back with their feet up and their hand behind their heads looking pretty. The mentality of your average Western female today is the following, “all I have to do is turn up, it’s the man’s duty to put in all the work and do the heavy lifting”.
If the women Q Pill dealt with in the past were so good, why aren’t they with him now? Again, don’t let this merchant fool you, Q is currently encountering the exact same problems that every other man who is still choosing to deal with Western women is encountering, he’s simply not being honest and forthcoming regarding the matter.
Gentlemen, as the days, weeks and months go by, dating/relationship roaches will continue to scream bloody murder trying their utmost to save/justify their professions as more men immerse themselves in the righteousness of the Red Pill and thereafter take their own evasive measures to avoid dealing with dysfunctional females who are only fit for the trash-heap.
Western women for the most part have become totally superficial, shallow and incredibly materialistic, they’ll bust it wide open for anybody but especially to that minority of men who meet the 6+6+6+6 delusional standard. Most Western women are no longer morally sound, why is Q Pill still trying so desperately to paint a rosey picture of them?
All of a sudden trash women are virtuous because you’re losing money? What next, the black female is the salt of the earth? Get outta here with that garbage, we’re not stupid over here.
Too many of these Western females are walking away from good, normal, healthy relationships and marriages citing the most selfish, idiotic and foolish reasons imaginable(typically because some knucklehead female demons on TikTok bewitched them into doing so).
With the combination of some men choosing to go abroad coupled with other men who are checking out of the dating arena altogether, these so called dating/relationship coaches are quickly going out of business. In the words of the late rapper Notorious B.I.G, “Don’t be mad, UPS is hiring”.
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Dating/Relationship Coaches Need To Stop Fighting The Inevitable, The Dating Coach Gravy Train Grift Is Over
Most High Bless
A whole bunch of straw man arguments.
There’s a reason less men are getting married these days and it has very little to do with red pill content. It’s easy to blame the late, great Kevin Samuels, Andrew Tate or other content creators. We already know the deal. There’s nothing to lecture us over. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Most western women are openly admitting they ain’t shit, they’re not even hiding it.
No sensible man who values his mental and emotional health is going to risk throwing away everything he’s built, accumulated and worked hard for. We’ve already seen countless examples of men who have had more parts of themselves stripped away than a stolen Range Rover and ended up shadows of their former selves.
I don’t need some Derek Jaxn successor telling me why it’s still OK to handle poisonous snakes as long as I pick them up and hold them at certain angles. Good for him if he hasn’t been bitten so far, I’d rather just avoid all dangerous species entirely so I don’t risk it in the first place and only deal with the safe, non venomous ones (I’m using that as a metaphor for western/non western women because I CANNOT stand snakes in actuality).
If you have to talk around the houses all day long to justify dealing with certain women, then you really shouldn’t be messing with them at all lol.
SYSBM Forever,
The dude was talking straight hot garbage all the way through, you could see on his face that even he himself didn’t believe what he was rattling off into the camera. So, now according to simp boy Q here, most Western women are not leaving relationships because all in all they’re trash, no, it’s the fault of men(as per usual) because we’re not being attentive enough to these delusional sirens. This type of pandering is straight out of the feminist’s handbook.
Once again we have the same pattern of very few if any black men standing on their square when it comes to calling out dysfunctional women and continuing to call them out without folding. Dude is seeing that the flow of dockets into his pocket is drying up, so he decided to stir the cauldron so that he could conjure up some magic which would get women off the hook, typical, smh.
Like I said in the article above, I’m no fool. I know this guy is going through exactly the same problems as other men who are still choosing to deal with Western women. The issue is he won’t advertise these problems because it will hurt his brand and knock him out of business(which is slowly happening anyway, most Western females have become utter trash, they’re completely unsalvageable).
These dating roaches are all the same, they want men to totally capitulate to as well as emasculate themselves for women. Just like the females themselves they too want men to jump through 10001 hoops in order to meet the female’s “requirements” when in reality it’s the woman who is supposed to be demonstrating her worthiness towards the man.
It’s all well and good correcting men, showing them where they’ve gone wrong and advising them on what they can do to improve, however don’t flip the script and conjure up some cock and bull story about men falling short all the way when Western females out here are demonstrating everyday that they’re not girlfriend/wife material and also are NOT willing to do anything to change their position.
Verbs 2015.
I thank God for the Red Pill knowledge because I only started to realise my value as a man when I was 35 years old back in 2017. As a short statured man at 5ft 7in tall I stay well clear of heightist women because they only want the perfect man who is 6ft tall, 6 pack and a 6 figure salary and I don’t take those sort of women seriously because they are a fucking joke. I am only interested in dating childfree non black women who don’t mind dating short men like myself.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
The Red Pill has brought about so much important knowledge, chiefly how dysfunctional Western women think and what men can do to avoid and replace them. Most of these same women who talk about men needing to have a 6 pack, be 6 feet tall, earn 6 figures as well as have 6 inch pipework(minimum size) don’t even qualify for the men they’re chasing after.
They’re so focused on superficial externals to the point where said women have completely forsaken working on themselves especially their personalities and character traits. Because social media has rotted out their brains to the extreme, most women now believe that they’re prefect and thus there is no room for self improvement, however nothing could be further from the truth.
Verbs 2015.
I fully agree with you bro.
The links above ties in perfectly with the article. The UK government is seeking to criminalise men who have so called “misogynistic” opinions about women. This is the UK Labour party for you, whenever they get into power, just the Democrats in the US, they’ll always lean in heavy to empower women to the detriment and at the expense of men.
This is why women should NEVER be given a free reign, without fail they’ll always make extremely bad choices where everybody will suffer in the long run. If you look at the video, the evil siren being interviewed even stated that “traditional women” are aiding men in their so called “misogyny”.
The bottom line is left leaning governments always have a problem with men guarding and upholding their masculinity and manhood, instead they want men to be effeminate and soft so that they can be easily controlled.
Feminism is a decadent cult that preaches choice and equality for women as long as said women don’t subscribe to traditional customs and the old ways of viewing men and women as being different(which they are).
As I’ve stated before, too many women volunteer themselves to be useful idiots in agendas that will prove detrimental to them in the long run. Just look at all of the latest controversy surrounding biological men now being able to compete in women’s sports as well as having the right to use women’s facilities, enough said.
Men aren’t being radicalised, we’re simply attempting to protect who we are as men. Once again the Red Pill, classic masculinity and traditionalism are under attack and it’s always the usual suspect left doing it.
I can’t believe the UK population was stupid enough to vote in the draconian Labour party, this is why there’s no hope for this country. Get your passports and get out if you can.
I have dodged a bullet of moving out of UK last year and got my EU passport.
As bad as the EU parliament is, Brexit did nothing for me either.
I had to choose the less of 2 evils by deciding what benefits me the most in a long run.
An EU passport allows me to explore my dating options with white dutch women at anytime I like.
The UK is done.
Wittexton Witwijf,
I believe that all these calamities are falling upon the UK now as a result of the Brexit vote, the powers that be are punishing Brits for voting to leave the EU sinking ship. That being said, watch the EU very carefully and don’t be afraid to abandon ship and move elsewhere if you have to.
In my opinion the other side was no better at all. The so called conservative party that was openly corrupt and incompetent. UK politics is a disaster. As both Labour and Conservatives stand for nothing and are useless with empty promises.
What other choices were there to vote for.
The only way is out
As for the US is the Democrats win again, I don’t want to hear any complaints from any American again as they would’ve brought it upon themselves.
You’re right, Conservatives don’t conserve anything of value, Labour is a left leaning pile of trash and the Lib Dems have also demonstrated themselves to be garbage.
The powers that be have had the UK sown up for a very long time, socialism has made most of the British public stupid and ignorant to how they’re being played on the daily. That’s why most of them ran out to get their Convid-1984 devil’s juice shot at the height of the scamdemic.
The only way that real change for the better could be ushered into the UK is if the people voted for a grass roots leader who was actually by the people and for the people.
However, that would required a serious change in thinking and voting pattern and we already know that most folks here are socialist NPCs/bots. They’ll continue voting for the same parties hoping for better results and shall receive none.
I was going to speak on this on Wednesday.
TERRORISM?? With all the problems this hellhole of a country is facing, so called “extreme misogyny” is what they want to target?? Really??
This woman is a sellout to her own culture as is that useless gimp Sadiq Khan. So much of the shit coming out of her mouth I could easily address and debunk, but notice the interesting attack on traditional women?
It’s very obvious to those with eyes to see and ears to hear that lately there’s been an orchestrated and very blatant destabilisation project aimed at the UK and that some of these folks fanning the flames are agents. Don’t even get me started.
Of course, extreme misandry isn’t even mentioned and will always get a pass. Ultimately, weak men are to blame. They’ve let it come to this.
This country is beyond done.
SYSBM Forever,
Indians and other south Asians as a collective worship white men to the fullest, you’ll always find willing candidates from within those communities who are eager to step on their own people and society in general in order to forward the agenda of their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost. It isn’t only the black witch who has a white saviour/white male worship complex.
True traditional women are a serious thorn in the side to these liberated, feminist devils. Again, this is why feminism is a scam, as long as women abandon traditionalism, they’re welcomed into the fold. Feminists claim that women have choice, yes, get with them or suffer their wrath, that the real choice right there.
I agree, weak men will usher in hard times. As soon as the belief in God in the UK was cracked, the rest fell to the wayside like dominoes. Now there’s no moral compass base remaining from which people can fight from in this country.
The belief in a higher power is fundamental to standing up against evil works and those who execute them, there’s no getting around this.
Notice how this type of upheaval isn’t occurring in places such as Eastern Europe, a place where they still hold to strong Orthodox Christian beliefs and where the family unit for the most part is still rock solid.
SYSBM Forever,
Feel free to talk about this again in this week’s Open Mic Wednesday, I’m looking forward to your extended commentary on this garbage.
I’m so glad that you shared this because it fits well into a post I’ve been meaning to make for a long time now; a similar manifestation has come up here in the States with the Department of Homeland Security targeting the Manosphere. I’ll save my comments for Open Mic Wednesday; stay tuned!
Looking forward to it, the attack on the Red Pill is really an attack on masculinity, manhood, reality and the truth, we know what’s really going on here. I’ll definitely be writing more articles on the Red Pill as well as masculinity be persecuted in the near future.
I saw this video.
Once of the commenter say something very interesting on this video.
At the timeframe = 7:29. The commenter stated at that frame that when she describing as Extreme Misogamy, she is basically describing as the Traditional Islamic family structure.
Basically saying that this is more of a Muslim/Islamic thing and not a UK thing. Aisha Khan is from either Pakistan meaning she is from an Islamic environment.
What is basically happening is you have these Muslim females grew up in these strict Islam culture background because they do not tolerate liberal/feminism and instead of blaming her culture, she is blaming UK and White Men because they are scape goat.
Just like how African females from the African continent become reject because of they are 304s there so they come to the UK and come up with this colourism and if that does not work, they go to American panels and blame American Black men because they are reject but use them as a scape goat.
Because those countries do not tolerate liberals out there so they not just blame white men, but make laws in the UK because they will not blame the root cause which is their culture.
This also happen to Sweden a decade ago because when they making strict laws because lots of immigrants raping blonde Beckies and making White Men the face of rapists.
The reason why blue-Pillers saying Andrew Tate is an ‘Agent’ because he is converted to Islam months ago and he is using as bait.
SYSBM: Should the passport bros go to Africa?
White sugar honey: If they want to if they like big bunda!
Right two things I’m goanna say. You can go SYSBM and take your options elsewhere. You can go for the white sugar, Asian honey or the Latin pepper, you understand me? I’m just playing the field but in a different way.
Or you can get your passport and leave the country and wife up a honey overseas. Asian is the main spot of the passport bros. South America is fine but not Cartagna, Columbia where it’s dangerous at the moment. Africa, I can say maybe but some of the Africa women have the weave. It’s just the land of the bunda and I’m temping to go there. And that’s it really.
I know that the passport brothers is an American thing but if you want to look for a woman to love, marry and have a family with, they go ahead to another country to find a cutie to wife up.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times at these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
I never followed this guy Q, but I have seen clips of his on social media; this guy sounds no different than the scraggle daggle by lecturing men about what it is that they should be doing to keep women satisfied. Men have tried doing everything society said they should do if they want a lasting relationship with a good woman, but they learned the hard way that women, regardless of where you find them, are all alike; not even the best men in entertainment and sports could avoid this from happening to them (e.g. Will Smith, Tom Brady, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, etc.), and they have everything women say they want in a man! Q is deliberately playing dumb so he can continue his hustle, but he can’t play dumb forever; I also think the government’s saber rattling about the Red pill and the Manosphere may have gotten to him.
Blue Collar Trevor,
Something has definitely gotten to this dude because all of a sudden he’s folding like a cowardly savage. The overwhelming majority of these dating coaches especially those of the black male persuasion are having a seriously hard time letting go of what was once a generously lucrative income for them.
They cannot seem to accept that because of the exponential rotting and rapid decay of the Western dating market, men have had no choice but to seek alternatives including looking for women abroad.
Those 80% stats that he rattled off were all bold face lies and fabrications, observably Western women as a whole have sunk deep into hell and are determined to stay there.
As commenter SYSBM Forever stated above, these women have more than proven themselves to be premium grade trash and still continue to do so even as we speak.
It’s incredibly sad and disappointing to see so many men falling by the wayside, throwing in the towel and folding in the name of the gynocentric/femcentric abomination currently being pushed in and worshipped by Western societies.