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Stop Allowing Women To Muscle In On The Realm You Control!

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Gentlemen, we already know that women control access to sex while men control access to relationships and marriage, however in recent times I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend of Western women attempting to muscle their way into the men’s realm of relationship control, trying their utmost to usurp authority via throwing out dictates, terms and conditions as if this is their area to rule.

Fellas, if you’re seeking out a long term relationship, NEVER allow these Western whores to attempt to dictate to you what you should and shouldn’t expect from them. Relationships and marriage are OUR department, we as men set the standards as to what is required from women in order for them to get relationships and marriage from us, NEVER FORGET THIS.

It’s patently obvious that men who are just looking for sexual release won’t be concerned with a woman’s bodycount, that’s what whores are for, that is the purpose they serve.

However when it comes to long term relationships and marriage, the low body count is necessary and a must to ensure that the woman’s ability to pair bond is at its strongest and most potent.

The reason why most women in the West aren’t worth a fart in a windstorm is because they’ve allowed themselves to be used like the village bicycle and as a result have completely lost the ability to bond long term with a mate.

Now Diamond Fierce does have somewhat of a point, in seeking a long term relationship, if your aim is to navigate the Western dating market in the hopes of finding a female with a low body count(less than 3), your chances of achieving this goal are extremely slim.

Now, if you’re a black man who’s still choosing to deal with black women exclusively, put plainly, trying to find a black female with a low body count is beyond a fool’s errand, you’re going to have to settle for the best scraps amongst the trash you can find as the quality in black female society is already deep in the sewer.

However, if you’re not afraid to broaden your horizons ie date out as well as seek love and companionship on non Westernised foreign soil, such a feat is highly achievable and can easily be done.

Now, this idea of a man only being worried about a woman’s body count if he’s not “in the count” is a ludicrous suggestion and a complete distraction from the real reason which I’ve already mentioned above.

Men who are looking for long term committed relationships do NOT want whores and sluts as their companions, this isn’t rocket science. They want the woman who they’re going to commit to, to be as clean and pure as possible.

Promiscuous women/women who have high body counts(slept with more than 3 men) are more likely to go astray/step out in the relationship, additionally as we already know in the event of such females getting pregnant, the men who deal with those women cannot know for sure that they are the fathers to those children.

Additionally, what about the risk of sexually transmitted infections? I guarantee you that most of these women attempting to shame men for requiring low body counts are literally harbouring a toxic chemical factory between their legs.

Brothers, don’t be like these blue pilled simp Negroes who actually sit there and listen to the endless nonsense that spews from the mouths of these delusional black termagants.

Be steadfast and immovable in your requirements of any woman you get involved with and NEVER allow these disgraceful females to shame or guilt you into dropping reasonable standards just because they know they fall short, oh well, that’s their problem, NOT yours.

Finally, most men in the West aren’t out here slaying cheeks left and right because Western women are only giving a very small percentage of men sexual access, the guys regularly busting cheeks are the SELECT FEW that most women are attracted to.

Diamond Fierce needs to address those men, NOT the majority of guys who are sexually parched and are being ignored by most women.

Be sure to check any female who attempts to tell you what you should and shouldn’t look for in a woman. Get those passports gents and avoid these Western 304s like the plague. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Fully Control The Realms Of Relationship And Marriage With Pride And Honour

Most High Bless

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11 thoughts on “Stop Allowing Women To Muscle In On The Realm You Control!

  1. Here is the thing that always gets me. You have women (as usual black females are the worst offenders) who are below average in looks, intelligence, personality, character, achievement, wealth, and everything that matters, who still harbor female entitlement attitudes. And as usual, legions of black male simps are still gassing them up.

    1. Dudes out here are so desperate, they start hitting on the uggos and fatties because they think they’re somehow “easier”.

      NEWSFLASH, the sha-nay-nay’s, the single mommas, the goblinas, the rinsed-out budget-beckies, they are all in sexual competition with each other for the top man! Sadly, men in general do not practice the same level of discipline, thinking anything is better than nothing, they could not be more wrong. Deep down, these hoes know the only male attention they get is from dudes with no options and will quietly resent them (and the children) for being their consolation prize. This is just how women are wired; if they can’t have the absolute best man in the vicinity to show off to other women, they’ll just stay alone while complaining how “booo hooo I’m so lonely”.

      1. QuietNinja,

        The thing is, these same women want the best men, however they themselves in the decrepit state are so far from qualified to receive the lowest grade of men available. You’re right, it’s a shame that most Western men do not hold women to higher standards.

        Things would be so different even if men just put down their feet halfway, these delusional heifers would fall right into line overnight.

        Unfortunately especially dealing with black male society, most black men are triple cream certified blue pilled simps who have been indoctrinated and programmed that way by none other than the black witch herself.

    2. Only blackistan males are voluntarily choosing to deal with black females exclusively.

      Only black male simps would voluntarily disrespect themselves to please negress sheboons.

      Most black men would rate black women on a scale of 10 out of 10.

      I rate black women on a scale of 0 out of 10.

      This is the difference between dating standards of a simping negro versus a thinking black man.

      A description of a real black man to me is either live like a monk or date non black women.

      I would rather remain a real man to build a future family with a white dutch afrikaner goddess.

      1. Wittexton Witwijf,

        The Blackistani male simp will forever deal with the modern day black female exclusively because he has been programmed and indoctrinated to believe that the black witch is the best and the only female available to him. The bottom line is true high quality free thinking black men DO NOT deal with black women.

    3. AmericanBlkMan,

      Yep, these below par black females can afford to hold onto delusional standards because of the low self esteem, low self confidence having blue pilled black male simps who willingly flagellate themselves trying their utmost to prove themselves to their “black queenies”. If it wasn’t for the black male simp, the black female would have crashed and burned out a long time ago.

  2. SYSBM: You wanna go Sutton tomorrow?
    White sugar honey: Yeah, I haven’t been there for a long time.

    When a man thinks about a woman’s body count, he’s goanna wonder does this woman have a past of sleeping around or whoring around, you get me? A woman who has a body count especially if it’s high, then the man will look at her as a sexual thing.

    Women will control sex and they will withhold it from the men. And as she does that, the man will get it somewhere else. He’s not goanna waste time with a woman who will give him none but will give it to a worthless man that will leave her after he breeds her.

    I know when it comes to some black women, they will withhold sex or play games with the man but will not play games with the hopeless black men that will leave her behind to be a single mother and not taking care of the child. I have seen it so many times when I’m was living in North West London as I see some black women with prams with a kid and no man around.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      As I and many brothers here have stated before, the way to not get played by any of these women is very simple, don’t play their game.

  3. These straggs will come up with ANYTHING to excuse 304 behavior; this “body count only matters to men who are not in the count” talking point is a telltale sign that these sirens are not qualified for the men that they wish to marry. Personally, I would consider it a blessing to not be in “the count” because these 304’s body count is nasty work! As for pair bonding, that has been scientifically proven; I remember that being discussed in red pill circles back then. Think of the ability to pair bond as applying a piece of duct tape to a surface; when you remove it from the surface it was applied to and then you keep reapplying the same piece of tape over and over again, eventually it becomes useless.

    Now, there is another “count” these Jezebellian daggles don’t consider: the ticking of their biological clocks; while their body count goes up, their biological clocks count down until they hit the Wall. I’ll repeat my earlier statement: this “body count only matters to men who are not in the count” talking point is a telltale sign that they are not qualified for the men that they want; if women were honest about their body counts upfront, most of them will be immediately disqualified from being considered for dating and marriage. I believe this is why women are bitter against red pilled men: many a man’s eyes have been opened to the games they play, and men are no longer willing to play their games anymore.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      The hate for the Red Pill not only coming from these disgruntled black sirens but also from their blue pilled, black male simp flunkies at this stage is off the charts. The black male simp has no standards, therefore a black female with a body count of 2000, he’ll still consider her to be a “top quality queen”.

      Both groups hate the Red Pill because we provide no room to give these dysfunctional females an out for their janky behaviour as well as their evil, decadent and degenerate mannerisms. As has been stated many times before, if you’re not allowed to check women whenever they behave badly, how can they change for the better?

      Women know deep down their body count matters, that’s why they’ll go to great lengths to conceal the number including resorting to shaming/guilt tripping men who make legitimate enquiries regarding their sordid past.

      Most Western women are morally bankrupt, degenerate, evil savages, they’ve given themselves over the whims of Satan and actively are attempting to encourage men to go down the same path of death and destruction they have. NO THANKS, I’M GOOD, I’ll PASS.

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