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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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I don’t know who this court jesting, brown nosing, blue pilled simp is but we’re NOT doing this over here. Why is this clown not pressing the fathers who created those children to provide for their own? Why do random men have to foot the bill for children that don’t belong to them?

A REAL MAN does NOT play the role of a step father and look after another man’s children. A REAL MAN starts his own legacy/family tree from scratch. This is 2024, the days of bailing women out for the reckless decisions they’ve made in the past are over.

Again, notice how this blue pilled simp couldn’t present one logical/feasible/viable argument as to why a man who is childless should take onboard a woman who already has children. Ignore knuckleheads like this, sire and look after your own seed only.

Meanwhile in other news, as per usual here are modern day black females showing the world how deep their sexual depravity goes. These are the same types of black females simp boy above wants black men to interact with.

Additionally, these women are the same ones wondering why men don’t respect them, smh. When you present yourselves as freelance, unbridled, footloose whores, you’ll be treated as such every time:

And they wonder why they remain chronically single at such a high clip. In 2024 you’ll struggle to come across any black women condemning this type of behaviour.

These are the same sexual deviants who’ll attempt to shame you into paying them attention, giving them money, buying them clothes and expensive gifts as well as taking them out to 5 star restaurants, smh. Meanwhile, here are more examples of Communitah Anthropology:

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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10 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Imagine a grown man ranting and raving like a lunatic over who other men choose not to date lol. Pure emotional and feminine behaviour learned from you know who. I swear, only black males do this.

    He can flap his arms and scream like a banshee all he wants, trying to shame self respecting single men into forsaking their legacies by taking on the fruit of another man’s loins who is probably sitting back chilling somewhere simply won’t work.

    Real manhood is under attack in this world and you couldn’t pay me to disrespect my own. I guess I have a “mental problem” then lol and that’s fine by me if that’s what he wants to call it.

  2. Verbs 2015.

    Like I said before Verbs for many years that I refuse to date single mothers as a childfree SYSBM black man at 42. I want to create my own nuclear family with a beautiful childfree non black woman. That black woman with the blonde wig looks fucking atrocious and ugly. 😂😂😂

  3. That older black simp is clearly one of these 90s r&b “I’m the dad who stepped up” simp n*ggas LOL. He looks and sounds like he’s been locked up since 1999 and just got out. Imagine trying to cyberbully single black men into playing clean-up for these modern trollops. Hilarious. Times done changed, gramps.

    Damn your one girl’s hairline is like a Mission Impossible mask LMAO. The sad thing is she looks cute with her own short hair at the end, but her own low self-esteem will never acknowledge it. Another net negative when dealing with black b*tches, their obsession with HAIR is annoying. Asian chicks on the other hand are wash and wear and good to go. Recommended.

    All roads lead to SYSBM and away from matriarchal, government-funded Blackistan, gents. Don’t end up like that old simp.

  4. I despise blackistan males and negress sheboons.

    No self respecting black man would be a step father.

    A lot of blackistan males have it backwards of what a real man actually looks like.

    A real man avoids black women.

    Black Christian females are nowhere to be found when it comes to degenerate behaviours.

    Black Muslim females are nowhere to be found when it comes to degenerate behaviors.

    Black Hebrew Israelite females are nowhere to be found in degeneracy of blackistan societies.

    Black Jewish females from horn of Africa are nowhere to be found in degeneracy of blackistan.

    The reason why they are nowhere to be found is because it is in their nature to act out this way.

    They use to hide this in secret but not anymore.

    Blackistan males still believe in black female unicorns that never existed ever on planet earth.

    They would still ask the same dumb question of what I am saving myself from?

    I will only build my own family tree with a white afrikaner goddess or white dutch goddess.

    Personally from my observations, only white dutch women are my unicorns in western world.

  5. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! That simp in the first video must really need a place to stay if he’s simping like that for single mothers; the pandering is beyond pathetic at this point. What’s even more pathetic is that stragg who claims she’s a “natural blonde”, but pulled her wig off on camera; don’t get me started on the Jezebel activity we saw with those Keishas fellating the phallic shaped delicacies and humping on each other in the club. The ticking time dyke is a real thing; also, did you notice what song was playing in the background? It was an R. Kelly song!

    That video of the fight that broke out at that show vindicates what we say about Keisha being at the center of the violence that occurs within the Black communitah; besides, what did she expect when she is dressed like a 304? SMH The rest of the evidence is just more violent communitah footage, a guy who is ranting about wedding guests declining to pay $450 each, and the hypocrisy of dick police detectives. To conclude my rant, here’s another “Communitah Anthropology” entry:

  6. it is always hood folks with the beta person crabs in the barrel crap. Imagine if we were in North Korea what would they do?

  7. SYSBM: I got some time off on Friday.
    White sugar honey: That’s nice!

    Just hold on a minute. I don’t know who the fuck this is fool is yeah but how can someone be ranting and raving about a man who refuse to deal with a woman that has children? It seems that there are more and more simps coming out of the woodwork.

    No man should take care of another man’s child or children. a real man should build his own legacy from the bottom up. Not to take responsibility for other men’s children. I don’t know who is this fool is but I need to find out who this simp is.

    It’s always American men. And it’s always black American men who is doing this simp shit. This man has a mental illness and it’s SPD which is simp personality disorder. And Simptember is next month, guys!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  8. WTF? Is the old dude from Detroit Saying. As a former Detroit resident I do’nt support his message. I HAVE TO BE CAREFUL WATCHING YOUR CLIPS YOU PUT UP VERBS GOT NIGHTMARES FROM ONE OF THE CLIPS. TRYING MY BEST TO FORGET IT #SYSBM


    First off, this Keisha here looks like hell, she has bags under her eyes, cumbrella lashes, and pink hair; what a mess. So, she decided to lie on 3 Black guys by claiming they robbed her after losing $600 to them through gambling; Keishas always tell us to watch out for White women, but then they turn around and set brothers up like this.

  10. 🚨 Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.

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