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Communitah Anthropology – The Saga Continues #SHORTS

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This is the so called community that decent black men are supposedly “missing out” on. This is the so called community that claims it will supposedly have our backs as long as we cosign its dysfunctional culture instead of calling it out for the decadent piece of trash that it is.

This is the so called community these blue pilled pro black simps are stating that we should be happy to “clean up” for. This is the so called community that will openly mock, ridicule, laugh at and shun you because you don’t shoot up the block, don’t have a criminal record and instead value your future.

This is the same so called community that will destroy you for trying to provide it with positive things it doesn’t have. This is the same community that in reality won’t support you when you need it the most.

This is the so called community where violence and conflict reign supreme and where rarely if ever problems any are resolved without fists being thrown or triggers being pulled.

The so called black community aka “Da Communitah” is beyond a joke, black men with their heads screwed on straight would do well to steer as far from it as they can. There are no positives that can come from interacting and engaging with people who hold to a reprobate, degenerate mindset.

As with the modern day woman, the exact same policy MUST be applied to “Da Communitah”, leave it to crash and burn out in its own failures. It cannot be saved, the time where its redemption was a possibility has long ago passed. Save yourselves black men. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Da Communitah Will Always Remain As A Burning Pile Of Ashes And Rubble, Let It Burn

Most High Bless

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7 thoughts on “Communitah Anthropology – The Saga Continues #SHORTS

  1. Verbs 2015.

    I say fuck the black community because it’s dead and finished and it’s way too dangerous for me to live in. That’s why I walked away from the black community and I aint ever going back but you get these foolish pro black Simps trying to convince us SYSBM black men that you should save the black community and there is some unicorn black women waiting for to wife her. I say fucking bullshit to that because the black community is full of ugly fat black women and black single mothers with multiple kids from different baby daddies. No thanks I will pass. I am only interested in dating childfree beautiful non black women so that I can create my own nuclear family.

  2. Any area that is majority black is blackistan and nothing good comes out of it ever.

    Blackistan males & negress sheboons are main reasons why there are no 1st world black nations.

    Not a single one on planet earth and the same cycle is everywhere they go.

    I wish there was a lot more white dutch afrikaner women to replace both of them on global scale.

  3. SYSBM: What you wanna do this weekend?
    White sugar honey: Just say in with you.

    Just another grand tour of the black community. Well, so called as me who is from Brent, North West London, it’s a multi-cultural borough. I know that 80 per cent of black men prefer black women but the thing is that, when you see what’s going on with the ratchetness of black women, black men have no choice but to date out. Or become passport brothers.

    Black men see the ratchet black women and just walk away and just date elsewhere and refuse their own race. We have fools like Dr Foolmar Johnson, Bareback Fountain, Woke Poofgressive, D Derrel and all of the other simps past and present coming after black men who are with non-black women while they are getting stabbed in the back by the women they are catering for, Lord have mercy!

    The saga continues with in the so-called black community.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  4. There are too many beta type people in the hood, everything is about playing around and taking all day simple for things. Most there are wack and cornballs because they don’t want to learn anything nor improve. They are mentally the chocolate white man literally no different.

  5. “Communitah Anthropology” is a great name for what’s being covered here (it just so happens that SKC’s YouTube channel bears the same name); my, how far this community has fallen! The Keisha battle royales in the streets, the senseless killings, the shootings, the petty crimes, and the Brad worship; let me address that Keisha with that White boy for a minute: he’s clearly not into her just going off of his body language and dodgy responses to her. Also, he’s the type who sees nothing wrong with painting his nails (a trend that I’ve noticed Brad engaging in a lot lately); this Keisha is that thirsty for a Brad that she will chase an effeminate Brad that isn’t feeling her. Nasty work! It’s very sad to see how the communitah has devolved into one giant mess; to try to save it is a fools errand. Save yourselves, Black men. #SYSBM

  6. Now imagine being the random intelligent black boy being brought up in the midst of all that matriarchal bullsh*t. No wonder as soon as they turn 18 (and they’re miraculously not gay) and get two nickels to rub together they’re OUT. And their women DON’T look like the fat b*tches and hyenas they left behind.

    Happening more and more with Gen Z, glad to see it.


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