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The Fallout Of Being Hoodwinked By Feminism! #SHORTS

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“Freezing eggs for social reasons” simply means that Western women want to spend their prime years being irresponsible, hedonistic, materialistic, superficial whores and sluts getting piped down regularly by the likes of Chad, Brad and Tyrone ie men they find physically appealing to the eyes.

Once again, we have a situation when wherever there is money to be made, you’ll always find hoards of fleecing merchants ready to put victims on the chopping block and with this freezing eggs garbage, women are the gullible knuckleheads being enchanted and bewitched into believing they can “stop the biological clock”, smh.

In video number 4 Professor Winston’s statement clarified that the failure rate for the egg freezing process is 90% plus, yet this still won’t stop most of these dummies from undergoing the treatment believing they’ll be the “exception to the rule” and everything will turn out just fine.

The ideal time women ought to be having children is in their late teens and early 20s when they’re the healthiest, the strongest, have the highest fertility rate and have the most energy.

But nope, instead said women are persuaded wholesale and encouraged to spend their prime years focusing on a career, climbing that corporate ladder, chasing the bag as well as indulging in hedonistic, degenerate, superficial and materialistic activities in search of temporary fleeting highs.

I don’t feel sorry for any of these women who put off having children during the best years to do so and as a result find themselves in a situation down the road where either it’s a struggle for them to conceive or they can’t have children at all.

As I keep on saying, Western women as a collective have to be left to crash and burn out in their own failures. Being hoodwinked into having children late or as in many cases not having children at all will be their own undoing.

This is why non Westernised foreign women or at least those women who still hold to a traditional, family oriented mindset are the best and most viable women to choose from.

Looking from the past could you imagine that in the future we’d have large swaths of women in the West who believe racking up their body counts and spending themselves into high debt just to go on frequent holidays, buy expensive clothes, shoes, jewellery etc are higher achievements and higher on the priority list than having children and leaving a legacy on this planet?

Get your passports gents and don’t look back. You can warn Western women until you’re blue in the face, however the social media witchcraft, brainwashing and indoctrination at this stage is far too strong to break.

Very few if any of them still have the critical thinking and reasoning faculties in place to question or at least be suspicious of being lead down the road of antinatalism by other women(government plants/agents) primarily via social media.

Unfortunately most women are extremely mentally weak and supreme professionals at being useful idiots in helping “others” achieve agendas that work directly against them. How can they not look at being told to forego their biological purpose with extreme suspicion?

Women have to want to see the truth in order to set themselves free, unfortunately most Western females would much prefer to keep in place and sustain the lies that are blinding them. The Wall is Undefeated and very real. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Western Women Will Find Out The Hard Way They CANNOT Turn Back The Clock

Most High Bless

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16 thoughts on “The Fallout Of Being Hoodwinked By Feminism! #SHORTS

  1. Western women are trying to defeat the wall.

    The cost of freezing eggs can be anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000 per cycle.

    More than one cycle could make the total cost about $40,000 or more.

    I would use this money to invest in gold, silver, platinum, palladium, crypto, stocks, real estate.

    Most women would use this money for college debt, credit card debt, solo holidays by themselves or with friends without seeking a quality partner, buy the latest shoes, latest bags, expensive jewelry, expensive makeup, hair extensions but only weaves when it comes to negress sheboons.

    When most passport bros travel, the aim is to find a quality partner to build a future with.

    When most western women travel on their own or with friends, they are seeking a fuck boy.

    The term of nice guys finish last is after they hit the wall and they seek a clean up man.

    No janitor over here and I left the building to find a white dutch afrikaner goddess to build with.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Freezing their eggs just so that they can continue living out an empty lifestyle of vanity, superficiality, materialism and hedonism. Western women are beyond dumb at this point, they’re so easily persuaded to invest in pipe dreams and things that simply won’t mean anything a short time down the pike, smh.

      I’ll keep on saying it till the cows come home, this is exactly why women need men. Women need men to save women from themselves. Women have to be controlled because as clearly seen, if left to their own devises they turn into mean, greedy, selfish savages who complete lack any temperance.

  2. “Sex and the City” brainwashed multiple generations of single Western females to ride the cock carousel until Mr. Big showed up to sweep them off their feet and marry them despite their ran-through pum pum. Turns out years later that they were sold a bill of goods. They’ll never admit this, nor did they learn anything.

    Yup mostly liberal Western white women swallowed the single boss chick psyop hook, line and sinker and her faithful BW lapdog followed suit. I agree with Verbs, get your passports and never look back, gents. At no point in human history has the straight, productive, Western Black Man been more free to travel or free to choose. More of us should take advantage.

    Not our job to rescue these broken females, they chose the bear.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      The worst thing is the Sex and the City writer Candace Bushnell has built up a ton of wealth but the dumb heifer has nobody to pass it down to. Now it’s too late because she can’t have children, her reproductive system has shut down permanently, the factory is closed.

      She’s going to pay for leading so many women astray, Sex and the City was I believe was one of the first stages of indoctrination, social media and dating apps have completes the job fully brainwashing Western females into believing they have all the time in the world to be footloose whores and carefree sluts.

      Wealth is to be passed down, not to the side. The Western female’s serious lack of planning ahead for the future is clean off the chain. Only a premium grade numpty would live solely for the moment and not put any measures in place to not only secure their future but to also keep their family tree in continuance.

  3. SYSBM: Why would any woman wanna freeze them legs?
    White sugar honey: They wanna be in their hoe phase. That’s why.

    I see why the passport brothers movement is so big all because of feminism and some women who are below par. They are running into the passport office, apply for their passport and get the next plane to fly out of dodge with the quickness.

    “I want a son. I want a son that looks like my youngest nephew”

    When a woman freezes her eggs, when she gets older, she will struggle to have children and there are women that have children but some of them are single mothers. But I didn’t know that it cost a lot of money to freeze eggs.

    The women who want to freeze their eggs so they can sleep with Chad and Tyrone and get ram through by them.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet black women are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      The bottom line is the overwhelming majority of Western women are no longer fit for purpose, they’ve complete abandoned their biological post/function just to be carefree whores without any responsibilities.

      Modern women simply want to be perpetual children without having the face the negative consequences from the bad decisions they make. This is why they must be avoided at all costs, let them form a coalition with the bear they love so much.

  4. It’s ironic black beast think they should be feminist when they’re completely masculine

    1. Neek,

      The modern day black female is the worst monster of them all, she much prefers to kill her children both inside and outside of the womb. Of the children she does choose to bring forth, they’re typically sired by some knuckle dragging Tyrone who’ll struggle to string two sentences together. The black female’s preferred choice of mate is abominable.

  5. It’s ironic black beast think they should be feminist when they’re completely masculine

  6. Q: What is that saying that Red pill content creators use when discussing modern women who think they can outsmart their biology?

    A: The Wall Is Undefeated!

    Fighting against your own biology comes with a price (pun intended); all of that money they spent to freeze their eggs could’ve gone to more productive uses. Heck, they could’ve used it to raise the children they could’ve had if they didn’t put “social reasons” ahead of family building! Also, how slow must you be to not recognize that all of the “aggressive marketing” done was motivated by profits? These women clearly don’t understand the true nature of our modern medical system; these doctors mostly care about making a profit at the end of the day. These women thought they could just freeze their eggs and put their fertility on hold until they felt they were ready for children, but they couldn’t freeze that biological clock; biology ALWAYS wins!

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      The Wall is clearly undefeated even though you still have large swaths of knuckleheaded females in the West who wholeheartedly believe they’ll be the exceptions to the rule despite seeing other members of their clan crash and burn out in their own failures.

      What you mentioned above regarding “aggressive marketing” is extremely poignant can also be applied to so many other areas where women are heavily encouraged to invest in vain glory and temporary fleeting pleasures.

      These heifers are straight up being lied to, THERE IS NO TURNING BACK THE CLOCK, however most of them will find out the hard way.

      This fantasy land living that the West has created for women is fast disappearing and said women are crashing out hard once they realise just how far from reality they’ve strayed.

  7. Verbs 2015.

    Feminism is the worst thing to happen to women and to mankind. Feminism has destroyed marriages, relationships and nuclear families because women want to have it all especially when they freeze their eggs and they have lots of sex with the wrong men in their sexual prime years (18 to 30) and they reject good men. When these modern day women exit their sexual prime years and they hit the wall at 30 and beyond and they can’t have any kids and they try to monkey branch to the good guys who they put in the friend zone in their younger years (18 to 30) those same good men will reject them because they are old hags now those same good men will date younger women in their 20s because they are more than likely to be bitter from past relationships, they are more fun to be with and they are more than like to have healthy children.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      This is the problem with modern women today, they live for nothing viable, sustainable and long lasting, everything to them is all about living for the moment in order to get that short term buzz.

      You try to tell these women that being whores and sluts today will negatively affect them in the future but they just don’t listen.

      They all spellbind themselves into believing they’ll make it through and won’t get shafted by living a promiscuous, carefree lifestyle, however the Wall is undefeated and they all end up in the same abyss of rejection and loneliness.

      Feminism has hoodwinked Western women royally, teaching them that they can “have it all” however as of late reality has started slapping them in the face extremely hard.


    1. G1,

      Yep, the egg freezing business is nothing short of a money generating racket, it’s unfortunate that most women are too stupid and ignorant to recognise when they’re being blatantly tricked and fleeced out of their money. This is yet another reason why women need men, men can see scams from 10 miles away, women on the other hand for the most part cannot.

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