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Black Women Embrace Slut Culture, They Love It! #CLASSIC

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Most black women in 2024 are prostitutes by trade, they will always expect some form of payment for sexual services rendered whether it be in the form of money, gifts or material possessions.

Looking at the videos above, to be honest I am no longer surprised at the degenerate philosophies that most black women embrace. As I stated in my book Negro Wars, black women would rather form Voltron against black men at every turn as opposed to taking the necessary steps to improve their status and clean up their own image and reputation.

In 2024 as far as most black women are concerned, black men are obligated to take on their excess baggage, whether it be a foul attitude, a violent nature, an incessant addiction to money or material possessions, a slutty disposition or a bunch of children by many different fathers.

I keep on telling you black men that you cannot be satisfied with a whore past sex, there is nothing else you can accomplish with such an individual. Many of you have already found this out the hard way having attempted to elevate whores to wife status.

Your average black woman today hold little to no moral fibre within her soul, as far as she is concerned the end justifies the means.

Black women in general typically pride themselves in the lowest and the least desirable traits, thus revelling in being a whore as they see it is an achievement worthy to be praised and honoured. Just observe the recent influx of black women declaring themselves to be “proud side pieces”.

Indeed, we only need look a little further at the television programme Scandal, the character Olivia Pope played by actress Kerry Washington who was proud to be the President’s “bit on the side”.

And who have been the number one group of females to tune into and support Scandal, that’s right, black women. Black women cannot seem to understand that whatever they embrace is observed by others, thus that is what they will be viewed as being useful for.

With that in mind can we really be surprised that very large swaths of modern-day black women are single? Of course they are, what did we expect, after all black women typically do not portray themselves as wife material, they instead choose to promote and project the image of slutdom.

Take a look at Instagram and the huge numbers of black women advertising themselves as either booty models or women who are willing to engage in extra curricular activities for a fee, in fact social media is rife with slack black women who are proud of their contaminated state as has been clearly demonstrated above.

These are the reprobate fruits of feminism right here, as I wrote in Negro Wars feminists are decadent, lazy slobs who are looking for free handouts and an easy ride through life.

Aren’t these the same traits that we observe in most black women today, laziness, unhygienic, filthiness, always seeking to leech off as many men as possible in order to partake in their money and resources, poor with raising and managing children etc?

It is for these reasons and many more why slut shaming is extremely important, black women must never be allowed to believe that slack sexual practices are ever acceptable.

The problem on the flip side is with black women having created and dispatched so many blue pilled simps and white knights into black society, individuals who have been indoctrinated, programmed and trained to defend black women and their whorish nature, implementing a high standard within black society can no longer be accomplished.

Black women are no longer women, the overwhelming majority of them have turned into reprobate, loose, violent, masculine, overbearing, attention seeking retarded children.

Exactly how are decent, intelligent, progressive black men expected to form an alliance with such degenerate individuals? Answer, we can’t and we won’t.

The above and more is why I openly advise black men to seek love and companionship elsewhere, the modern-day black female now represents a bloated dead carcass floating down a river, she is fit for nothing and ought to be discarded by the side of the road or buried.

Black women have done this to themselves, with their own two hands they have devalued their image and status into the negative, in 2024 your average black female is not even worth a bar of soap.

The worse thing about this is men like myself who are blowing the trumpet ie calling out these black sirens for their debauchery are being fought and challenged by the pro black, back to the motherland, red, black and green squads who would much prefer black women to remain as whores in order for them to have easy access to sex, dishonourable and tragic.

Yes, your average black female today is a low grade harlot and she enjoys the slut lifestyle. As I have told you black men before, this modern-day black female is NOT your friend and is detrimental to your life on ALL levels.

Very few black men will listen to and heed my advice, most will have to learn this lesson the hard way. Since most black women no longer value or respect themselves, nobody else is obligated to view them as more than how they’re presented. WHORES AND SLUTS GET NO RESPECT!

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Black Women Love Being Sluts, They Wouldn’t Have Things Any Other Way

Most High Bless

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16 thoughts on “Black Women Embrace Slut Culture, They Love It! #CLASSIC

  1. Happy Friday, gents…

    The plot twist is the white Slut Walk queen herself Amber Rose, is now a Republican and spoke at the GOP convention. Self-identified “slut” to conservative tradwife. She just turned 40 this year, what a surprise.

    Just like Beyonce sang “All The Single Ladies” and went home to a husband (whom she defers to) and child.

    BW for the most part keep falling for the same old Texas Two-Step™ year in, year out. The good news is we productive BM don’t have to go to hell along with them.

    Voting GOP this year, Project 2025 is the solution, Trump is only the delivery system. I would gladly trade police immunity (it isn’t us productive, educated black men who deal with law enforcement, that’s a Pookie problem) for the gutting of DEI, Affirmative Action, Welfare, and Abortion, the four legs that keep these arrogant black heffas propped up.

    Down ticket, your GOP vote will help unseat these unfit black female Democrat judges who keep getting arrested.

    Permanent tranny and homo bans in the military, no more drag queens and queer teachers in schools, no more troons in ladies bathrooms, and a return to indecent exposure arrests for these freaks are just bonuses.

    Vote wisely in November!


    1. Schadenfreude,

      That’s an extremely bad look for the GOP, inviting a self proclaimed and practicing slut to speak at their convention.

      Whoever had the idea to coordinate this needs to be fired. As for these black sirens, they will forever fall for the Okey Dokey because as we know in their minds it’s all about getting many over on black men.

      Even if black men don’t want to vote for Trump in this up and coming election, they should at least look at supporting candidates who represent bringing the US out of the crazy state that it’s currently in as well as those who are going to look out for them instead of pandering to black women.

      In light of the many shenanigans that took place in 2020, it will be interesting to see how this 2024 election process turns out.

      We already know most black females are going to vote for Kamala Harris(because “she’s black” even though we know she isn’t) because they’re State assets and wouldn’t have thing any other way. Black women have been sucking on the teat of Uncle Sam for years and they’re quite happy to continue doing so.

  2. “Most black women in 2024 are prostitutes by trade, they will always expect some form of payment for sexual services rendered whether it be in the form of money, gifts or material possessions.’

    Don’t hate the messenger, but most black women were prostitutes long before 2024. Even before 1960, when most black women were not obese, they were still prostitutes. And they competed to be the bed-wenches to bottom shelf Brads. Get a copy of the 1970s movie, ‘The Liberation of L.B. Jones”. Older blacks have told me that this movie accurately depicts common black female behavior and everyday life dynamics between black men and women in the American south pre-1960.

    “Looking at the videos above, to be honest I am no longer surprised at the degenerate philosophies that most black women embrace. As I stated in my book Negro Wars, black women would rather form Voltron against black men at every turn as opposed to taking the necessary steps to improve their status and clean up their own image and reputation”

    Again, don’t hate the messenger, but the overwhelming majority of black males are every bit as nasty, mentally deficient, and degenerate as the black female. Most black males in the US will eagerly go down on the most diseased, stinking, foul black snatch, if it has a Brazillian Butt Lift attached. Hell, most will do that to the likes of Precious. Black guys in the US making just 8 bucks an hour will go to the nastiest black strip clubs and waste it all.

    “The problem on the flip side is with black women having created and dispatched so many blue pilled simps and white knights into black society, individuals who have been indoctrinated, programmed and trained to defend black women and their whorish nature, implementing a high standard within black society can no longer be accomplished.’

    Now I agree with this statement 1000 percent. But most black males who were raised in households with the father present are still like this. Their father was usually a simp to a Jezebel. This is why SYSBM, like the Marines, is for ‘The Few, The Proud’.

    “Black women are no longer women, the overwhelming majority of them have turned into reprobate, loose, violent, masculine, overbearing, attention seeking retarded children.”.

    They are no better, no worse, than their male counterpart, the black male simp. I have said over and over again, the scraggle daggle and the black male simp are cut from the same cloth. They are two sides of the same coin. They are both reprobate degenerates, cultural mutations in western civilizations. These are the types of humanoids that Blackistan germinates, cultivates, nourishes, and propagates. For a black man to have any chance of being all that he can be, he had better break the mental chains to Blackistan at a very early age. The social-psychological-cultural cesspool that is Blackistan, is the problem. And nothing good can flourish in a cesspool.

    1. Welcome back AmericanBLKman,

      I absolutely agree on every statement of yours from start to the finish line.

      A leopard never changes black spots.

      Black female nature has always been the same since the beginning of time and creation.

      There has never been diversity amongst black women ever in history.

      Sheboons have always been degenerates behind close doors before 1960 and after 1960 too.

      Nowadays it is out in the open now for everyone to see in public.

      They are not hiding it anymore since welfare.

      In my eyes they are not worth any dollar $0, just zero and no cents at all.

      Having an ass is not my dealbreaker for women.

      I am not fitting in the average negro stereotype.

      Even if it was a bonus, I would rather see it naturally on a white Becky without surgery implants.

      If there is no blackistan male on planet earth, that is heaven to me.

      If there was no dark skin negress on planet earth, that is heaven to me.

      I could build a nuclear family with a white dutch goddess or a white afrikaner goddess in peace.

      1. Wittexton Witwijf,

        That’s the best way forward, building a nuclear family with a traditional non black female who still sees and understands value in having children. As for black women as a collective the conclusion is simple, they’ve signed an agreement with the devil and they’re determined to take as many people down to Hell with them as they can. The overwhelming majority of black women no longer have any good within them, they cannot repent from their evil deeds and that is a scary thought.

    2. AmericanBlkMan,

      We have to be careful that we don’t begin to mimic the same black females we’re speaking out against. If every-time we talk about the black female we have to mention the black male simp, how are we any different to the modern day black female who always brings up black men every time her feet are held to the fire?

      The truth is we as black men always get held to account regardless of what our stance and beliefs are, there is no escaping and dodging accountability for us. When it’s time for the black female to get roasted and held to account, she needs to get that work BY HERSELF because she’s always using black men as her scapegoat.

      I’ve got plenty of articles in the pipeline that will be dealing with the black male simp, however the reason I mainly focus on the black female is because she is the head, the originator and creator of the blue pilled, black male simp to begin with.

      The black male simp is merely a symptom of the modern day black females continued pestilence. We need to focus on the primary source of the problem and the modern day black female is it.

  3. SYSBM: Today was hot, hun!
    White sugar honey: Hot we goanna do something hot tonight!

    I heard that my cousin was killed in a road accident on Sunday. My mum told me. he was 25 years old. The guy had 5 children. Five children! And a man who is goanna be 43, I’m goanna tell you this. I have seen some plenty whores in my day and I had a sexual thing with one as well in 2006.

    I have seen so many whorish women in the so-called black community. And the rap music is making it worse with the lyrics these black female rappers and rapping about. Back in the day, these female rappers weren’t rapping about things like this but now things are different. Very different.

    I want to tell you a story of a girl I knew in Jamaica. It was a sexual thing. She was the district you know what and in 2007 she was having sex with some guy for $100. That was £1 at that time. And she has two children as well.

    I wanna say is this. Men love whores. Men love the whore them but there is one thing that men will not do and that is not wifey them whores. They are just for fun but a man will not settle down with a woman who is not a whore. Heard that term. Can’t make a hoe a housewife?

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      I would say it’s possible that a lot of younger men like whores because said women can assist them in getting releases from all that built up testosterone, however as men begin to mature, they’ll happily throw the whores and slut to the wayside in search of women who are more suitable for long term relationships.

      The problem in the West is women(especially black women) believe they can live out their whore/slut phases in their prime years without suffering the consequences of said lifestyle down the line.

      As we’re seeing all over social media, women all over are now reaping the whirlwind as a result of choosing to be hoes instead of using their prime years to find and settle down with a good quality man, smh.

  4. I won’t lie, I was looking for Sexxy Red in the first video because I thought I heard her voice on the chorus; this shows how much the likes of her, Cardi B, Sukihana, GloRilla, etc., have influenced these new hoochie rappers coming up. “Coochie like Apple Pay” just screams using their vaginas for transactional sex (literal prostitution); on top of that, their mic skills are WACK! How many songs can you possibly write about just coochie? Are their brains that empty of subject matter? Females MCs from back in the day would absolutely body these hoochie rappers in a cypher, from their lyrical style to their flows on whatever beat you play; they also had style that made them stand out unlike these new rappers who all look and sound the same. We really need to get back to the days where if you couldn’t rap, you didn’t rap!

    1. BCT,

      Cardi B, Saweetie, Doja Cat and Meg The Male Horse are bad but the likes of Sukihana, GloRilla, Sexyy Red and these ultra dysfunctional sirens above have really taken rap down into the deepest sewer pipe and as I wrote in Negro Wars, this modern day black female hasn’t bottomed out yet with her degeneracy. There is still worse to come with her, watch this space.

      Female rappers from back in the day like YoYo, Mc Lyte, Queen Latifah, Monie Love, Boss, Roxanne Shante were true veterans in the arena, they held their own and would lyrically wipe the floor of these new age female rappers with ease if they were still in the rap game.

      As you stated, the truth is most of these modern day female rappers can’t rap, they don’t have any skills and have been thrown into the mix as plants to steer the younger generations further down the road of death, destruction, immorality, sexual degeneracy and prolific reprobation.

    2. Those 90s women were actual rappers, masculine like MC Lyte and Queen Latifah. They would get in the ring with dudes and hold their own. Today’s hoes are not rappers, they’re strippers and prostitutes who rap on the side.

  5. “these new rappers who all look and sound the same”

    It`s by design. (((They))) want everything homogenized so everyone responds to the same thing to minimize the hassle of marketing to different groups, as well as control the masses. Modern rap music is NPC music.

    1. QuietNinja,

      “Modern rap music is NPC music.”

      You nailed it. What’s even more disappointing is how these younger women are lapping this NPC music up without even stopping to think about what they’re being told in the lyrics. At least 90s hiphop had plentiful variety to it. Not this modern day garbage, as you said, it’s all the same homogenised, ultra processed trash.

  6. Not to mention Foolmar Jackass the Hotep Walrus was recently all hugged up yet again on that demon Sukihana lol.

    With all his travels, he could have easily found someone to marry by now and at least APPEAR to walk the walk so black men can take him somewhat seriously when he tells us to stop “bunny hopping” and get with a kween. But he’d rather film chicks in the DR, produce babymamas and mess around with whores and strippers and then justify it with a bunch of hotep flimflam.

    “We must remain focused brothas!” lol

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Gerbilface is a disgraceful minstrel crackhead Negro who managed to hoodwink a large number of black folks into donating towards a school that sadly is never going to manifest itself. Can you believe the clown said that the reason why the school isn’t up and running yet is because folks aren’t repeat donating.

      Yep, the ridiculous number of millions he’s fleeced out of folks so far according to him isn’t sufficient. He’s right about staying focused, the focus is being on guard when fleecing merchants like himself come rolling around the way asking for money for empty projects.

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