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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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These security guards especially the black guy knew exactly how to deal with this unruly blonde wig wearing black siren who didn’t want to follow orders and acted as if the rules of the establishment didn’t apply to her. I’m glad he picked her up and literally threw her out of the joint, she honestly believed he wasn’t going to touch her, lol.

I’ve been saying for the longest while that dysfunctional black women especially need to taught via the masculine hands of justice every so often in order for common sense to be cemented into their thick skulls, for said females to finally understand they’re NOT special and will suffer the humiliation of being manhandled if and when required. Meanwhile:

This delusional black female mentioned prayer, who exactly is she praying to with fake eyelashes, a gutter mouth and a nose ring? No thanks, keep your prayers to yourself because it’s evident that we don’t believe in the same God.

The overwhelming majority of black women have nothing to offer, don’t be hoodwinked by that long list she rattled off. It was only for the video, we can guarantee that she doesn’t possess any of the qualities she mentioned in real life. Moving along:

I agree with what she said, however I think that’s one of the minor reasons why so many women are single out here. The main reason why so many women are single is because they’re not fit for relationships and marriage and have been rendered that way by opening their legs to the Chads, Brads and Tyrones of male society.

Modern women are completely ruined and via their own hands have they made themselves so. Your average female in the West has absolutely no sexual discipline nor temperance yet has the audacity to accuse men of only thinking with “the small head” while at the same time being far more promiscuous/sexually active than the men she berates, ridicules and disparages, smh.

It should also be pointed out that Western women no longer bring peace to men neither can they effectively demonstrate how they’ll be a net positive and an asset to any man’s life as opposed to a liability. The modern day female’s serious lack of a moral compass is also a contributing factor to their high single status.

Another major reason why so many women in the West are single is the fact that they ARE NOT ACCOUNTABLE NOR HONEST. Whenever in the wrong, these Western harridans point blank refuse to hold their hands up and admit when they’re in error.

Only a premium grade mullet-headed woman would enter into a relationship believing that all the culpability lies with the man. Social media has completely indoctrinated, brainwashed, programmed and bewitched modern day females into believing that they’re perfect, they can do nothing wrong and said bozos actually believe it, smh.

Anyway, that’s enough of me, what’s on your minds for this week gents? As per usual you’ve got the floor, roll that dice. SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

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23 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. I was actually enjoying the video of the security guard throwing this negress to the ground.

    Chicago Illinois police shot a black woman dead

    She had boiling water and told the police officer that she rebukes him on the name of Jesus.

    The letter J never existed over 2000 years ago.

    No dark skin sheboons on planet earth is actually heaven for me.

    I could build a family with a white dutch goddess or white afrikaner goddess in peace.

    1. Actually, the police incident happened about 3 hours away from Chicago. A slightly rural area

  2. ***LONG POST ALERT***

    Soooo it’s been a hot summer on this side of the pond for the last week or so, and I’m not just talking about the weather either. I don’t even know where to begin with all the fcukery. You could do a whole Netflix series with everything that’s been happening in the last fortnight.

    The hypocrisy of the dominant population in this country gives me jokes, mainly their bigshot commander in chief, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, AKA ‘Tommy Robinson’. This dude is super Patriotic, but holds an Irish passport and lives in Spain lol. Make it make sense. This grifter is basically the closest you can get to a white British version of Tariq Nasheed, except he doesn’t war with other whites like that undercover flaming fruit idiot. I mean, look at the similarities: dodgy backgrounds, going by a different name other than the one they were born with, playing on people’s emotions to stir up anger and hate, god complex, opportunism, low budget documentaries, organising useless marches which are just huge social gatherings, numerous general contradictions etc you name it. ‘Tariq’ and ‘Tommy’ are both operating from the same playbook.

    First, this whole thing with the riots in Leeds. Everybody was on their high horse about how all these muslims and ethnics have turned their spotless and perfect British towns into warzones (“import the third world, become the third world” as they love to say). First it was Asians, then it turned out to be Romanians lol. I don’t care for whatever they were rioting about, nothing to do with me. However, just yesterday Tommy was justifying HIS people for rioting in Southport:

    Eritreans are a danger to the public? Since when?

    Now, what happened with those young children being stabbed and three little girls subsequently succumbing to their injuries is horrific and every parent’s worst nightmare. Whatever the real circumstances were behind this bizarre incident, it is still obviously a tragedy.

    However, what’s been exposed is how these overzealous, beer drinking, knuckle dragging neanderthals were more concerned with causing havoc than actually mourning the deaths of children they claim to care about. I’ve seen plenty of videos with them laughing and chanting the name of their leader like they were at their local pub. I didn’t see any anger from them. They just wanted an excuse to riot. Mind you, these are the same unwashed hooligans who riot ALL THE TIME at home and in other countries over football, regardless of whether their team wins or loses. The same people bigging up that cop at Manchester Airport for stamping on a subdued man’s head are the same ones who sent numerous police officers to hospital lol. You can’t make this up.

    This tweet from a Southport local basically summed them up:

    If they care so much for their country and local towns, why terrorise their own people who are currently grieving in the process? When black folks riot over injustice, which is quite rare nowadays, don’t they always accuse us of destroying our own shops and neighbourhoods which we don’t even own in the first place?

    As for the identity of the attacker, first he was a guy called “Ali”. That was proven to be false. Then it was muslims, then numerous other types of “foreigners”, now it’s supposedly some mysterious British born Rwandan. I personally call cap on that until I see the receipts. I don’t know why a young black male would go and randomly target little girls at a dance school. I’m not saying it didn’t happen like that, I can’t say for sure, however I’m tempted to put on the tin foil hat on this one as I have my own theories and want more evidence. The whole thing is very strange. Thank God it’s not like the states were people are walking around with all types of semi automatic weapons or else we’d be mourning 20 dead young children.

    You know what else I find interesting? Just the other day you’d be hard pressed to find a white Brit who believed in god, now all of a sudden ‘Christ is King’ and everyone and their pet cat is a believer and wants to defend their “Christian country” lol. It’s obviously a pushback against Islam, we ain’t stupid.

    I’m not saying any of this to defend muslims (yes I know there are black muslims), Asians or whoever. People need to fight their own battles because none of them have our back when black folks are made to be the collective bogeyman. I remember how they were talking about us during the racial tensions in Birmingham back in ’05 and the 2011 London riots. To be fair, Tommy doesn’t appear to have issues with British born black folks, particularly West Indians who came to this country en masse decades ago and managed to assimilate into the population. There were black folks at his march who didn’t have any issues. A broken clock is still right twice a day and I totally agree with his views on BLM, which I also despise (and think is a CIA creation) and is headed by anti black male KKKeishas. The ones to watch out for is the political party Britain First who are pretty much the new National Front lead by that fucker Paul Golding (another convicted crook) and his sidepiece accomplice Ashlea Simon are the really openly racist ones who say it with their chest. However, I keep my eye out on events because I know how things can eventually trickle down to us regardless of who the current bogeyman is, I’m no fool.

    In light of that fact, I’m gonna make another post a bit later….

    1. “You know what else I find interesting? Just the other day you’d be hard pressed to find a white Brit who believed in god, now all of a sudden ‘Christ is King’ and everyone and their pet cat is a believer and wants to defend their “Christian country” lol. It’s obviously a pushback against Islam, we ain’t stupid.”

      So, you guys have Christian nationalism over in Britain, too? I don’t know what it’s like for you over there, but I can tell you that the Christian nationalists in America are major hypocrites; I haven’t heard the “Christ Is King” dogwhistle, but I’ve similar things such as “take back OUR country” and “America First”. None of these White chickensh*t people knkw Jesus, at all!

      1. BCT,

        “So, you guys have Christian nationalism over in Britain, too?”

        Not to the extent you guys have in the states with the KKK, nazi Christian Identity or anything on that level. But these people want me to believe that they’re reading the good book and praying to the lord everyday. Give me a break! They’re full of shit.

        America is a degenerate hellhole, but you got places like the Bible Belt and folks usually mention god ie “God bless America” in everything. We don’t have anything like that here. Most of the white populace are atheist and they know it.

  3. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Man, we’ve already reached the end of July; it feels like just yesterday the month began. Anyway, let me start with the first video of the stragg getting thrown out; her name alone says a lot. Teyonce Minaj? What a stupid name! These Black sirens idolize these daggle celebrities beyond what they’re actually worth; they really wish they could be like them.

    Next up, another delusional daggle who thinks men care about all of the things ahe rattled off; also, they always have to belittle you with some snarky remark (just like Brad). So what if the table were from IKEA? If you don’t have anything of substance to bring, there’s no seat at this table for you; you’re not qualified, Keisha! As for the last video, the main issue is that women today just aren’t traditional like they once were, men aren’t going for modern women now; that concludes my rant.

    Yesterday, I watched this clip from an interview with Judge Joe Brown where he spoke his piece on Kamala Harris; after hearing him, it reconfirms why I believe she is unfit for the presidency. Here’s the video:

    1. “Teyonce Minaj? What a stupid name! These Black sirens idolize these daggle celebrities beyond what they’re actually worth; they really wish they could be like them.”

      These modern black hoes is straight delusional, hahaha. Imagine me voting for one for president.

  4. Verbs wrote:
    “I’ve been saying for the longest while that dysfunctional black women especially need to taught via the masculine hands of justice every so often in order for common sense to be cemented into their thick skulls, for said females to finally understand they’re NOT special and will suffer the humiliation of being manhandled if and when required.”

    I say let the Brad and Mr White do the job because I watch lots of AC videos called ‘Crash out Keishas’ where these black females are use to be authority figure in the Communitah. However when they go to the real world, they learn the hard way. Even these police treat them with Kid Gloves, these b-dubs escalate to criminal record and all they need to do is to simply comply.

  5. Gentlemen,

    As I’ve stated many times before, most black men will have to learn the hard way that the modern day black female is a lost cause. The main reasons why black women embrace the fake hair culture so much is because they’re a bunch of lazy slobs who additionally want to be white women.

    The only way those black men who still like black women can successfully get said women to wear their natural hair is to outright reject those who engage in the fake hair culture. Unfortunately for those black men, most black women subscribe to and embrace that culture and love it.

    The problem is there aren’t enough black men with the testicular fortitude to stand on business. Instead there are too many blue pilled simps who’ll fold too easily.

    For the dysfunctional fake hair culture and many other reasons I stopped dealing with black women years ago and I’ve never looked back. Like I said, if those black men who still like black women want to see some change, they’ll have to get radical.

  6. Gentlemen,

    A maximum salute to President Trump for having the balls to point out the obvious, Kamala “side piece” Harris isn’t black. How are these Democrats trying to push the woman as if she’s FBA? I’m not surprised that black women are still willing to fall in line with this old hag, yep the same old siren who was locking black men up left, right and center when she was operating as the Attorney General of California, smh.

    1. These black hoes just want to see their “Scandal” fantasy come to life. She don’t have to really be black…close enough. Just like Meghan Markle.

      This delusional gynocracy’s got to come to an end.

    2. She proves that for women: “It’s not who you know, it’s who you blow!”


      A swirler’s white woman reject tells the story of how she was indeed his last choice that he settled for because he couldn’t get his Japanese ex to choose him over another man! Like a good, strong black woman, she waited idly by with fingers crossed just in case it fell through. These women are SOOOOO DESPERATE! Truly pathetic!
      Apparently the man even flew to Japan and tried to stop his Japanese ex’s wedding. She admitted ON CAM that she stayed around to play backup. She KNEW he preferred the Japanese woman to the point where he tried to break up a wedding and still chose to not only wait around but also accept him with open arms. But I thought white women were pushovers. As we all know, NOBODY is a bigger pushover than a black woman with a white man. Can you imagine a black woman putting up with that from a black man? Hmm.
      Also, this also proves something else we all know. The socially handicapped, geeky, fat or just garbage white men targeting know what lane to stay in to feel attractive. Notice his ex was Japanese, another minority woman. They know their white skin will score them points with minority women whereas white women (especially the good looking ones), will see them as the losers they are. White skin won’t mesmerize them because they are actually white themselves. Why do you think these men have to look at minority women in the first place.

      Funny, you don’t see black men tolerating this type of garbage to be with a non-black woman. Then again, we have options. They know they don’t (because most white men don’t give them the time of day) so they have to hold on for dear life as they know it will not be easy to get another one. Sad!

      1. Matt M,

        She doesn’t even look remotely attractive. These black females are extremely desperate to the point where it’s pathetic, smh. I really don’t understand how he can look that creature in the face as he’s doing the business with her, yuck.

        This is where I have to disagree with Auston Holleman about African women not lusting after white men. The only reason why Africa doesn’t resemble South America right now is because non mixed black females are the white man’s last choice of mate.

        If white men paid African women more attention, the Motherland would look like a completely different place.

        Look at how a large amount of African women in I believe it was Uganda some years back got knocked up by Chinese men who went back to their home country shortly afterwards leaving said women high and dry to raise those children by themselves.

        African women are white men worshippers big time just like Asian, Indian and Latin American women.

  7. BTW, this is worth an article in itself, but some black men just don’t help shit.

    I was in Southend-on-Sea Tuesday for the whole day and had a great time. There were a lot of people there as you could imagine with the hot weather and school holidays. We didn’t see anything pop off. So imagine my huge disappointment when I finally arrived home at night, logged on and saw the fuckery that occurred with this machete fight over god knows what.

    I’m so sick of these fucking clowns. Why even bring that nonsense there of all places?

    I watched this interview with this brother here:

    I don’t know much about him, but I while I agree with most of what he said, he could have stated that most black men are decent and are not on this b.s., nor condone it (notice how the presenter couldn’t wait to use the word “feral”….) I hope he doesn’t think GB News are his friends and give a fuck about him. They only care about spinning any negative narrative they can. We can’t afford to have naive black men speaking in generalities, nor absolving black females of all blame. Who are the ones raising these boys and covering for them? We need to start caring about our image and fighting for it.

    I was there and saw plenty of normal black men with their families having a good time like everyone else, but like I always say, we don’t have the luxury of being seen as individuals. So when stuff like this happens, good black men get lumped in with the rest of these scumbags.

    I could mention other things like the black men in Paris who recently decided it was a good idea to gang rape a white Australian female tourist around Olympic time, to the now confirmed British born Rwandan who stabbed all these young girls – and this whole thing is still very strange to me.

    Of course, certain elements are having a field day with all this because they get to vilify us, plus the muslims are breathing a sigh of relief now that they know it wasn’t one of them who stabbed the girls, so they’re more than happy to share the hot seat.

    This is why we need to separate and distinguish ourselves from Da Communitah. When these losers engage in their nonsense, we all get the blame. Things are really volatile in this country right now and we need to watch our six and get on code.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Southend has machete gangs rolling the streets now? Smh, Once again I believe all of this violence that’s suddenly sweeping across the country is being allowed to take place on purpose so that Labour can steam roll in with their triple cream draconian, Tony Blair type measures, yes, the same ones they tried to roll through with and implement back when they got into power in 1997(some of us still have a very good memory).

      Just as white men have used every medium to completely propagandise the world into believing they’re the best thing since sliced bread(while at the same time propagandising said planet that black men in particular are the worst), black men need to launch a similar sort of media image blitz of their own. The problem is most black men(sadly unlike black women) aren’t willing to put in the money to demonstrate that we’re not all out here wreaking havoc in the streets.

      This is the main overarching problem and one that I’ve personally been talking about for years, as soon as it comes down to black men pooling their money together in order to set up our own media outlets, everybody immediately begins navel gazing, looking down at the floor or looking across the room as if they never heard the suggestion. Unfortunately that black female element of being stingy and not caring about image and reputation is hard wired into most black men.

      Back in 2016 I released an article(which I’ll release again in the future) talking about the importance of black men setting up their own media companies so that we can properly control our own narrative as well as successfully repel the usual “black people are always up to no good” propaganda. Obsidian Media Network has also been talking about this for almost a decade now.

      At the same time to be honest, racist whites and other members of non black groups who have “problems” with black folks in general WANT to lump us all together, that way they can continue to justify their default prejudice and racism towards us. I’ve been writing articles since 2010 in support of black men and I can tell you from experience, the support from black men over the years has been extremely minimal at best.

      Unfortunately black men as a collective would rather rely on white owned media outlets believing they’ll remain as well as give them access forever rather than set up their own media franchises and media infrastructure, smh.

      Dealing with what the black guy was saying in the video, it’s the lack of morality and the sparse belief in a higher power which are the main causes of all of these youths rolling the streets recklessly ready to chop another man up over random glances. Throw fatherless homes into the mix as well.

      A harder stance on knives(zero tolerance policy) won’t make a damn difference to those carrying them, criminals and gangsters don’t care about the law. It’s always the everyday individual who is just trying to provide for himself and his family that suffers the brunt of these draconian measures.

      Remember, as mentioned before it was Labour who 1997 immediately banned everyday folks from carrying around a Walther PP7 hand gun. If you could carry one of these about today, these street goons would think twice before pulling out machetes on people.

      Sadly that Negro on GB News is feeding into the propaganda of calling upon the same government that is causing the violence to begin with. I know the Labour party very well, just like the Democrats in the US, Labour want the general public to be completely defenceless ie sitting ducks, smh.

      The most effective way to deal with knife and chopper wielding savages is to ARM THE PUBLIC(as much as a lot of folks in this country don’t like to hear that). Of course Labour will never allow the general population to carry around any kind of weapon that can be used in self defence.

      The knife/gun is NOT the problem, it’s those carrying them who are mentally unstable and morally bankrupt that are the issue.

      1. Verbs2015,

        I was just talking to a brother earlier this morning and it’s pretty clear the government is orchestrating all this and deliberately taking the piss to rile up the natives and cause total anarchy and chaos. There’s no way they don’t know what they’re doing.

        Unfortunately, black men are the LEAST to be on code with each other and it’s sad. They’ll run each other down to anyone with a listening ear for a pat on the head, yet they’ll never bolster their own image in a world that is dead set against them. We can’t work together because of egos and everyone wanting to be King of the Hill. Meanwhile, white men from all over the globe are on the same page over what’s happening here. There’s no “FBA” bullshit equivalent or any tribalism going on with them.

        I watched another interview with that dude on GBNews from a few months ago and he’s actually off code. He seems to be under the impression it’s only black men who kill each other SMH. I always side eye any black male who doesn’t bother to bring up the good black men who don’t engage in the foolery. I’m just as pissed as anyone else on the state of Da Communitah, but again, you generalise the men in your own group and your statements will only be weaponised against everyone, including YOU. Akala did a much better job here a few years ago…

        ….and I’m glad he brought up the point that most child molesters are middle aged white men who are being arrested all day long, yet there’s no discussions as to why that’s the case. I mean, just look at what’s going on with Huw Edwards as we speak. The white media isn’t gonna bring up the elephant in the room because they know image is everything. White men have the best PR team because regardless of what they do, they’re still seen as gods.


    Excerpt from the article: “When Khelif and another boxer were disqualified from a women’s competition in 2023, “sporting officials alleged that the boxers failed an unspecified test because they had male chromosomes,” NBC News reported. Politico reported of Khelif, “Unusually, she is reported to have XY sex chromosomes — most women have XX sex chromosomes — but Khelif was born female.” However, Fox News reported that “Khelif and the Algerian Olympic Committee (COA) both denied the claims” about XY chromosomes, which the network attributed to a statement International Boxing Association president Umar Kremlev gave to Russia’s Tass News Agency.”

    What did I just read?! “Most women” have XX chromosomes? No, ALL women have XX chromosomes, and Khelif was born (and still is) MALE! Just take one look at that dude; nothing about him physically says female. I want to feel bad for Angela Carini, but then again, it must be acknowledged that women made the grave mistake of sitting quietly while these libtards pushed for these things in their name; the naysayers can call me “transphobic” all they want, but I will never pretend to not know what a woman is for an elite funded agenda.

    1. The same unhinged liberal cat lady “allies” who claim “transwomen are women” are now outraged that a troon bashed a biological female in the face full force for the world to see. Now all of a sudden there are differences between the sexes. All these out of control bitches need the same treatment.

    2. These hoes need to WOMAN UP if they insist on having their little playfights on the public dime. We all grew up being browbeat constantly on how great women are if we just give them a chance… NOT! Centuries of evolution and they are still mostly children in adult bodies.

      Also, lol at all the thirsty right-wing simps on Twitter getting mad their precious Anastasia was manhandled! Haters love to try to paint SYSBM as white-worshippers but nope, it`s these failed race copers that really wanted a white girlfriend but had to settle for an an “honorary aryan” mid-tier asian or semi-white passing latina.


    The only way white males can come at us and stand a chance. They can only attack us in groups. This is like the old days when white nationalists were roaming the streets and brothers were the main ones giving as good or even better than they got. This brother had an entire cowardly mob on him and he still held it down. Massive props to him and I hope he’s alright.

    Another reason I don’t take these ‘roadmen’ seriously. Where’s all these shank carrying, black hoodie and face mask wearing ‘real n*ggas’ now? Yeah, it’s easy to swing machetes at each other by the beach with families nearby and recite tough drill lyrics, but when it comes time for them to do some REAL shit like fight against the true enemy, these fools are never around. They weren’t there to have their brother’s back, but they’d rather attack another civilian who looks like them just for being from a different postcode. SMH.

    My UK bros, watch your six cos this has been a crazy summer so far.

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