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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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The contrast in the mentality between both of them is incredible to witness, the evil Jezebelian siren on the left actually attempted to shame the young girl on the right into breaking up with her boyfriend just because he’s making 20K as a janitor and not the 200K that her materialistic, superficial backside desires, smh.

This is what men like myself are talking about when we say that we want women who can think and reason for themselves as well as stand their ground when decadent members of the sisterhood attempt to sway them in a destructive direction with bad advice and terrible recommendations.

The girl with the black hair stood on business, she is an extremely rare breed of female in the West. She looks at the tangible value her boyfriend brings to her life, not how much money he’s earning and can potentially splurge on her.

The truth is, the man who is earning 200K with a head on his shoulders is going to pick the young female on the right without hesitation hands down as she has demonstrated an appreciation for men that’s beyond money.

As mentioned before, the Jezebel on the left holds to the typical carnal, materialistic, cancerous mentality that has infected and permeated most women in Western countries. She believes the man is supposed to cater to and spoil her while she sits back and relaxes with her hands behind her head and feet up looking pretty.

As I stated in Monday’s article featuring Suereyya Brooks, the word for 2024 and beyond is RECIPROCATION.

All women you deal with MUST fall in line with your program, those who refuse to cooperate and submit to your leadership should be kicked to the kerb forthwith without a second thought. Finally, here is another woman showing some appreciation to her man:

Gentlemen, above all else avoid women who don’t bring any substance and value to your lives like the plague. They’ll drain your money, resources as well as your SOUL. Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week brothers? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

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Most High Bless

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19 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Verbs 2015.

    I want to say a big shut out to the good looking young white woman on the above video defending her 20k a year boyfriend who works as a Janitor. This goes to show that there are some loyal white women out there in the western world that will date guy in a long term relationship or marriage whether he is rich or poor or in a low paid job that woman will be loyal to that guy throughout the good times the bad times in life. All we decent black men want is a loyal good looking childfree non black woman who is going to be with us whether we are broke or rich. I avoid gold digging women like the plague because they are not to be taken seriously.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I fully agree with you bro. I remember not so long ago when all most women required from a man was that he at least was engaging in constructive and productive activities(apart from those who were and are attracted to thugs, criminals, gangsters and bums).

      I can still remember when simple activities like going to the park, going for a walk or getting some ice cream were looked upon as quality. Not anymore, now these greedy, materialistic, superficial Jezebels want you to spend hundreds of dollars/pounds on them for the first date.

      Women in the West who actually look at men beyond their money have become an extremely rare breed, it’s a damn shame because once upon a time the West used to be full of them.

      1. Verbs 2015.

        I fully agree with you bro. Decent women who is not a gold digger and just wants to be with a man because she loves him is getting more rarer in 2024 and quality women like that are a dying breed. I am afraid that all the women throughout the world is to become gold diggers to the point where dating is only reserved for rich men.


    I had to comment on this video, because of course the hyenas are still going at Suerayya. So this bdub had the nerve to call her “ugly” (I wonder what SHE looks like and if she’s even wearing her real hair and weighs less than I do….) and claims she couldn’t attract the men in her own country so had to go for a “bottom of the barrel” man from the states. Then she says the reason she feels emboldened is because black men gassed her up. Sound familiar? Same thing they said when they attacked foreign women, Filipinas specifically, and those same “dirt-foot” women clapped back and gave them that work. That was our fault too, apparently.

    Suerayya very clearly stated what she witnessed firsthand and why she came to the conclusions she has, plus she didn’t single out black females. But of course, accountability is an abstract construct for bdubs so they will never look inward. Any misfortune, inconvenience or hurt feelings they experience is always the black man’s fault somehow. A black woman gets harmed or unalived it’s because some omnipresent black man wasn’t there to protect her. A black woman catches the flu, it’s because a black man didn’t buy her Vitamin C beforehand. A black woman is late to catch a flight, it’s because a black man didn’t stand on the runway and insist the plane waits until she gets on board…ad infinitum. They can never do any wrong and are always victims no matter how self inflicted their problems are.

    Then look at this simp ‘The Public Offender’….(**mimics in weasel voice**) “not this one”. I took a look at that clown’s page and it tells me all I need to know. Simps like him who go out their way to demonise and attack other black men while defending “muh kweenz” for pussy points are part of the reason why they’ll never change. I never heard of him before, don’t know his story and don’t care. But look at him and tell me if the average bdub would even give him the time of day? Usually it’s the clowns who don’t get female attention who seem to go the hardest like they have something to prove. Dudes like him disgust me.

    As SYSBM, we should always stand behind non black women like Suerayya who are brave enough to speak out against the black witch and female degeneracy at large and not leave them in the lurch to fight on their own. Huge respect to her as always.


    1. I just watched the footage and this shows me why blackistan males are a curse on every society.

      Negress sheboons are a curse on every society since the beginning of time and creation.

      If Youtube decides to terminate Suereyya Brooks channel, she could also use is a platform where she could express her thoughts without being silenced.

      Freedom of speech is under attack from leftists.

      The 1984 book is no longer a fictional book as the western world is 1984 on steroids.

      When non black women defends black men, they definitely need as much support as possible.

      Think about how the Zionist Jewish people are always on code to support their own.

      Think about how all the secret societies in the world are always on code to support their own.

      Black men with traditional white women needs to operate the same way.

      SYSBM in general will have to continue to operate the same way.

    2. SYSBM Forever,

      If you haven’t already seen it Suerayya Brooks did an interview with Anton Daniels in which she stated that American black women and by extension Western black females are in her accurate description of them UNCOACHABLE.

      I couldn’t agree more, the liberal, feminist mindset has destroyed these black sirens to such an extend to where they’re unable to acknowledge any of their shortcomings and wrongdoings.

      In the interview Suerayya also stated that it’s black women who are the majority enemy combatants coming after her(of course, we already knew this). Can you believe she also said that these same black harriets who are attacking her are sending nude pictures of themselves to her husband? What an evil bunch of savages, they’re really trying to destroy her marriage, smh.

      To be honest we shouldn’t be surprised at all, black women are the most degenerate, reprobate, reprehensible, repugnant, morally bankrupt creatures currently walking planet Earth, there isn’t any level that they won’t stoop to, exactly what I stated in my book Negro Wars.

      I’ll forever stick to my description of black women as Satan righthand henchwomen because from the foul and filthy behaviours they love to engage in, it’s obvious to me that the Devil is their true father:

      1. I’ve seen the whole interview.

        The interviewer mentioned his been married to a black female for 20 years.

        He is a blackistian male for marrying a sheboon negress.

        He agreed with everything that Suereyya Brooks said about USA and black societies.

        It gives me an impression that he is an IBMOR and he supports Umar Johnson.

        He asked her during the interview on her thoughts about him.

        She said he hasn’t got any support from black communities to build black academy schools.

        I believe it was a fraud to begin with to fund his drug use.

        He can scam the same black people through donations and still act like he cares about them.

        If he tried then why would thinking black men repeat the same mistakes building in ghettos?

        He has the audacity to ask black men to build in the same areas that he has failed in.

        He has the audacity of asking black men to leave white women who have been by their side.

        I’m not leaving my white dutch afrikaner woman in future if she’s been with me since day one.

        1. Wittexton Witwijf,

          I strongly disagreed with Anton Daniels when he stated that there are still some good black women out there. Good black women in 2024 are now non existent, like I said before they’re so extremely few and far between, they no longer show up as a blip on any radar.

          As far as I’m concerned at this stage they’re all the same because there aren’t any in significant numbers standing and speaking up against the angry, bitter and decadent members of “Da Sistahood”.

          Black women as a collective are a bunch of evil man hating monsters and savages who are determined to destroy their black male counterparts at the behest of their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost.

          A sad state of affairs, however a blessing in disguise when you can get your passport and visit countries where the women for the majority part are still feminine, have a moral compass, hold to traditional values and still desire to have families.

          As for Dr Umar Gerbilface Johnson, As I stated before, he needs to do 4 things before I’ll ever think about taking him seriously:

          1. Land himself a black female, the same woman he claims is so great.

          2. Kick his drug habit to the kerb for good.

          3. Clean up his filthy apartment.

          4. Open up the boys academy he’s been promising for years.

          1. Verbs2015,

            “Good black women in 2024 are now non existent, like I said before they’re so extremely few and far between, they no longer show up as a blip on any radar.”

            At this point, I have to agree. The way they’re going at Suerayya right now and as you mentioned, sending nude pics to her husband, not respecting the sanctity of marriage, they are exposing themselves to be complete trash as a group.

            I’m not gonna play the ‘good vs bad’ black woman game. I’m sure there’s lions in the wild who won’t attack me, so what? I’d rather just keep out of the wild altogether and not have to go out my way to try and differentiate between the dangerous and the tame ones.

            No matter what section of black female society it is, all you see from them is nothing but complete chaos, dysfunction, disrespect and acrimony. There’s just nothing appealing from them at all and no man who values peace and any kind of future would want to come home to one after battling the world.

            Nope, as a former black woman lover, I’ve seen both sides of the coin and SYSBM makes the most sense at this point.

    3. I think I’ve heard General Tito mention this guy before; I looked at his channel also, and one look was all I needed to know what time he’s on. He’s doing all of this pandering, yet I know Black women won’t give this milk toast lame the time of day.

  3. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! My goodness, that one girl was annoying; she’s the type who believes in “all that glitters is gold”. As for her friend with the darker hair, she sounds like a keeper; her boyfriend is a janitor making $20k/year, he drives a 2012 Kia Soul (I don’t know much about Kias, but I do know they are Korean made), and he lives in a trailer. Sounds to me like he’s doing just fine in life; he’s productive, he works hard, handles his business, and has a good woman by his side who appreciates him. My one bit of advice to that girl is to dump her friend and leave her right where she belongs: the streets.

    For the second clip, that was a beautiful thing she did for her husband; I can understand why he was initially confused about what he was reading in that email. I, too, would feel like a mistake was made or that my bank info was somehow compromised, but take careful notice of his response when his wife revealed to him that she paid it: he couldn’t believe it, which shows he’s clearly not used to receiving kind gestures; this speaks to how men have been so conditioned by society to not recognize their own worth and how valuable they are. Men have been ridiculed, belittled, and attacked so much, that when somebody does something good for them, they can’t accept it. Men really are underappreciated today, so it’s like a breath of fresh air whenever we do receive some love; the two attached videos above both underscore one of SYSBM’s taglines: Quality Stargates Matter. #SYSBM

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      I still can remember back in the day when most women in the West were content with the simple things in life. It’s unfortunate today how the overwhelming majority of them have been brainwashed, indoctrinated and converted into money hungry, materialistic, greedy Jezebels who believe their role is to now have the man catering to them, smh.

      All we can do at this stage is leave these arrogant heifers to enter Crash And Burn Central by themselves. I value my peace, tranquility and sanity, there’s no way I’m going to allow a derelict harridan who isn’t fit for a relationship introduce unnecessary headaches, strife, contentions and liabilities into my life. Nope, that’s NEVER going to happen.

  4. Nothing much really of Money Cultural. Just did a video today.

    I’m goanna give a huge amount of credit of the white honey who stayed with her boo who make $20,000 a year. Her friend who judged her boyfriend is goanna be single for the rest of her life or be a single mother. I have no issues of relationships but girls like her friend who is a gold digger is making it hard for people to fall in love.

    And the wife who paid off her husband’s mortgage. When I saw that video, it was nothing but nice, you get me? I wish someone did that for me but them ratchet bitches has nothing to offer.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      Don’t forget, you’re free to drop the links to your videos over here as well so that other brothers can familiarise themselves with your YouTube content.

    1. Matt M.,

      Black women are delusional savages who are possessed by evil spirits, this is why there is no trace of introspection within their bodies. They only see the faults of outsiders(especially black men), they’ll never look inwardly and examine themselves from an honest standpoint. I still remember an article I wrote back in 2016 where I stated that as time goes on, more black women would begin resorting to robbery and prostitution. This is exactly what we have today and things are only going to get worse, smh.

  5. This is a interesting video between the 2 Beckies.
    The black hair Becky represent the good woman vs the blonde hair represent the materialist women.

    I will respect the black hair Becky because she knows that her boyfriend is building. Whilst the blonde Becky mimicking Keishas (Black Females).

    I can tell this man doing a janitor job living in the trailer is in his early 20s because the Beckies doing a debate are also in their early 20s and they are at college or University.

    This is something ‘Accountable Commentary’ explain in his videos that these old hag females who hit the wall are gaslighting young females and going after young men. Mostly Black Men because we all experience during are early prime years (18 to 24) that we have to compete against the grown men (30s) in dating because females will go after men who got money instead the man who is starting in life and not build with the man.
    As for the Blonde to tell the other female to dump him and look for a man with 200k, they just like Keishas really believe that men need to be ballers and High Value Man at the age of 20.

    For those SYSBM Haters seeing this comment will be asking, this is about Becky, not Black Women, why bring Keishas into this when there are no BW in the video?
    This is because this video basically mimicking Keishas, that is where these Becky got that mindset from.

  6. The brunette with the janitor boyfriend is a rare gem, protect her at all costs.

    I don’t think the redhead has a “Keisha” mindset as much as a “modern western female” mindset. They’re all like that now, even the immigrant ones who used to live in closed societies, like Persian or Asian girls.

    Dating is definitely cooked for all ages. Even 300 lb fat bitches and old hags 50+ are flapping their fupas and cottage cheese thighs on IG and TikTok thinking they’re hot.

    Speaking of simps, I have never seen such an outpouring of liberal cuckery than these “I’m With Her” male feminist Kamala voters. It’s all over my timelines. Dudes have completely lost their ballsacks. Black and white dudes alike begging to be ruled by the black gynocracy. Mama’s boy fagg0ts I can understand. But these are allegedly “straight” men. Shameful.

    My American brothers, vote Trump, the GOP, and Project 2025 if you can. It’s the only way to bring these bitches and these qu33r tranny satanist freaks to heel they’ve had the run of the yard for too long.

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