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She’s Right, Black Women CANNOT Compete!

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Since everybody else has jumped on this, it’s only right that I do the same and put my 2 pence worth into the conversation.

Regarding Suereyya Brooks’ husband, we already know exactly what the deal was and what drove him to seek love and companionship abroad.

He was sick and tired of dealing with masculine, evil, vindictive, wicked, uncouth, unbridled, rebellious, belligerent, degenerate, morally bankrupt, tranny-esque looking black American females, so he decided to take a leap of faith dating a feminine Turkish woman living in Germany which paid off for him.

Of course the angry and bitter black sisterhood of failure are currently up in arms because Suereyya told the truth on them. Black women are NO competition for traditional non black women like Suereyya, they NEVER have been and they NEVER will be.

Now I understand that in one of her recent videos, Suereyya has attempted to pump the brakes a little in trying to dissipate the heat that’s been coming her way by calling out all Western women instead, however we won’t be doing that over here.

Nope, we understand exactly what you said Suereyya and we at the SYSBM™ Knights Roundtable APPROVE of your message. The black siren cannot compete, this is why more time she has to resort to the witchcraft and the sorcery of shaming, guilt tripping and insults in order to keep black men locked on the proverbial plantation.

In noting the contention, pushback, anger as well as disgruntlement coming from the black witch’s coven regarding Suereyya’s statements concerning them, I have some questions of my own:

1. Is it really hard for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who walk the streets literally looking like drag queens, trannies, court jesters, mutant freaks and fancy dress participants?

2. Is it really that hard for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who DON’T look normal, who don’t like how they look and who refuse to wear their own natural hair?

3. Is it really that hard for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who refuse to listen as well as disrespect black men day in and day out and who feel they have the right to?

4. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who don’t even have any respect for themselves?

5. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black female savages who seriously lack a moral compass and who subscribe to fixing nearly all problems through violence?

6. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who have voluntarily thrown both their health and hygiene into the deepest sewer pipe?

7. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who never hold themselves accountable nor responsible for any wrongdoings they commit?

8. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who already believe they’re perfect and don’t need to change?

9. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who always play the victim?

10. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who always blame black men for anything and everything that goes wrong in their own lives?

11. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who have embraced the pestilence that is the religion of feminism?

12. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who continually shout from the rooftops about being strong, independent and not needing men?

13. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who have formed an evil confederacy/unholy alliance with their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost in their efforts to destroy their own people?

14. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who HATE BLACK CHILDREN especially black boys and have absolutely no qualms about killing them both inside and outside of the womb?

15. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who subscribe to and have embraced a culture of degeneracy, debauchery, filth, sexual immorality and deviancy, hedonism, superficiality and materialism?

16. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who for the most part are financially illiterate knuckleheads that demonstrate themselves to be incapable of managing their money properly yet alone their own lives?

17. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who either CAN’T cook, refuse to cook and clean and look upon catering to their men’s personal wants and needs as akin to slavery/bondage?

18. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who deliberately open their legs to and get impregnated by the worst, the most repugnant and the most reprehensible characters of black male society?

19. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who refer to the best and the brightest black men as lames, corny, boring, having no “swag” etc?

20. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who for the majority part aren’t fit for relationships and as a result DO NOT qualify to be girlfriends/wives and mothers?

21. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who frequently use sex as a weapon in whatever relationships they get involved in if the man happens to say or do something they don’t like?

22. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who demonstrate themselves to be totally incompetent when it comes down to choosing good men?

23. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against modern day black females who mock, ridicule, berate, disparage and throw their black male counterparts under the bus at every opportunity that presents itself?

24. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against black females who are NOT fit, feminine, friendly, cooperative and submissive?

25. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against black females who take pride in having an abrasive, negative, haughty, arrogant and prideful attitude?

26. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against black females who cannot show kindness, a gentle nature nor empathy towards black men?

27. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against black females who over and over again have proven themselves to be two faced, shady, inconsistent, UNTRUSTWORTHY and unreliable?

28. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against black females who refuse to support their black male counterparts?

29. Is it really that difficult for traditional non black women to compete against black females who refuse to follow the man’s lead?

Just looking at my own questions and already knowing the answers, I can easily determine that black women cannot compete with traditional non black females on any level.

This is something that black men who are honest with themselves have known for a very long time. Brothers, keep getting those passports and don’t look back for anything.

Gentlemen, you already know the above questions are not the be all end all, feel free to add any that spring to your minds. The bottom line is in 2024 most black women are useless to men, they’re not fit for purpose and therefore they should be placed on top of the highest scrapheap to rot. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Black Women Can’t Compete With Traditional Non Black Women, That’s Their Problem, Not Mine

Most High Bless

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35 thoughts on “She’s Right, Black Women CANNOT Compete!

  1. It ain’t difficult for non black women to compete on any level.

    The answers are the same for all 28 questions.

    Suereyya Brooks ain’t afraid of sheboons and American women in general.

    She won’t sugarcoat anything and says it exactly as it is when it comes to black families in general.

    It’s something black men can relate to that goes on in black households worldwide, not only USA.

    This is why I prefer to keep my distance from blackistian families.

    Black females actually hate white women and black men.

    This video below shows me hatred of accusations from a negress.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      The modern day black siren isn’t fit for purpose and she hasn’t been for a very long time. The Most High made the woman to be a help meet for the man. however these modern day black females and Western women in general believe that men are supposed to cater to them while they sit back with their hands behind their heads and feet up looking pretty.

      The message over here at Slaying Evil remains the same, women MUST conform to the man’s plan/vision, any females who refuse to fall in line must be rejected and thrown into the trash immediately. This long running feminist mantra of men being equal to women stops here. Leave these strong and independent boss babes to struggle and fend for themselves BY THEMSELVES.

      Whenever you see Blackistani females struggling, simply tell them, “you’ve got this sis” or better still advise them to head to their nearest forest in order to enlist the grizzly services of a bear. The word for 2024 and beyond is RECIPROCATION.

  2. “Bruh on my arm, no bruh on your arm.”

    Ever since the rise of Passport Bros last year, these non-black females have found their voice and are speaking out against these angry sheboons. The Filipina Pea got famous by doing the same.

    Your male counterparts are putting oceans between him and you en masse…and no self-reflection?

    This expat brother got himself a keeper.

    I told you all the story of how I was at an outdoor concert last year and saw a black female struggling with her mom’s wheelchair trying to get it up the stairs. I offered to help and got a snappish “no thank you.” I turned and kept it moving. She continued to struggle. That strong independent sustah got this.

    “But Schadenfreude, why would you help a sheboon to begin with?” Easy, I offer help for me, not them. Not gonna stop being a masculine, heterosexual male just because of some ungrateful black heffas. I did my part for the world by offering, while they continue to struggle, instant karma.

    Passports up, gents!

    All roads lead to SYSBM.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      As I stated before, brothers with sense and intelligence need to stop extending olive branches out to these arrogant, haughty black females because they have made it abundantly clear that they don’t like us neither require our help. Just leave them to their own devises since this is the way they so desperately want things to be.

      Things are only going to get worse for black women as they continue to double down in their wilful ignorance, stupidity and stubborn dummyism.

      At this stage we might as well say there are no good black women left because the very few remaining that do speak out against “Da Sistahood” and its dysfunction are so minuscule in number, they’re not even coming up as a blip on the radar at all.


  3. The “Captain Obvious” statement of the Decade.😂😂😂

    They’re the LEAST dated, LEAST desired, LEAST married and MOST divorced group on planet earth…FOR A REASON!

    1. Teamwhitegirls,

      It’s like asking if someone would prefer an old black and white TV with the dial and aerial or the latest LG QNED 8K Smart TV lol.

    2. TeamWhiteGirls,

      Yep, and they’ll continue remaining that way because they don’t have an ounce of accountability within their bodies to initiate any sort of change for the better.


  4. Verbs 2015.

    I watched Surreya Brooks video the other day and I fully agree her 100 percent. Black women cannot compete with non black women at any level because they look fake and horrid from head to toe, got lots of different kids from watless bad boy baby fathers and their attitudes stank to high heaven. Like I said before Verbs I refuse to date black women because I just don’t find them attractive at all because they are way too manly for me. I am only interested in dating feminine beautiful childfree non black women who looks like a woman not a masculine man. There is a good reason why black women are the least desired women on the planet.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I strongly believe one of the main reasons that’s causing increasing numbers of black men to look elsewhere for love and companionship is the fact that black women don’t look like women anymore. The tranny-esque, drag queen resemblance is a serious turn off by itself.

      Fake eyelashes, fake raptor claw nails, weaves/wigs, BBLs and the rest of the garbage these women apply both inside and out make them look beyond disgusting. Alongside this the modern day black female’s attitude sucks and is square deep in the sewer pipe.

      Fit, feminine, friendly, submissive and cooperative traditional non black women are the way forward, leave Keisha to suck on gravel and eat dust.

      1. Verbs 2015.

        I fully agree with you bro. I am SYSBM for life man. 😎😎

  5. Black women say they don’t want to compete for a black man because they know they can’t compete! It’s just a way for them not to get embarrassed! Their self esteem is already in the shitter so they try to save what little self esteem they do have. LOL! Deep down the Daggle knows they’ll get dog walked by non black women when it comes to being fit, friendly, & feminine. The black witch isn’t even capable of faking it until she makes it!

    1. You’ve crystallized what I have been saying for years!!! NUCLEAR HEAT!!!!

    2. Val Zod,

      Additionally, because black women had the monopoly on black men for so long because of segregation, they feel that black men should be honoured to be with them despite their embrace of feminism as well as the horrible way they treat black men.

      These black heifers have literally turned into unrecognisable creatures but we’re still supposed to stick by them? Nope, no way, that’s not going to happen, they’re on their own. Black women can’t compete against traditional non black females, this is why they won’t compete. That’s the truth.

    3. “Deep down the Daggle knows they’ll get dog walked by non black women when it comes to being fit, friendly, & feminine. The black witch isn’t even capable of faking it until she makes it!”

      Yup that’s why they hate it when you compare them with non-black women even though we as black men are judged against the white male standard every day. Despite racism and prejudice, we as black men are supposed to have the same wealth and trappings that white men take for granted. But God forbid you demand black women to be on the same level as non-black female looks, sensuality and submission. It’s like that old cartoon of a hippo in a tutu, it’ll never work out.

      All roads lead to SYSBM™

  6. Verbs2015,

    I would have saved my post from yesterday if I knew you were gonna do an article on this lol.

    It was all fun and games when it was just black men on the hot seat, right? It’s always more powerful when the message comes from others due to their own observations.

    Suerayya hit a huge nerve, because I’ve been seeing more videos on my timeline in response to this from channels I’m not even subscribed to than on Friday’s global IT outage! The similarities being Crowdstrike and black females have both been exposed for their failures and incompetence lol. The difference being at least Crowdstrike have admitted to their colossal fcuk up and are taking steps to rectify it. We already know how it goes with bdubs and accountability – the two don’t mix like oil and water.

    I think what burns these harridans is not just being called out – which they’re not used to – but that Suerraya has shown black men that they can be appreciated, valued and loved elsewhere and they don’t have to put up with black women’s crap anymore. That’s bound to wake up many black men from their spell.

    The fact that any physically attractive and feminine woman will not only choose a black man (and not as a ‘fetish’ as they always like to say to cope), but will fight for him, compete for him and nurture him, is something they can’t fathom. Not only have they underestimated black men’s desirability and appeal, they don’t see value in us, so they can’t fathom why other women would.

    Other women are not threatened by black women AT ALL. As I said in my other post:

    “It’s so funny how one of the comments she quoted was a harridan stating everyone is “obsessed” with them lol. The whole point is that they are just not competition.

    Unlike black men who have white men and every other man scared and running around like headless chickens whenever we come around (and even when we’re nowhere in sight) and have to constantly dick watch and spew negative propaganda about us 24/7 in the hopes of putting other women off us, other women simply aren’t worried about bdubs, that’s a fact.”

    Name ONE country in the world where a group of black women will visit and have the local women shook? I’ll wait. The only time they get sexual attention is when they’re mistaken for prostitutes, which happens all the time in Italy. That’s why they’re always talking about how black male travelers (the same ones they don’t want back home) always ignore them lol. If you’re in another country and you got it going on like you say you do, why you worried about us?

    Black women are just not “our” women. We are simply better off without them. Black men have learned this early in life from their own mothers. Suerayya’s husband had to deal with emotional terrorism from his own mother and she’s even witnessed it firsthand. I remember a video when she mentioned how once she was smiling at him and his mother actually said “if you don’t tell that bitch to stop smiling”, something along those lines, SMH. What black man wants to be reminded of that later on in life?

    Huge respect to Suerayya. Luckily she’s in Germany, so she’s out of physical reach for these bdubs. I just wish Joan J was still around making videos, I hope she does come back in the future. More non black women need to call out black witches, it’s long overdue. In the meantime, those of us in search for greener pastures have all this to look forward to:


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      It was a last minute thing for me, I woke up super early this morning(5am) for no particular reason, saw that people were still talking about what Suereyya said in that clip, so I decided to throw my hat into the ring.

      The overwhelming majority of these modern day black females are evil pieces of trash, they’re locked in with their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost to take down black men and black society in exchange for their government goodies aka Scooby snacks and doggie treats.

      Black women have treated black men horribly for so long, they now see it as a right of passage. They’re doomed and destined to spend eternity with their father the Devil. Oh well, that’s their destiny, NOT mine.

      As I said above, at this point we might as well say there are no good black women remaining because those who are speaking out against “Da Sistahood” and its dysfunction are too few in number to come up even as a blip on the radar.

      I can guarantee you that when Suereyya’s husband went to visit her in Germany 18 years ago, all he was looking for was a NORMAL WOMAN who came from a functional culture.

      Black women as a collective hate functionality, they much prefer to revel and wallow in cultures that are dysfunctional, hence why increasing numbers of black men are turning their backs on them in search of NORMAL WOMEN.

      The sad thing is most black men who choose to turn away from black women make that decision mainly based upon the hostile interactions they had with other black female family members especially their mothers, aunts etc.

      Like I said before, Suereyya simply needs to hold the line, remain steadfast in her position, guard the fort and above all else refuse to fold. These black sirens love it when they can send people who rightfully critique them scurrying back into the shadows.

      Finally, as previously mentioned, this fake outrage will die down within a week or two, the black witch and her acolyte flunkies will move on to complain about something new because being the perpetual victims that they are, this is what they do.

      1. “Finally, as previously mentioned, this fake outrage will die down within a week or two, the black witch and her acolyte flunkies will move on to complain about something new because being the perpetual victims that they are, this is what they do.”

        …and here’s where VP Harris and the hoopla steps in.

        1. Mack G,

          The DEMONcrats are actually going to run that old hag up against Trump? Outside of them trying to pull the same dodgy shenanigans they blatantly did in 2020, the election victory for Trump is already in the bag.

  7. SYSBM: These scraggle daggles are getting worse.
    White sugar honey: Yeah, even the white ones, too!

    I know that black men are with black women and that is fine. But for some black men, it’s very difficult for them to deal with black women. So, they decide to date non-black women or they get their passports and go overseas to look for a foreign honey to wife up.

    Some black women cannot compete with non-black women not only because of the hairstyle they are copying but them being submissive. I don’t need anyone to care of me and I can take care of myself but some black women are not being that submissive role.

    Black men are getting the passports and flying out of dodge because they are tired of these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles giving them a headache and not letting have their peace. Even the women of their family are ratchet as hell and not giving them peace.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      Most black women are done and they’ve brought about their own demise via their own hands. As I’ve stated many times before and will stick by this statement, I strongly believe most black women are possessed by evil spirits who kicked out the real individuals a very long time ago. There is no way anybody can tell me that 96% plus of black women are heading in the same direction towards Hell’s gates without there being some spiritual aspect to the situation.

    1. Issuez7,

      Salute to you fam, it’s been a long time. All is good over here, hope things are going well with you. Bro, it’s the truth, most black women don’t even look human anymore.

  8. Suereyya stated that black men never know the true female femininity. I agree with that statement.
    The real reason why black men never know the true female femininity because they never experience and expose to one.

    If you live and grew up in the hood, ghetto and Matriarchy, as Verbs stated you will be dealing with “masculine, evil, vindictive, wicked, uncouth, unbridled, rebellious, belligerent, degenerate, morally bankrupt, tranny-esque looking black American females” which make sense. This is the cultural norm for the black communitah. Or Accountable Commentary call it the ‘Keisha Culture’.
    As soon as the black man expose to true female femininity which are the women who are girlfriend, wife and family orientated material this will be completely foreign to them. Basically saying normal structure is foreign as chaos, drama, feminist, weave wearing ghetto is normal.

    I remember Tommy talking all super ghetto all the time and as soon as he met the Russian women (Lana), his personality changed, he became a better man. However because he is still surrounded by haters and simps, he did not had the will power to get the hood out of him because these Pro-Black simps saying that Russian female made him soft as a simp. No, actually he never experience a traditional women in his life as he use to dealing with the trashy BW through out his life. Unfortunately he lost everything because he had no will power change his image after this.
    This is where Phill Scott and Madbusdriver come into this because these 2 brothers learn from Tommy and the Russian women Lana and use their will power to slowly take the hood out of their mind and made better lives.

    Thanks to the lesson learn from Tommy Sotomayor.
    Phill Scott improve his channel branding, overcome his hate towards BW because his ex did him dirty with child support and now he is free and got his Passport to travel. On top of it he now made his YouTube Channel Globally focusing of African diaspora talking about International Black Community with over million subs on YouTube.
    Then you have Madbusdriver created and founded SYSBM (Save Yourselves Black Men) with the help of Commander Babatunde aka Verbs who does this Slaying Evil Website helping brothers that there are options out there and staying in the Keisha Culture is not the solution to problems and better yourselves.

    People like the guy never dated since 1989 (not mention his name) may call it ‘Spellbound’ because Black Men got Beckys support Black Men in the NBA and NFL draft and then Umar Johnson call it ‘snowbunny-hopping’ and use this White Supremacy as a weapon. Don’t these Pro-Black simps ever learn from what Black Men’s explanation behind getting Beckys during the draft? How about being a ‘Help-Meet/Mate’, supportive. Something that Keishas never do.
    Even Verbs made topic on the draft and these Pro Black man himself cannot relate because he is not use to having a true women who support a man, they are use to combatant and challenging Black Women because they taught that this is a relationship norm.

    1. “The real reason why black men never know the true female femininity because they never experience and expose to one.”


      That is real talk right there and how you gave examples of Tommy Sotomayor, Phill Scott and Madbusdriver because Black Men’s mind start to experience true masculinity when they meet a FFF (Fit, Friendly and Feminine) women as they were emasculated at birth and start to realise their true potential.

      In the UK, British Keishas bring up the colourism when Black Men date out, but these British BW throw the flag when they fail because in the UK, there are no dick police there. So they go after American Black Men because they are easy target.
      Why American Black Men are easy target international?
      This is because Black Women globally sees Pro-Black simps Dick Police American Black Men which is why they go after them easily than other western black men.
      Also I like to mention that Pro-Black simps and Keishas fear when black men expose to the original normal women because this expose dating competition which is the reason why in America, the simps uses all the shaming language as you think of such as “Coon”, “sell-out”, “giving money to white community/supremacy” where we all know that black men decide where the money goes and Keishas gives money to Asians by buy expensive weaves. Also constant fear-mongering them out of dating elsewhere by saying “these women overseas are after your money”, “they are prostitutes”, do criminal stuff such as robbing or taking them to the cleaners. Where we all know this happens in the west but worse than foreign countries. Calling them poor and dumb because they live in 3rd world poverty versus 1st world wealth area. However in the 3rd world dump, the women are educated, intelligent and ladylike unlike the wealthy 1st world females who are degree minded, but 100% dumb and stupid as a rock. Using a degree as a status and think they are bigger then men. Mind you they are in super-debt.

      1. “. Also constant fear-mongering them out of dating elsewhere by saying “these women overseas are after your money”, “they are prostitutes”, do criminal stuff such as robbing or taking them to the cleaners. Where we all know this happens in the west but worse than foreign countries”

        Actually, this happens way more at least in the US than probably most other major cities such as Medellin Colombia and even Rio Brazil. The country so big and there’s so many different news networks that you will not see it unless you live in that area. There is a story in my hometown of a woman who was recently arrested finally in connection to a murder after a guy they set up they robbed and killed him They already arrsted her maggles lackeys1. This is actually the third story that happened in my area within the last 3 months. Fyi, we’re not considered necessarily a major city.
        And we’re not talking Los angeles, new york, miami, chicago, houston, dc. these situations happen so often they’re not even on the regular news. I’m not even going to get into how often they use date rape drugs in cities and now some rural areas on men.
        So honestly, it’s a deflection of what’s going on in the States and it’s only accelerating.

    2. MMT,

      Much appreciated for the shoutout and the compliment. I saw that you mentioned the so called Prince of PanAfricanism, I’m actually surprised that Dr Umar “Gerbilface” Johnson hasn’t chimed in on this situation yet, he’s normally super quick to throw his hat into the ring whenever the topic of interracial dating is brought up.

      Unfortunately Sotomayor just like most black men just can’t leave these black sirens alone for their own good. He was doing well with Lana but the gravity pull back towards the plantation was too strong for him. Like I said before, those black men who expect black women to one day change for them are living a fool’s dream, that’s NEVER going to happen.

    3. Well said my brother 👨🏾. Actually, Phil came for Sureya Brooks yesterday in one of his videos. He was caping for B-Dubbs smh 🤦🏾‍♂️. The other Hoteps will come for her as well smh 🤦🏾‍♂️. She spoke truth & The Chaos Goblins 😈 could not take it. Ironically, she did not mention them by name specifically. Going Global is the only option for the American 🇺🇸 brother 👦🏾. American 🇺🇸 brothers are truly loved in Germany 🇩🇪 in particular and throughout Europe.

  9. Black women can’t compete because they were never trained to by their mothers; have you ever seen an athlete make it to the Olympics that never worked hard to get there? The thing is, Suereyya isn’t the first to point out how bad it is for the scraggle daggle; Trick Daddy did try to warn them a few years back that White women and Hispanic women were starting to look finer than before, and I see it myself everyday. Last week, I met a young Middle Eastern girl who’s face alone is flawless; IG baddies and OnlyFans thots couldn’t hold a candle to her! MadbusdriverX has said on numerous occasions that non Black women look better for Black men than the bonnet wearing Klingon broads; Suereyya Brooks spoke the truth, and these daggles can cap all they want, but it’s a wrap for them. All roads lead to SYSBM!

    1. BCT,

      The straggs are big mad that a non black female has pointed out what black men have been stating for the longest while. Of course black women don’t listen to black men anyway, therefore those of us with sense and intelligence have wisely abandoned ship on the black witch in order to seek love and companionship elsewhere.

      You cannot form and sustain a successful union with a group of females who refuse to listen and who are militantly opposed to masculine black male leadership. Black women just aren’t going to change for black men, it’s a shame that most black men still refuse to read and accept the writing on the wall concerning this.

  10. The garbage is from not wanting dudes to be happy, these women are not stupid they know this. To me it comes from church communities. It is easier to control people if they want something.

    1. Goose,

      That’s the thing, black women don’t look upon their constant state of misery as dysfunctional and abnormal. This is one of the main reasons why they religiously promote and push so much negativity, in their delusions of grandeur they believe everybody is supposed to be permanently down in the dumps as they are, smh.

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