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Pander Bear Simps Still Abounding! #SHORTS

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Shout out to TikTok content creator JFKGomez718 who continues to expose these black “queans”, pander bear simps as well as Passport Bro haters. These triple cream certified simps are the main reason why women especially in the West have gotten so out of control and walk around with puffed out chests and profoundly entitled attitudes.

Common sense should’ve told this knucklehead that it isn’t a good idea for a woman to simply take from a man without giving anything in return because said man will feel like he isn’t being appreciated and is only being used for his money and resources.

These starched cape flapping, blue pilled simpletons are a serious pestilence upon society and have been for a number of years now. They have completely turned the dating market upside down on its face and will stop at nothing to please women as well as put them on a permanent pedestal.

Dudes like the above are among the main reasons why it has become so difficult to locate decent, well adjusted women within Western shores. These dudes feel it is their sworn duty to religiously bootlick and brown nose for women in the hopes that they’ll eventually be rewarded with some ran through snatch.

Men only 100 years ago if they could see the condition of men today would be throwing their guns in the air in complete disgust at what they would be witnessing. How does this ultra blue pilled simp sleep comfortably at night?

These brainwashed, delusional simps don’t seem to realise/understand that they’re making the problem of entitled, arrogant, haughty, unbridled, unruly, materialistic, hedonistic, superficial women that much worse by giving said females a permanent pass on their bad behaviour and unrealistic expectations.

As I’ve stated before, when women behave badly, such poor mannerisms and deplorable conduct should NEVER be rewarded under any circumstances. If the blue pilled simp squads constantly defend dysfunctional females and never hold them to account for being out of pocket, how on earth do said bootlickers expect them to change for the better?

It’s one thing for these simps to pander and cape for women but what really gets my blood boiling is when they expect you to do the same and in some cases attempt to shame, insult and bully you into following their path of destruction.

Nope, that’s NEVER going to happen over here, not with me. Gentlemen, light up and expose these yellow bellied simps wherever and whenever you find them, they’ve become a serious pestilence which is long overdue to be stamped out and eradicated for good. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Simps Are A Pestilence And A Curse Upon Any Society

Most High Bless

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10 thoughts on “Pander Bear Simps Still Abounding! #SHORTS

  1. This white male will get taken to the cleaners by white women in anglo saxon societies.

    White males don’t have a backbone anymore like they use to back in the day.

    They have allowed western women to get away with everything in the west.

    Blackistian males are a lot more worse than white males when it comes to simping in general.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Andrew Tate was right, Western white men have lost control of their women. It’s a damn mistake to allow women to have a free dominion over themselves because most of them are incompetent and professionals at making the wrong choices and decisions. As bad as Western white men have become, you’re absolutely correct, the blue pilled black male simp is the most disgraceful specimen walking the planet when it comes to the enforcement of the simp culture.

      1. “As bad as Western white men have become, you’re absolutely correct, the blue pilled black male simp is the most disgraceful specimen walking the planet when it comes to the enforcement of the simp culture.”

        Who do you think created the black male simp? The irony is matriarchy was pushed on blacks to keep us under control, but as with all their white supremacist social engineering schemes, they end up splashing back on the mainstream population. That said, kinda sad to see the so-called Norsemen go total cuck.

        1. Schadenfreude,

          Indeed, the black witch in tandem with her white lord and saviour created the black male simp. The problem I have with these black male simps in particular is the fact that as men, despite their brainwashing and indoctrination, they still have the ability to reach into the logic and common sense realms easier than women but they point blank refuse to because they feel they must protect the leader of “Da Communitah” at all costs.

          1. Verbs,

            To your point, I never saw so many homosexual, blue-pilled, soyboy, male feminist cucks online since Kamala announced. These single-mama raised simps are at epidemic levels.

  2. SYSBM: I don’t see this simping disappearing anytime soon.
    White sugar honey: And these are the worse type of men as they are very violent.

    We have seen so many black men simping and paid the price for it. Look at all of the simps that was coming after SYSBM and the passport bros while they were simping. And the price? Them getting stabbed in the back by the scragglies that they were siding with them.

    As I see this white simp, this is nothing new to me as I see number of white simps now. since the year 2000, I have seen numerous beta males and simps that I really don’t respect. And don’t fucking care at all. You get me?

    You think that simping is goanna die out. No way, it’s goanna continue and guys like Quincy82, Verbs2005, Mad Bux Driver X and worse, me is goanna come and light their ass up!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  3. Dam.

    𝒜 𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝒸𝒶𝓃’𝓉 ℊℯ𝓉 𝒶 ℊ𝒾𝒻𝓉 𝒩𝒪𝒯 ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓃 ℴ𝓃 𝒮𝓌ℯℯ𝓉𝒾ℯ𝓈 𝒟𝒶𝓎, 𝒱𝒶𝓁ℯ𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃ℯ𝓈 𝒹𝒶𝓎, 𝒷𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎𝓈, 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈, ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓊𝓀𝓀𝒶𝒽, 𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓋ℯ𝓇𝓈𝒶𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓈.

  4. Verbs wrote:
    “It’s one thing for these simps to pander and cape for women but what really gets my blood boiling is when they expect you to do the same and in some cases attempt to shame, insult and bully you into following their path of destruction.”

    This one is the nail in the head and I agree with you with this.
    I do not hate simp/pimp panders such as Derrick Jaxn, Umar Johnson, Boyce Watkins and other pander bears because they make money scamming and conning western modern females. I respect their hustle. However, Red-Pillers go after these panders because we not stand for these panders who talk greasy, cap and hate towards the thinking brothers and Red-Pillers and putting them under the bus because they refuse to be the clean up beta male cucks.

    One thing Panders making money scamming females, however them start putting productive men under the bus, these guys are looking for trouble. Look at Shawn James, he make good content, but he reduce and stop talking about Passport Brothers because he is inexperience on that subject.

    The reason why Black Females stop talking about SYSBM because the SYSBM practitioners understand ‘Matriarchy/Keisha language’ and they know they do not deal with them period. However they still go after Passport Bros because some such as Austin still want to deal with Keishas.

    Let me explain by the term ‘Matriarchy/Keisha Language’:
    Basically saying when these BW watches SYSBM content, they know exactly when we a saying because they know 100& well that they are ratchet and ghetto and other materialist stuff they do. So they cannot refute what we are saying.
    Don’t believe me? Remember Tommy Sotomayor YouTube channels?
    He has 75% subscribers were females when he was going hard on these BW. Black females understands what he saying that is why these females support him because they know this is true. However the simps do not understand why these BW support Tommy when he go hard on them.
    I use to be that guy on why these females go after bad boys and not good men in my teens and 20s. As soon as Social Media was introduce and watching Red-Pill content. Now this website, Kid Organic, Madbusdriver and Accountable Commentary. I see the full picture clear as day.

  5. You can take one look at that guy and tell he hasn’t a shred of masculinity coursing throughout his body; he has the “soy boy” aesthetic in conjunction with his simp rhetoric. Dudes like him should be avoided, and here’s why: he is making it seem like the man’s duty is to give all that he has to the women without expecting anything in return and be happy with that arrangement; sounds like he’s stuck in the pre-2010 era when men still didn’t have a clue about female nature. At this stage, there’s NO going back to that dynamic of men endlessly giving without reciprocation; we’re in the Soft Guy Era now where the women must invest into me so that I can rest in my masculinity. Drizzle Drizzle!

    1. “At this stage, there’s NO going back to that dynamic of men endlessly giving without reciprocation; we’re in the Soft Guy Era now where the women must invest into me so that I can rest in my masculinity. Drizzle Drizzle!”

      Yup it’s time they learned that reciprocity makes the world go round. No more one-sided BS. Equal give and take. Match energy or I’m on to the next. There are more broke, begging bitches than there are men with means. We are the prize. Drizzle Drizzle!

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