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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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In this week’s wild and wacky Open Mic Wednesday I have an assortment of videos for you guys!


Once again gents, NEVER allow women to define your masculinity. If the heifer was concentrating on and preserving her own femininity instead then she wouldn’t have gotten a tattoo(I don’t care how small it is, tattoos are masculine).

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here. What’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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26 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Why Passport Bros Should NEVER Date Foreign Flight Attendants

    Passport Sheboons Are Taking L’s Dating Foreign Men | Passport Bros Stay Winning

    White Becky interviewer meets the dumbest negress on the planet

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      I remember that couple from the second link you dropped, she thought she could import a man from the Dominican Republic and talk down on him like she would black men in the US.

      Dominican men aren’t going to tolerate the boss chick attitude, they most certainly aren’t going to be emasculated and ordered around.

      This is the problem with most women who earn substantial amounts of money, they start to believe said money gives them leverage and authority in the relationship. Plus they always want to throw how much money they get in the guy’s face as if that makes them the better party.

      Don’t even get me started on Sukihana, we already know what the deal is there.

  2. Came across this guy on Twitter who says you don’t have to date out to be SYSBM. Of course that’s not what the Lord Commander MBD says.

    Turns out this man is married to a BW yet posts a ton of anti-BW sh*t. His feed is entertaining despite the hypocrisy. His comic strips are hilarious. BM like him who still deal with BW really want the meaning of SYSBM to be elastic so they can justify staying on the plantation.

    I direct you to the SYSBM tenets which state:

    2. We at the SYSBM Knights Roundtable recognise the necessity to EXCLUDE black women from any and all building and construction endeavours due to the fact that the modern day black female’s contractual obligation towards the State is to keep black society and black men flat on their faces until the end of time. In other words, you CANNOT build anything with the black witch in your midst, NOTHING YOU ATTEMPT TO BUILD WILL BE SUCCESSFUL because she at the same time will try her best to sabotage and destroy the works(as per her State occupation and obligation).

    3. SYSBM is all about expanding upon one’s dating, marrying and procreation options with high quality women. Now, in its earlier stages SYSBM did include quality, functional, feminine, good looking, in shape, natural, submissive, cooperative and CHILD FREE black women, HOWEVER it is now widely recognised by the SYSBM troops that at this point such women have become an extreme rarity to the point of extinction. Thus the non mixed black female by default is excluded as a viable and sustainable choice of long term companion by true SYSBM practitioners. Free thinking black men who practice SYSBM will almost certainly find themselves dealing with quality women of non black ethnicities or mixed race females. Additionally SYSBM REJECTS SCRAGGLE DAGGLES FROM ALL RACES OF WOMEN.

    These guys really want to have their cake and eat it too regarding BW.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      I had to drop some comments on both of those Tweets(the question asked and his response). Because MBD doesn’t make videos or do livestreams on a regular basis/schedule, these newbie rookies now believe they can sneak in and create their own flexible rules, smh. How exactly are they saving themselves from “Da Communitah” when they’re still choosing to deal with its head, founder and creator? These guys will never refer to the SYSBM™ Tenets for obvious reasons.

  3. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Man, those videos were definitely wacky; I especially enjoyed TR Maxen’s videos. I love how he broke down a woman’s “left and right” brain function; I’m definitely using that in the future. Anyway, this past Sunday I went Doordashing, when I stopped at a gas station in the city where I used to work and noticed a young lady at the cash register I’ve never seen before; I couldn’t place her ethnicity at first, so I asked where she was from. She said she was born and raised there, and that she’s Middle Eastern. Her face is the most stunning I’ve seen since I’ve moved down South, from her high cheekbones, her full lips, her olive complexion, and those gorgeous eyes; I guess I’m guilty of colorism, featurism, and eyeism for finding a Middle Eastern girl attractive. I now feel like I must learn more of her culture if I am to shoot my shot; yesterday, I was listening to Sigma Jones’ “SYSBM: Culture Matters” videos, and I highly recommend listening to his content if you’re interested in learning more about SYSBM from a cultural and scientific point of reference. This concludes my opening monologue to this OMW post, and alwasys remember that SYSBM is the way!

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      I like Middle Eastern women because they’re one of the few groups where you can still find plenty of them without tattoos. Additionally their mentality for the most part is still about having a family(though unfortunately some are quickly adapting to the Western ideologies). I say go for it, you have nothing to lose though that culture can be a tough nut to crack because of the elitist mentality and how many of them view black folks.

      1. Yeah, that’s the one thing I’m concerned about; how would her family look at me as a Black man dating their daughter? I’ve been reading this site consistently for almost a full decade, and I remember the articles about non Black men feeling insecure about Black men snagging the women they’re into.

        1. Way back in my youth I dated a chubby Middle Eastern girl with pretty black hair. She introduced me to her family as “a friend” but otherwise kept me under wraps. She would creep out to see me and spend her daddy’s money on me. She was the blowjob queen because those women had to be virgins when married, which was OK with me. I was too “boring” for her so she moved on. 30 years later she was in my DMs. She’s an old hag now with a grown black son (not mine she only gave me blowjobs). Babydaddy looked Pookie-ish, shocker. Literally the “Hey remember me?” “BEAT IT CHICK” meme. Time really is on our side as men as long as you have your sh*t together.

  4. Schadenfreude/Verbs2015,

    I was a part of that exchange and even linked the tenets and let them know that is <<>> SYSBM, it is IBMOR. It really grinds my gears when dudes do all types of gymnastics that would make the most skilled and flexible trapeze artist jealous to justify still dealing with the black witch. That’s like vegetarians trying to tell vegans they’re one and the same.

    Look, do what you wanna do, date who you wanna date. We’re not gonna police you. If you’ve already had a daughter with a black harridan, we’re NOT telling you to abandon your child and treat her like shit lol. We ain’t the evil, disgusting and satanic Cynthia G disciples. We’re not monsters unlike them. That’s not what we’re about. Nurture, love and take care of your child like a good black man and raise her to be the type of woman who will have self respect and be the ideal woman for an ‘IBMOR’ black man and at least call out her fellow sisters.

    But if you still want to deal with bdubs, you’re NOT one of us, it’s that simple. It’s clearly defined. This is how black male spaces always get ruined, cos you always got these fence straddlers who sneak in through the side entrances and try to change shit and cause confusion. We ain’t having it.

    Likewise, if you choose to deal with no good ratchets of ANY RACE, you ain’t SYSBM.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      I still remember when I drafted up the SYSBM™ Tenets back in the fall of 2019 and the huge uproar it caused shortly thereafter. That being said the tenets are needed in order to set the record straight whenever somebody attempts to introduce their own rulings.

      You’re right, if you manage to find a good black female as a black man that makes you IBMOR but NOT SYSBM™. As I keep on saying, outside of heavy witchcraft and intricate sorcery, I don’t understand why most black men are still choosing to deal with these black straggs.

  5. Nothing much but this what I saw on YouTube with the African woman who was married to a white man and had children with him and — I think you guys know the rest of these Divesters!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non black women.


    1. White man leaves his whole mixed family high and dry in Hong Kong with no money, goes ghost, African wife makes videos begging for help, making sure to get her biracial kids in the frame for sympathy, and not a peep from divesters. Yet BM get slandered as abandoning their kids while the CDC says we’re the most involved parents. She deserves whatever happens to her. Divesting gone wrong!

    2. Money Cultural,

      These black women still don’t want to read and accept the writing on the wall that white men as a collective see them as disposable and expendable commodities/goods. Additionally, as per usual notice who initiated the divorce, of course the female, smh.

      There is definitely more to the story that she’s letting on, threw her out of the apartment and went AWOL. I wonder what she did to drive him to such extreme actions.

      As commenter Schadenfreude pointed out, where are the divesters on this case, why aren’t they sending her money?

      Of course they’re no where to be found when another black female is in trouble, however they’ll come out of the woodwork thick and fast when it’s time to slate off black men, smh. No clean up men over here, leave the swirlers to crash and burn out in their own failures. #SYSBM™


    I guess they’ll just let anybody speak at the RNC if they say the “correct” things, even if the person doesn’t have a track record of conservatism or anything wholesome; Amber Rose is the founding mother of Slut Walk, has an OnlyFans account, and is open with her 10 year old son about what she does online (wouldn’t that make her a groomer in their eyes?). This is why I can’t take politics seriously now.

    1. Matt Walsh says the same as you and he’s getting cooked. If the RNC is gonna be as woke as the left, then what’s the point? The main reason a lot of liberals are jumping the fence is because of leftist groupies like Amber Rose. Just last week she was trying to normalize nasty trash slut feminist behavior, now she’s addressing conservatives with a tattoo on her forehead, you can’t make this sh*t up.

      Leave the west, brother it’s cooked.

  7. I take it you guys have heard about what happened to Donald Trump recently?

    1. You mean the assassination attempt? Yes, I have heard about it, and I am just going to sit back and watch how this one plays out; some might even speculate that the whole thing was staged.

      1. It seems that whoever wants him dead is simply elevating him to near mythic proportions.

        They want DJT dead for a damn good reason.

        (Yes, I strongly suspect that this was an inside job/false flag.)

        With that said, while I support DJT, I don’t think that, as Aberforth Dumbledore put it, “the sun shines out of his every orifice”.

    1. Verbs2015,

      There was a real experiment of a black man who dressed and talked normal but got rudely rejected, then later dressed like a Pookie and was real rude and ignorant and got way more success.

  8. So the lovely Suereyya has recently gone viral and had the queans coming at her head for speaking the truth lol:

    It’s so funny how one of the comments she quoted was a harridan stating everyone is “obsessed” with them lol. The whole point is that they are just not competition.

    Unlike black men who have white men and every other man scared and running around like headless chickens whenever we come around (and even when we’re nowhere in sight) and have to constantly dick watch and spew negative propaganda about us 24/7 in the hopes of putting other women off us, other women simply aren’t worried about bdubs, that’s a fact.

    The only thing with Suereyya is that she’s too nice in doing the whole “ALL western women” thing to soften the blow. While American and western women as a whole are generally trash, black harridans need to be singled out in this conversation. When people talk shit about black men, their venom is specifically aimed at us and doesn’t include “all” men. Black women have no problem being racist towards other women for no reason, so they should get the heat in return without anyone else being included.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Yep, I watched that video in the link you posted above yesterday because so many people are covering what she said in the particular clip that’s gone viral. She’s not lying though, over here we’ve been stating for years that black women cannot compete with non black females on any level, hence why most of the time these black sirens will instead engage in the witchcraft and sorcery of shaming, guilt tripping and insults in order to keep black men locked on the plantation.

      As for the ALL Western/Modern women statement, I think she said that because she’s trying to pump the brakes a little to ease the heat because she knows how evil, vindictive and vicious these black harriets can be. I believe she has some kind of consultation business and probably uses social media to get the word out about it.

      Next thing you know her YouTube channel has been taken down and her Instagram page has been removed. I agree with you though, black women need to be held to account separately for their shortcomings.

      This is what I do here at Slaying Evil and will continue to do because I see that calling out black women specifically for their wrongdoings is seriously lacking especially amongst black men.

      Whenever folks go up against the modern day black female, they need to learn to stand on their square, hold the line, stand their ground and remain steadfast in their critiques of her. This storm will blow over in a week or two and these angry and bitter black harpies will move on and be complaining about something else.

      I here you on the negative propaganda Captain Snowy is constantly putting out about us in his efforts to dissuade non black females from dealing with us, ignorant women who are too stupid to see through General Blizzard’s lies and propaganda simply need to be given an extremely wide berth as they clearly demonstrate themselves to be nothing but mindless NPCs/bots who cannot think and reason for themselves and who are so easily lead astray.

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