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They Continue To Tell On Themselves – Passports Up!

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First and foremost, don’t even pay any attention to what El Simpo dating roach Jake Maddock in the last video is saying. As I’ve stated before, chivalry is only reserved for TRADITIONAL women who’ll actually appreciate being in the man’s presence alone, not what he’s doing for her in terms of a date.

Also, how are you supposed to engage in the maximum amount of conversation in the effort of trying to get to know somebody when you’re both busy stuffing food down your gullets?

Fellas, the bottom line is if the woman actually likes you, a coffee date, a walk in the park or just being in your company will suffice her. It seems to me that all these women above are stuck in the Twilight Zone, they still believe men haven’t clocked onto the fact that many of them only go on dates to get free meals.

Once again, here these women are engaging in professional sideways begging, however instead of trying to shame men into giving them money, like the tramps and vagabonds they are, these females are out here begging for food, smh.

I have to laugh at the black female in video number 5, here she’s talking about NOT hanging around a man who is broke in finances and broken in spirit, yet she’ll be the one expecting the guy to take her out on a dinner date and foot the bill because she needs a meal, NOT him. You cannot make this stuff up.

These modern day women are NOT special, they’re literally nobodies to the men taking them out on first dates which is exactly why they’re NOT entitled to anything expensive or extravagant from the beginning.

The arrogance and the entitlement with the modern day female is off the chain, attempting to dictate to you how you’re to spend your money on her at a first meeting and you don’t know the woman from a can of paint, smh.

Once again, the main reason why these Western females are so delusional and expect a man to splurge endless amounts of cash on them without even knowing the guy properly, is because of the endless supply of blue pilled simps who are desperately trying to impress them in the hopes they can finally land themselves some ran through, used up, rinsed out snatch.

Additionally, always remember that at some point there was a guy these women encountered who didn’t have to jump through any hoops in order to clap their cheeks. He simply rolled in, smashed, threw the wench to the side and went along his merry way.

What part of trying to get to know each other don’t these entitled heifers get? Why would any man with sense and intelligence invest a large amount of money off the rip into a woman he isn’t even sure he’s going to like?

At this point it should also be added that the majority of these women are NOT out here exclusively dating one guy at a time, in many cases they can and most frequently do have a date lined up for each day of the week.

Another important reason to play it safe on the first date is the fact that you have no idea what the woman’s true intentions are. Is she there on a mission of genuinely trying to get to know you or has she simply turned up just so she can stuff her face with free food and take a doggy bag home with her once the date has finished?

I stand ten toes down by a statement I’ve made on this website many times before, I personally believe restaurant dates should only be reserved for when you officially become a couple and NOT before. Dinner dates should NOT be handed out to random floozies who believe a strange man should give them the world from the beginning just because of what sits between their legs, smh.

Let’s not play games over here, it’s 2024, these modern day women are out here engaging in all manner of deceit and trickery when it comes to dating. Therefore it is only smart and sensible that men exercise caution and approach from a defensive standpoint when interacting with them.

Of course being the selfish Jezebels that they are, modern day females NEVER choose to look at anything from the man’s perspective and point of view. The prevailing mentality they’ll always run with is “I’m a woman, therefore as a man you’re supposed to spend money on me”.

Gentlemen, save your money, keep it in your wallet, continue to give these entitled, delusional harridans an extremely wide berth and leave them to collect a thick layer of dust on the top shelf with their “I don’t do coffee dates” philosophy.

The audacity and the entitlement of these women is off the chain, imagine that, they believe they have the right to tell you how you’re going to spend your own money on them when first meeting, really? No wonder so many these delusional females remain single at such a high clip.

Never forget that it’s the woman who is supposed to be demonstrating to you why she’d be an asset to YOUR LIFE, NOT the reverse. Men control access to relationships and marriage, NOT women. Ensure these females are reminded of this every time they attempt to usurp authority and control over your realms:


The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Modern Day Women In Their Current Abysmal And Decrepit State Should Be Grateful For Men To Even Entertain Them On Any Level

Most High Bless

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34 thoughts on “They Continue To Tell On Themselves – Passports Up!

  1. Guys listen, Unfortunately 99% of those modern day secular women are spiritually dead. This is why they care more about the carnality and material possession than your spiritual qualities and attributes.

    most of them are liabilities and bring nothing to the table, they are only extracting financial and spiritual currencies from you.

    I wouldn’t even recommend pumping and dumping them because sexually transmitted demons are an actual thing, and those secular women are full of them along with familiars spirits. This is why they have bad habits, Addictions, Attitudes, as well as STD’s.

    Honestly, my best bet would be to stay celibate, stack your bread until you have enough money/passive income to opt-out from this Gynocentric society, and find someone oversea that value godly men, if you’re one of them.

    1. Unplugged,

      In my opinion that’s the main downfall amongst many with Western women, the fact that most have flushed their moral compass down the toilet and instead have chosen to fully embrace a hedonistic, superficial, materialistic, carnal lifestyle with no regrets.

      These degenerate harriets of the West don’t fear nor believe in God, this is why so many of them have signed up to partake in Satan’s “fun fair”. These women have become a true pestilence, a curse and a burden to those around them, hence why they MUST be abandoned.

      1. Verbs2015,

        Exactly, The Devil is using Women as a bait to control and manipulate men and Drag them into Hell.
        And they’re being rewarded with Multi-Millions in their bank account.

        if you follow those women, they gonna lead you Straight up toward Spiritual Death.

  2. First of all, did the Penfold looking harridan in the first video even notice the dryness of her bottom lip before she uploaded her video?? Because that shit was distracting as hell. Clearly she doesn’t care about presentation like she makes out.

    The fourth chick is just annoying as fcuk. I don’t know what man could put up with that kind of craziness for more than a minute. It’s not cute and it’s a major turnoff when females act like that.

    As for the last guy, this grifter said: Raise attraction, further embrace masculine/feminine energy, make memories and have fun. OK? Who said a coffee date or going for a walk can’t meet that criteria? I’ve done both and women have enjoyed it. Now what? It being “boring” is a matter of opinion.

    Look, it’s all horses for courses as the saying goes. It’s like job interviews. I’ve been on interviews in the past where I’ve been late (through no fault of my own), stuttered more than duh-duh man from New Jack City, failed a technical examination, waffled like hell and STILL got the job because the interviewers liked me and saw the potential and gave me a chance out of all other candidates. Likewise, I’ve also had interviews where I know I smashed it like a pro and ticked all boxes and never even got a rejection email or letter. So how a date turns out depends on how you vibe, period. If you don’t, no “high value” activity is gonna change that. I find it funny how he’s saying the man decides what to do, but then turns around and mocks the choices some men make.

    The fact is these western women just aren’t worth the time or effort anymore and that’s why more men are checking out as they themselves have acknowledged. I posted a link about a guy who walked out on a chick who tried to pull a fast one by bringing her friend. This is where we’re at right now.

    I’m not gonna play games or be told how to spend MY money and time. I can gauge whether a woman will be worth it or not as I know what to look out for. Shaming language from strangers won’t work on me. Telling me what “another man will do” means diddly squat. I already know about these simps. These are the same type of dudes who will date anything with a pulse and end up being played then taken for all they have. Not me. If you’ve never been around in any capacity to help me to where I’m at now, your opinion of me is null and void. Go tell your story walking as Cappadonna would say.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      It’s the audacity and brazen haughty attitude of these broads that grinds my gears. Believing they have a right to tell me how I’m to spend my money on them at the first meeting, you really cannot make this stuff up.

      These women are so stupid, they set themselves up for failure right from the start. They want to be in relationships where they’re handing out the dictates and only want the man to be masculine whenever it benefits them ie the usual suspects of protection and provision.

      These spineless blue pilled simps are the ones who have caused these fefails to become so prideful and arrogant in their approach to dating, these whores are out here begging for everything including the kitchen sink but disguising their desperation under the cover of “demands and requirements”.

      The serious lack of honesty and transparency amongst Western women is is a major component behind the stat that talks about 45%+ of them being single by the year 2030.

      That’s 5 and a half years away yet these heifers are still too stupid to apply some introspection, self examination and self improvement to their lives, smh.

      How dumb do you have to be to believe that you’re perfect, it’s never your fault and you never ever have to look at yourself and hold yourself to account for any bad decisions you make?

      This is what social media teaches women and they wonder why their trajectory towards Crash And Burn Central is speeding up so rapidly.

        1. SYSBM Forever,

          You’re not wrong, the West has become saturated with literal female nut jobs who ought to be sectioned and locked up in mental health asylums. Feminism, social media and dating apps squarely are to blame for the decline in Western women’s mental health.

  3. Verbs 2015.

    For my future dates with women is that if any of them turn down my coffee dates, Starbucks dates or cheap alcohol dates because they want me to wine and dine them on a expensive meal before I get to know them properly or be in a long term relationship I avoid those type of women like the plague because they are going to gold dig me and take my money. I always did cheap first dates in my dating past with the women I was interested in and to be honest they enjoyed it. Like you said Verbs expensive meal dates should only be reserved for your loyal wife or loyal long term girlfriend who have stuck by you throughout the good times and bad times in life. Gold digging women can just fuck off with their stupid crazy unrealistic first dates demands. I thought that these modern day women are strong, independent and that they don’t need a man for anything.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I remember the old days when going to the park or going to get some ice cream with a woman you were dating was a big thing. Everything was so simple, these women were hedonistic and superficial, back then it was the thought that counted, not the amount of money spend nor the particular venue frequented.

      It’s so disappointing how the majority bulk of women in the West have been so easily mislead into a lifestyle of misery and temporary, fleeting pleasures which mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. They’ve completely abandoned what it means to be a woman and have instead chosen to engage in masculine pursuits, engagements that make them extremely unattractive to decent, upstanding men.

      These modern women have turned into professional beggars and fleecers and unfortunately it’s more time men who are their targeted victims. Like I said before, NO RESTAURANTS until you’re established as a couple. A truly traditional woman will roll with whatever plans you have regardless, as far as I’m concerned chicken heads who want to be taken out the restaurants on the first date can suck rocks and eat gravel.

    1. Val Zod,

      You literally have to pinch yourself sometimes just to confirm you’re not going insane. You try to advise these females to be more realistic with their so called “standards: but they refuse to let go of the delusion, it’s that strong and addictive to them, smh.

  4. Coffee Date’ is meant to be 2 things – Induction and Introduction. Meaning getting to know each other.

    When it comes to meeting in person, in the UK the best advice is to meet them at a public place and during the daylight. If it is after work during either Autumn or Winter season because it gets dark early, then I recommend weekend.
    I look at dating scam and catfish in America and they never advice this and they should because people get conned.
    If any women ask or want to change the location, somewhere discreet or private or night time, that is a no go because they had very bad intentions.

    Also Gentlemen, you need to understand as a lot of blue-pillers and people around you who say ‘Not All’ never get it and I come to terms on how the dating works and when you watch these females talking about paying Premiums on 1st time date:

    In the dating world, there are 2 rules:
    One rule for Good Guys and another rule for Bad Guys.

    We all seen this where these moderns females say ‘I don’t do Coffee dates, deal with Broke, Dusty, Bum’ and other names about black men and expect them to pay premiums. Play this ‘celibacy’, sex after marriage and these fake Holy than thou BS.

    This rule only apply to Good productive men.

    However, when they approach the Handsome Bad Boy Thug, those rules does not apply. They are exempt from the rule and they will open their legs within minutes after they meet. Modern females even pay Premium for the Handsome Thug. Yes I say it again, Females pay Premium (paying for dates, meals and take them out) and I mean the females do the paying for the Handsome Thug.

    We all seen this for many years.

    So when you see these videos, you know they change their mind in an instant when the Handsome Thug shows up. You can check their TikTok profile and you see what type of females they are.

    1. MMT,

      These modern day females bring nothing of substance to the table, they cannot present you with anything that is going to be an asset or a net positive in YOUR life.

      This is why they try their hardest to distract aka switch the focus to the man, these women know they’re empty vessels, decaying relics of no value.

      These modern day females don’t want the man to stop for long enough to examine them because they know they’ll come up extremely short of the mark.

      You’re right, as I stated above they always expect the good productive men to jump through 1001 hoops in order to impress them while letting street loiterers, criminals, gangsters, thugs and serial impregnators clap the cheeks free of charge with little to no effort involved.

      These western females are done and the modern day black female especially has cooked herself to a crisp. No more free lunches over here.

  5. Don’t do coffee dates sounds more like an excuse to be pro prostitution. Notice they have no issues with women on OnlyFans nor the sharmoota on the corner looking for Johns. Shows they only care about themselves which can be good but not good in a arrogant way.

    1. Goose,

      These Western women are cooked, all we have to do is sit back with some popcorn and freshly squeezed juice and watch the show unfold. The delusions of grandeur are incredible, these fefails are more than ready to cut their noses off to spite their faces, smh.

  6. Not much to add on this one, gents. We all know these modern hoes are banging Long Cocky George raw on the first date and he ain’t buying shit. Young and even older bros like me have peeped game, the free lunch and even coffee date (which now rivals restaurant prices) is over. Let these frustrated western hoes rant into their phones for our entertainment. The suckers have left the building.

    Passports up, gents, all roads lead to #SYSBM!

    1. Schadenfreude,

      In the last 8-10 the hedonism and superficiality amongst Western women has really shot through the roof. It just goes to show you how stupid the majority of Western women have become.

      All you need to do is place some government sponsored agents on TikTok who’ll continue to stoke the flames of feminism and misandry and said women by the truckloads will voluntarily pied pipe themselves down a road of misery and destruction.

      These women truly live in the land of Delulu, most of them haven’t seen reality in a very long time but don’t worry, reality is soon coming to hit them upside the head with a force they’ll never forget.

      1. Verbs,

        Couldn’t agree more. Trump is a shoo-in now. Project 2025 is on the way, there will be a reckoning. DEI, affirmative action and abortion are the backbones of the western Gynocracy. I can’t wait to burn these strong, independent, loudmouth bishes at the polls, I can taste it.

        1. Unless they steal the election again (and don’t get me wrong; I am pulling for Trump).

  7. SYSBM: Remember the coffee date we first had?
    White sugar honey: Yeah, it was a wet day just like today.
    SYSBM: Let’s go upstairs
    White sugar honey: Come, boo!

    When a man asks a woman if she wants a date a coffee date with him and she says no, then that’s fine because you can ask another woman. When it comes to a coffee date or what date it is, it’s to know the person, see if the man and the woman is compatible, you understand me? The videos of the women who is refusing to a coffee date is just a red flag to be honest. These women want to go somewhere with not cheap. So, this is another gold-digging tactic here they are using.

    Now, I don’t know about coffee date because I have never had one ever in my life. The only thing about me is KFC because I love KFC. If a woman asks me she wants to go KFC, then yeah, I’m in because that’s the only place I know when I wanna eat. You know, when I see these women saying that they don’t wanna coffee date, nothing surprises me at all especially when it comes to the Cheesecake Factory woman and the Cheesecake factory is not cheap.

    Jake Maddock. Right when I heard high value coming out of his mouth, it’s like here we go again with this shit. some of these high value men look like shit. and most of all, they are a big target for gold diggers who will raid out his pockets.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggles daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      The fumes of the modern day female’s delusion are fast running out, reality is coming to hit them with a force so hard, they’ll never forget it. I’ll be sitting on the sidelines with some popcorn and freshly squeezed juice watching the saga unfold.

  8. *sigh* Here we go again…

    Let me address the first girl; I saw her video on an Instagram page, and she shouldn’t be fixing her chappy lipped mouth to say anything about coffee dates looking like Myrtle Urkel with glasses frames that look just like the ones worn by Roz from “Monsters, Inc.” I also couldn’t ignore that ominous little green and white flag on her TikTok page; whenever I see that Nigerian flag on a daggle’s page, I assume she’s a Brad worshipper. I won’t even waste time trying to breakdown everything each individual person said, but I must point out again how all of them seems to be speaking from the same script, which tells me that there is a concerted effort to mold the minds of TikTok users to believe what these women and dating roaches say regarding relationship matters; another thing is this use of New Age language like “masculine/feminine energy”, which underscores what General Tito said about crypto Luciferianism being practiced today.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Black male YouTuber Chisha Zed has stated many times before that African women who end up coming to the West typically turn out to be the staunchest feminists and I believe he’s right.

      Nigerian women are already an extremely bad breed, they become feminist mutants on steroids once they reach Western shores.

      Once again Western women prove just how dumb and stupid they are by following bad advice without even questioning it or the people behind who are pushing said advice forward, smh.

      The serious lack of self awareness amongst Western women today is beyond fathomable, how they can’t see that they’re being marched off a steep cliff by government sponsored agents is astonishing.

      1. “The serious lack of self awareness amongst Western women today is beyond fathomable, how they can’t see that they’re being marched off a steep cliff by government sponsored agents is astonishing.”

        They don’t care as long as they think they’re getting one over on “The Patriarchy.”

        Project 2025 is the solution.

      2. Verbs wrote:
        “Black male YouTuber Chisha Zed has stated many times before that African women who end up coming to the West typically turn out to be the staunchest feminists and I believe he’s right.

        Nigerian women are already an extremely bad breed, they become feminist mutants on steroids once they reach Western shores.”

        African females bring their colourism to America and blaming American black men because they try this crap in the UK and that is not working.
        I also seen this when I was a kid when these Nigerian types are Anti-Black men.
        They are truly the Gremlin Feminist when they become westernised. They even turn your culture against you because the females listen to foreign black females.

  9. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ nothing else to add other than these hoes are delusional. You are NOT worth an expensive dinner date as a first date just because. You want a traditional man, try being a traditional woman first. Fuck outta here.

    Coffee dates or something fun like Dave and Busters is the way to go. It breaks up the monotony and there’s always alcohol if she’s annoying you that much 🤷🏾‍♂️.

    These broads are lost and are making no effort to be found, only digging their own collective graves and will be alone, childless with five cats crying how there are no good men. While getting their backs blown out by a dude who can’t read above a fifth grade level.

    We checked out of your stupidity a long time ago and are going where we are loved and appreciated. Enjoy yelling at each other in your echo chamber of ignorance, because we won’t even watch y’all for entertainment sooner rather than later.

    1. F Da Communitah,

      Unfortunately there are large swaths of women who deceive themselves into believing there is comradeship in the sisterhood, however nothing could be further from the truth.

      These younger women are so easily tricked into believing that older women are looking out for them when the older females want the younger to derail because both are competing for the same men.

      Older women want to spoil and tarnish the youngsters so that they can turn to the men their age and say, “see, these younger women aren’t any good either, therefore you might as well pick one of us old hags”.

      Unfortunately in the West the scheme is working, however men who know they have options outside of Western society aren’t settling for these run down, used up and rinsed out contaminated elder females.

      There are still younger women abroad(in traditional countries) who haven’t been sucked in by the feminist propaganda machine, these are the females men need to go for.

  10. I don’t see nothing wrong in going to Starbucks for a first date.

    I don’t see nothing wrong to walk in the park with a future white dutch afrikaner girlfriend.

    Restaurant dates is only when we are a couple.

    I won’t be shocked if this dating coach gets taken to the cleaners by his wife as a blue pilled simp.

    All of these videos have shown me why I will never date a woman if English is her first language.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      These women seem to forget that back in the day they used to date for the sole purpose of finding a man who they would eventually marry and start a family with.

      Now times have changed, most of these females of the West have turned into hedonistic, materialistic, carnal, superficial Jezebels who only want to extract money and resources from men.

      At the same time they want us to turn a blind eye to their New Age schemes of trickery and deceit and treat them as we did in the old times. Nope, sorry, that’s not going to happen. The only females who are entitled to traditional treatment are TRADITIONAL WOMEN.

    2. A married man has no business trying to play “dating coach”, he’s not even in the game anymore! The red pill has served its purpose, only grifters and Agent Smiths are left.

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