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My Masculinity And Manhood Are NOT Up For Sale! #SHORTS

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This has to be one of the biggest feminist psychological warfare operations in getting men to voluntarily emasculate themselves for a cause that is practically non existent in Western countries.

Come on man, let’s get real here, what men in the West are going around raping women when women themselves are voluntarily busting it open far and wide, engaging in slut walks where they’re brazenly declaring themselves to be sexually liberated and free to do as they please?

This is the current state of the West, shame on those male police officers who chose to take part in this emasculating Tom Foolery believing that they were “real men” for doing so, however nothing could be further from the truth.

How as a man do you mentally even bring yourself to such a position where you’ll voluntarily put on women’s shoes and walk down the street in public making a slap fool of yourself?

I remember on my old website I covered this event and my opinion of it hasn’t changed. It’s so sad to see how soft so many men have become, why would I want to walk in a woman’s shoes when I’m not a woman?

Additionally, how does putting on high heels and walking down the street help men to relate to women being sexually assaulted and raped? Is anybody else seeing the illogical madness here? Answers on a postcard please.

The US Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves if they could see exactly what so many men have turned themselves into.

Nobody forced any of these men to put on women’s shoes and parade themselves in public like premium grade court jesters and circus clowns, they did it on their own volition. Not one of them thought that what they were doing was wrong on so many fronts, smh.

Gentlemen, the West is done, if you can manoeuvre your way out of this hellhole, DO IT. Be sure to choose a country where you’re not forced to tolerate the Alphabet Crew and their dodgy agenda against children as well as not having to subject yourself to watching grown men prance down the streets in high heels.

It’s bad enough that traditional masculinity and classic manhood are already under heavy attack, to have men voluntarily emasculating themselves is completely unnecessary and doesn’t help those men who wish to retain their integrity.

My masculinity and manhood are NOT up for sale and they NEVER will be, you’ll never see me voluntarily partake in any practice where any form of emasculation is involved, NEVER.

As far as I’m concerned, any men who choose to put on women’s shoes or women’s clothes must always be looked upon as sexually suspect and mentally unstable, what a disgrace. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Don’t Be Like These Knuckleheads Above, Always Protect Both Your Masculinity And Manhood At all Costs

Most High Bless

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6 thoughts on “My Masculinity And Manhood Are NOT Up For Sale! #SHORTS

  1. Out of all western nations, the anglo saxon nations are the worst so far.

    America has had a global influence of emasculating men from liberal feminism for decades.

    I won’t be shocked if anyone in UK sees men wearing heels as a trend too.

    British culture tends to copy American culture in many ways in general.

    I’m never returning to the UK ever again, not even to visit relatives and not attending funerals.

    I don’t care if they hate me for not stepping foot on UK soil.

    I would rather be hated by blackistian families for not showing up to special events and xmas.

    I would rather be loved by my future white dutch/afrikaner girlfriend than black families.

    My nephews would probably become blackistian males when they get older 9 times out of 10.

    The fact that labour won says it all, that tells me everything to stay away from for good.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf wrote:
      “I won’t be shocked if anyone in UK sees men wearing heels as a trend too.”

      I remember 7 years ago in England that the school promote boy wearing skirt

      As for heels in the UK. Since Labour is back running the government, it will be a matter of time that men will sacrifice their masculinity for wearing heels.

      If the black men refuse to wear heels, they will hire foreign Black Men to wear heels.

  2. SYSBM: Did you know I saw men wearing high heels today?
    White sugar honey: No shit!
    SYSBM: Yeah. And they struggle to walk!
    White sugar honey: My God!

    Seeing all of the men wearing gyal shoes and it’s the high heels as well. Why are men are putting themselves in this position? And also, there are black men are there wearing women’s high heels as well. When I saw the picture of the men wearing the red high heels, I yelled out the Lord’s name loud!

    You see these types of men? Not only they want it up their bunda but they get cucked by their wives or girlfriends. First, we have that sagging pants and now this. Men wearing high heels and shit. My head is killing me right now after what I just saw.

    Do you see SYSBM do this shit? No! Do you see the passport brothers doing this? Never! All you see is these beta males walking down the streets wearing gyal shoes. I know that my grandmother has some of that wretched ways but if she ever saw that, she will go berserk. And I’m going berserk right now.

    I’ve seen ratchetness especially with some of my family members, beta males, simps, racist homo and so on. But this one here takes the cake! I really don’t know if I can go out and rave tonight because I might see a man wearing high heels on the road. And worse off, the high heels they were wearing? They are red and that’s my favourite colour. Lord help us!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  3. Yep, you called it correctly; this is a form of psychological warfare. If feminists wanted men to understand the “struggles” of modern women, why not provide data and statistics to back what they’re saying? Newsflash: THEY DON’T HAVE ANY! I can recall seeing red pill men document online how feminists would perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to make all men out to be rapists, abusers, and pedophiles, how they would fabricate stories of little boys attacking girls (toxic masculinity), and how they would attack the few women who pushed back against the lies with facts; another thing they used to say was that feminism was for both men and women (their way of backpedaling on the toxic misandry spewed by those within their ranks).

    As you stated, how is a bunch of grown men walking around in high heels helping the issue? Here’s the thing: it’s not meant to help; symbols rule the world, and this feminist campaign is symbolic of their efforts to emasculate the Western man. Did you see how well those guys were walking in those heels without their feet and ankles bending at a 90° angle? The same cannot be said about some runway models! Every last one of the men seen walking in heels is an emasculated simp; men are supposed to be rational, but here we see what feminist has wrought: a society of weak males who will bow to the feminist machine without asking questions. Don’t be like these guys! #SYSBM

  4. Western females are obsessed with emasculating men if not buck-breaking us completely. Shame on these blue-pill cucks (not men) who bent the knee to this sh*t.

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